Derisive sniffing undermines the whole fabric of civilization. I’m pretty sure it caused the fall of the Roman Empire, the Great Depression and the sinking of the Titanic.
Derision not being her first choice in an approach to things, but being the only thing that really suited her. It was quite limiting, so she normally played it to the hilt.
Speaking of derision…Being lame, I only just discovered the reconstituted Frog Blog, and in perusing the archives, have seen several mentions made of an infamous, derisive, and misogynistic commenter. On the 10/24/20 page, Ms. T says “write to me and I’ll tell you this person’s name.” BUT – no mention of where I should send my plea! Help? I’m dying of curiosity over here.
5 letter Words made out of comics1). cisco 2). comic 3). osmic
What is the difference between beginner frog and advanced frog?
The Advanced Frog variation, with its straight elbows and high knee placement, is more challenging than the Beginner Frog position. The Frog Stand exercises are perfect for training these patterns. The planche – that killer move which seems to defy gravity – requires an incredible amount of front-loaded shoulder stability.
Yeah, I know the type. “Comics snobs,” who consider mere cartoon strips to be infra dig.
Frog Applause is especially disdained because said snobs are afraid of it. It is too cerebral for their tightly closed little minds, and it does not follow their preferred safe path.
Frog Applause in particular requires a Froglandian sensibility, a willingness to free-associate, and a bad habit of paronomasia….
Frog Blog: The Happy Hoo-Ha, for your Panty Hamster, is a probiotic product that is meant to balance your pH and maintain health in the Netherlands, so they don’t go all Hamlet, like the neighboring states. There are also a number of utensils for maintaining world order in the Hague. Available at Wal*Mart!
On your way, odiferous cuss! Run ‘round the square, stay off the bus. Procure an exhaust fan to hang from your truss. Cease! Nevermore! No sliders, no flatus!
painedsmile over 2 years ago
Big nostrils. Big sniff.
Superfrog over 2 years ago
Derisive sniffing undermines the whole fabric of civilization. I’m pretty sure it caused the fall of the Roman Empire, the Great Depression and the sinking of the Titanic.
*Hot Rod* over 2 years ago
Is this site some strip joint? Namely Burlesque, Fly, or Sandpaper?
*Hot Rod* over 2 years ago
Bob Seager sang a song of Frog APPLAUSE, aaaas comic strip of fools?
The Old Wolf over 2 years ago
She must be one of those Aes Sedai people. They sniff derisively at everything.
3hourtour Premium Member over 2 years ago
…just wrote the funniest thing that I ever composed for comment…
…laced with not turning your nose up on Frog Applause…
…the Jovan Musk of comic strips…
…though- I said- it is okay to turn your nose up on comic Kris Katan…
…pheromones …
…I said something about pheromone…
…that Frog Applause had them and smelled fragrant like the old Sunday morning comics page…
…there was Aunty Em…
…Elongated shadows and a half naked Catwoman…
…and then I lost it…
…it disappeared in the ethernet…
…now I know how Hemingway felt when he lost his novel…
…except for the gifted talented part…
…ya can’t lose something you never had…
*Hot Rod* over 2 years ago
Elongated Shadows and a half naked Catwoman.
The Shadow knows the time by way of a sundial, the Catwoman knows naked by way of the button seat in her custom, and Who left the seat up.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 2 years ago
Derision not being her first choice in an approach to things, but being the only thing that really suited her. It was quite limiting, so she normally played it to the hilt.
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member over 2 years ago
Marilyn Monroe inspired Beautiful Swimmers
Frog Applause™ inspires … Derisiful Sniffers?
coltish1 over 2 years ago
I’d check my Kapha balance, if I were her. And if I new how.
Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Every day I read Frog Applause I am so glad we were able to save it from the purge.
rastapopilos over 2 years ago
Why sniff derisively, when you can pull out the much more powerful derisive “pfft”.
