Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 10, 2015
Quill: "Oh, man. Remember how much trouble I had getting the paper mache off your face? Sorry it came out so mangled" Luann: "Read what Zebo wrote" Quill: "Potent us of destruction vis-a-vis intent" Quill: "'s a masterpiece?" Luann: "That's the beauty of art-no one knows!"
JayBluE over 9 years ago
So, the definition of “art” is… “The jury’s still out”? – Boy, Quill’s got good eyes! All I can see of Zebo’s writing is: “///- /-\ \\//_ , wwwwww-l/-…. W=\/WWWWwww w/\/\w!”
Lilikoi70 over 9 years ago
Ha Ha Ha
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
JayBluE over 9 years ago
In a “distantly related” way, her mask reminds me of this Colplay album cover….
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 9 years ago
“Could this piece be saying something about Lu and Qu’s relationship? Something ominous and foreboding coming down the pike for them?”.Our favorite comic critic will soon let us know what we should think.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“An Optical Allusion "“Vis-à-vis, Mon Amis”“An Ounce Of Perception, A Pound Of Obscure” (♪)“Head Games”“A Loco Motive”“Is You Is, Or Is You Ain’t….” (♫)“Organized Chaos….Theory…”“Get Outta My Face!”“Perception, Perspective, Point Of View”“To Each, His Own”“One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Junky Garage”“One Man’s Ceiling Is Another Man’s List Of Complaints” (♪)“Two Face Was Here”or“Why Your Mother Told You Not To Stand Too Close To The Television”
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 9 years ago
Mistakes mistaken for intention and artistry..Must open mind to hidden meanings.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 9 years ago
Methinks thou art prescient.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 9 years ago
“Never Use A Lawnmower To Remove Facial Hair”.Like I’m gonna try THAT again!(No matter HOW effective.~
JayBluE over 9 years ago
LOL! – Or, “Excedrin #1, The Big Pills…In Blue Mâche”
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Never Use A Lawnmower To Remove Facial Hair”^Even better!!!!
Argythree over 9 years ago
I don’t think we need Dez’s help to figure out that the relationship doesn’t have much of a future. Which is ok by me, honestly. I keep hoping Luann will meet some new folks at school, like a new best friend to replace sarcastic Bernice, and a new guy who understands the need to balance career and family…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Donkey shins! (translated: thank you)”^LOL!! Good thing I speak “Germane”!
Argythree over 9 years ago
But Bernice will have a sneezing fit, and blow all the smoke away…
Argythree over 9 years ago
Anyway, I kind of like the idea of a work of art that can change expressions, depending on who is near it or what the future holds for that person. I need a plot for a short story for my writer’s group meeting in July. Maybe I’ll use that one! Thanks!!
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Okay Two Questions:
1) Why does THAT paper mache Head Have Vulcan Ears in Panel #2?
2) Are the Fire Exits Clearly Marked in that Room? I’m getting the feeling that the “Art” is Beginning to PUSH Some Attendees to Their Breaking Points….,
wiselad over 9 years ago
some people go “is by who is near…………..” instead of stating the logical “front view vs side view”, and BTW, yesterday Q was closer to it and was shown to us front view and was smiling
ct0760 over 9 years ago
zebo is a crock, I mean why else would he be teaching art at a COMMUNITY college?
doverdan over 9 years ago
I liked her HS art better.
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Errr…At least this week is better than last week.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
I think the $7 price tag says "not a masterpiece’; but, then, the price is set by the artist, Luann DeGroot, and she can be pretty self-deprecating—as here.
luckylouie over 9 years ago
I am an amateur artist (oils and pastels) and my rule is to never say “I made a mistake”. Always say “I meant to do it that way”.
cdward over 9 years ago
If you like the way it looks, it’s art.
dre7861 over 9 years ago
“Ah Ha, at last I can expose Col Zebo for the pompous charlatan he is. He is clearly critiquing this art work using Pre-Bovine Coprophagia analysis for what is clearly an artwork grounded in the rich tradition Post-Bovine Coprophagia. It clearly shows the artist as they struggle against post-modernism angst as seen through the filter Freudian-Uruguayan-Klysterian-Utopian-Pissarrian lens with a hint of oak-flavoring.”
derdave969 over 9 years ago
Wow, seems to me a lot of folks here are learning from Zebo!
rangerlg over 9 years ago
Are they actually charging $7 for that?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
Actually, the paper mache’ wouldn’t be the mask at all since is a negative MOLD.You either create a mask or sculpture using that mold and different materials, or you work the the paper mache’ into it’s own mask, but it would never look like Luann because that impression is on the INSIDE.
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
If it makes people think, it’s art.*.If it’s a new way of looking at things, it’s art.*If it’s pleasant to look at and someone is willing to pay money for it now, or in the future, it’s decoration.
james28602 over 9 years ago
anyone note that in addition to the fact that yesterday was a smile, yesterday’s smile is valued at $75 and today’s face is valued at $7
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
Sheriff Mordecai does good work, doesn’t he?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
Absent special instructions to “paint” the strip a certain way, adding in “blotches” to illustrate Luann’s lack of ability might be seen as unauthorized editorializing on the part of the colorist.Why it couldn’t be bright blue, or a tiger stripes pattern, instead of “skin tone” I can’t say.
Tom Eisenmenger over 9 years ago
Apparently, that fine work of art could be yours for $7!!
JimT8 over 9 years ago
Only seven dollars, folks! An early Luann De Groot! An investment of incalculable value! Get it now!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago
No Quill, what they call art today is mostly gallery sponsored crap. The last true ‘masterpieces’ were prior to Abstract Expressionism.
Contessa Carrington over 9 years ago
The instructor seems to be mentally deficient at least in the area of art.
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 9 years ago
Please stop insulting my work. I’m near uncontrollable tears and reassessing my total worth. It’s very little. I live near Niagara Falls. Perhaps…
reedkomicks Premium Member over 9 years ago
Sorry to change the subject, but in the first panel, I first thought, Quill had his left hand on Luann’s posterior. With a second look, I see it’s his hand in his pocket.No break up coming. Just look at the body language.
doverdan over 9 years ago
I was right yesterday, it was of Luann. .Interestingly, the facial expression on the piece changes depending on who is standing near it. In panels 1 and 3, Luann is standing near it and it is smiling. In panel 2, Quilly is standing closest to it and the smile disappears. .Could this piece be saying something about Lu and Qu’s relationship? Something ominous and foreboding coming down the pike for them? . . . "-—————————
Congratulations. You got it right. .I was wrong. I thought the lump with the straw was the remnant of Luann’s mask ..I’m not so sure about the smile idea. It seems too subtle to me. We shall see..
On the relationship, you may well be right again. The NY trip may bring new conflict over Quill’s priorities.
doverdan over 9 years ago
I keep hoping Luann will meet some new folks at school, like a new best friend to replace sarcastic Bernice, and a new guy who understands the need to balance career and family… . . . "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Since Sun got kicked out of Mooney U. for looking funny, maybe she can turn up at the CC and be a friend to Luann.;. . . ’-—————————Poor Sun may be forced to go off to Peru and get a “Caucasian” face lift.
Gerry Lee over 9 years ago
I enjoyed this strip a lot. It lets us flashback with Quill and Luann to an earlier episode, strengthening our bond with the characters, and builds on that experience. I think it’s good writing!
sperry532 over 9 years ago
As Marshall McCluhan once said, “Art is anything you can get away with.”
Pointspread over 9 years ago
Actually Bird if the smoke is white it means we have a new pope.
Airman over 9 years ago
Community college rate about $75 per credit hour? Another one of those useless courses that might get you a job at Starbucks. Perhaps being well rounded gives you a little maturity and respect in an office full of mindless techies obsessed with I-phones, I-pads, laptops, and computer games.
Tandembuzz over 9 years ago
All the other artworks for sale have prices of TENS of dollars. Why is Luann’s “masterpiece” only selling for $7?
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
“Another one of those useless courses "*Airman – we’ve been through this a year or so ago. From my h.s. class, those of us who went to 4-year schools + became managers and such.On the other hand, one of the community college grads became a pioneer in a multi-billion dollar business and another one an Oscar.
doverdan over 9 years ago
@Tandembuzzsaid, All the other artworks for sale have prices of TENS of dollars. Why is Luann’s “masterpiece” only selling for $7?-———————-Luann is modest, but she hopes she can get $7 to pay for dry-cleaning her bedspread. .She should have invited Elwood and put a $700 price on it.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 9 years ago
So true.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 9 years ago
“I have this piece of “art” very near our dining table.”…Yep, that objet d’art: should do the trick
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“if Quill doesn’t buy it, he’s going to be in hot water!”^Especially after the trouble of trying to make it…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
There’s a saying- “Point a finger at me…. and three will point back at thee…” (usually the three digits that aren’t the index finger and thumb)…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Or maybe “About Three Quarters Of The Way”…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
The “chicken scratch” that I typed was a joke, BTW. And also a slight reference to "Woodstock"s writing, from Peanuts…
Argythree over 9 years ago
-I have this piece of “art” very near our dining table
Obviously, this meets activist’s definition of art, because it makes you think…
Ericacook over 9 years ago
sometimes the best part of art comes from the mistakes you make. One of my favorite characters came from a typo I decided to keep.
Naldrin about 1 year ago
If I was Luann I’d feel insulted that my art work is only worth 7$