Plods with ...™ over 2 years ago
“SHE” has no taste. IMO
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
Pfft doesn’t compare to the swift intake snort of the giant snozz
coltish1 over 2 years ago
That cool Phantom of the Opera mask is nothing to sniff at.
Howard'sMyHero over 2 years ago
Harumph … derisively isn’t even in the top 25 of the most common adverbs (source: … sniff …!
painedsmile over 2 years ago
When I was a little kid I sniffed a tan (replaced by blue) M&M up my nose.
flyingflowerpot over 2 years ago
I’m not sure how sniffing derisively sounds. We need some audio for today’s strip.
6turtle9 over 2 years ago
That’s the nice thing about the derisive, they weed themselves out; not to mention they are great fodder.
Hello fodder, hello mudder
Here I am at camp Lame-Nutter
Camp is very entertaining
So much plumage, I hope it keeps raining!
danshen over 2 years ago
9 Mar 2022—Zits, WuMo: bellies
willie_mctell over 2 years ago
Sounds like an endorsement to me.
Amanda El-Dweek creator over 2 years ago
It’s just allergies, don’t take umbrage. Haha!
songbird44 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Speaking of derision…Being lame, I only just discovered the reconstituted Frog Blog, and in perusing the archives, have seen several mentions made of an infamous, derisive, and misogynistic commenter. On the 10/24/20 page, Ms. T says “write to me and I’ll tell you this person’s name.” BUT – no mention of where I should send my plea! Help? I’m dying of curiosity over here.
Radish... over 2 years ago
This must be that word game Frogle.
5 letter Words made out of comics1). cisco 2). comic 3). osmic
What is the difference between beginner frog and advanced frog?
The Advanced Frog variation, with its straight elbows and high knee placement, is more challenging than the Beginner Frog position. The Frog Stand exercises are perfect for training these patterns. The planche – that killer move which seems to defy gravity – requires an incredible amount of front-loaded shoulder stability.
Sisyphos over 2 years ago
Yeah, I know the type. “Comics snobs,” who consider mere cartoon strips to be infra dig.
Frog Applause is especially disdained because said snobs are afraid of it. It is too cerebral for their tightly closed little minds, and it does not follow their preferred safe path.
Frog Applause in particular requires a Froglandian sensibility, a willingness to free-associate, and a bad habit of paronomasia….
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 2 years ago
Frog Blog: The Happy Hoo-Ha, for your Panty Hamster, is a probiotic product that is meant to balance your pH and maintain health in the Netherlands, so they don’t go all Hamlet, like the neighboring states. There are also a number of utensils for maintaining world order in the Hague. Available at Wal*Mart!
*Hot Rod* over 2 years ago
Sniff, Sniff, Snort, Snort.
Alabama Slammer.
San Antone, All alone.
Whiskey for me, Jack Cocaine, all the same lame.
3hourtour Premium Member over 2 years ago
…I do no want to be buried in a reef…
…but I am afraid of being embalmed with formaldehyde…
…who wants to be poisoned in death?…
…I want to be set under a tree deep in the 100 acre woods…
…dissolved back into the universe…
…(chomped, chewed, devoured)…
…(excreted, vomited, splattered)…
…the worst thing I can think about is being a bane on the system…
…[heck, I’m doing that now]…
….better a single drop in an endless ocean than a dump in a septic tank any day…
…though there is probably more dumps at the bottom of an endless ocean than in million, brazilian septic tanks…
Howard'sMyHero over 2 years ago
Da Blog: Reef balls advertisement: Buy the pair you’ve always wanted … for eternity …!
Ninette over 2 years ago
On your way, odiferous cuss! Run ‘round the square, stay off the bus. Procure an exhaust fan to hang from your truss. Cease! Nevermore! No sliders, no flatus!
*Hot Rod* over 2 years ago
Snort a Brandy thru a Snifter cocktail glass. Burn
Sisyphos over 2 years ago
Day 2. Still sniffing derisively? Are you sure it’s not Covid?