Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 05, 2015
Bernice: ....then hair tweeted about a party! How do I stop this? Dez: Hey, c'mere, hon. You need some hug therapy. Tiffany: What's this, Bernice?! You tell me all about dorm "policy" then go behind my back and plan a party!? Bernice: no, it was hair who- Man: hey, can I crash here? I'll help with your party
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Oh no, that guy again. He’s ba-ack! (What was his name again?)
JayBluE over 9 years ago
This…is the stuff that sitcoms were once made of…. – And on top of all of this, Bernice forgot her dishes downstairs, in the dryer….
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Just One Of Those Days” (♫)“Never Say Never…Unless You Already Said It”“Murphy’s Law, Abridged”“Over My Head And Under My Skin”“Could It Get Any Worse?”“17 Problem Pile Up In The Living Room”“Everybody In The Water”“Another Reason To Sleep In”“This Is What Happens When You Get Out Of Bed”“Grab Trouble By The Horns”“99 Schwerenballons” (♫)“Hindenburgers, Anyone?”“The Moony Blues (♪)”“Plights In White Satin” (♫)“In Your Wildest Schemes” (♫)or“It’s Your Party, And I’m Cryin’ Cos I Don’t Want To” (♫)
SF1972 over 9 years ago
How do you stop this, Bernice? Tweet that the party’s off. DUH!
She’s 19. She should know about the Twitter.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Since last year’s attempt to introduce these characters apparently fell flat (they haven’t been seen since October), will something different be tried with them this time, or will it be an annual event that they appear in the strip for a month and then go away again?
Kymberleigh over 9 years ago
I just figured out why Bernice didn’t visit Viper’s room during her rounds …
Kymberleigh over 9 years ago
Kymberleigh over 9 years ago
Or however you make strips appear in comments.
rusty gate over 9 years ago
Meanwhile, Brad and Toni’s engagement stays on the back burner.
Airman over 9 years ago
Tiff’s radar just kicked in. Amid all this madness, some things don’t change. He’s a loser, Tiff, go after the rich ones, they appreciate attractive girls, too.
Airman over 9 years ago
Brdshtt, that was terrible. Picturesque, graphic, disgusting, funny, but terrible. I liked it.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Why would Piro bring a sleeping bag to crash on Bern’s floor? What’s keeping him out of his own room?
luann1212 over 9 years ago
Bernice took a bite of that brownie eh? She already looks a little at the beginning level “high” although it does not hit that fast. I did read that today’s pot is much stronger than back in the day. Anyway, Tiffany is mad because of the supposed hypocrisy of Bernice, trying to be a good RA, but all is put on hold when this other guy shows up (whiter Gunther)? It looks like a party will ensue in spite of Bernice’s best efforts. Will this arc resume on Monday? College is sooo different than high school.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
History repeats itself. Is Piro perhaps a drop-out just dropping-in for the party?
Gerry Lee over 9 years ago
I liked Tiffany’s expression in the last panel, she calmed down and accepted Bernice’s explanation without a tantrum. It sounds like she was going to give way to Bernice’s ‘no party’ policy too since she initially felt betrayed. Tiffnice and Berfanny are such good friends:)
wiselad over 9 years ago
Bern is a nervous eater, eats whatever is available, and that was the brownie(otherwise she would have gone for the pencil or piece of paper or her own nails
charne over 9 years ago
Here is it sophomore year and Tiffany is still in college. How did she make it this far?
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Ah, So Now the “Drunk Dorm Crasher” Shows Up.GLAD to See You’ve Got EVERYTHING “Under Control” R.A. Bernice Halper.
SO YOU Wanted to One Day be a “School Counselor” Eh?
Well You’re Off to a Bang Up Start With THIS Mob, Bernie.
Meanwhile, Somewhere on a Quiet Sandy Beach, Miz Phelps is Sipping a Pina Colada. And LAUGHING Her Butt OFF……,
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 9 years ago
@jpuzzlewhiz – you can spend a lot of time chasing trollers at Comics Kingdom, but its like being a cat chasing a laser pointer. Good luck. It appears that their “Keep it civil” request is about as effective as a “No shooting allowed” sign in Chicago."
dlkrueger33 over 9 years ago
When will Bernice get a boyfriend? She’s my favorite character.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Wait til that brownie kicks in!
victoria2 over 9 years ago
When did freshmen or sophomores get to be RAs? Housing office blundered here.
3pibgorn9 over 9 years ago
Maybe Greg never lived in a dorm.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Moony Uni may be kind of an “anything goes” sort of school. Gunther’s and Dez’s skipping whole semesters and experiencing apparently no problem in their academic careers would seem to indicate that the school is not especially rigorous.
del_grande Premium Member over 9 years ago
So, we have a potential group of people expecting a party, and elsewhere, a warehouse that needs a group of people to clean it up…
dre7861 over 9 years ago
Did someone’s ‘Hunk Antennae’ pop out of her head or what!
maverick1usa over 9 years ago
It has been in the 90’s for two days & will be again today/tomorrow & th heat index has been/will be 102+ with the high humidity. Enjoy Memorial Day Weekend & remember those that gave their all for us to be able to comment on Greg’s Luann strip!
krys723 over 9 years ago
I see Piro’s back
junemmoffatt over 9 years ago
“You’re in college, girl,” etc. Sorry, no way! That character must be from the Jazz Age.
Dreamdeer over 9 years ago
@The Airman. Why would Tiffany want a rich man? She’s already seen how disappointing her father is. But if she goes for a poor man, she can always hold the power in her house with her inheritance. That is, if one realy wants to take the cynical route. Tiffany might actually someday fall in love, instead. And maybe she’s on her way.
Argythree over 9 years ago
-I only see his front.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 9 years ago
Did anyone notice Tiffany’s eyes light up at the new guy?
RSH over 9 years ago
Between Dez’s hug and the brownie, Bern will start to feel OK…. I hope.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 9 years ago
Eventually Piro will have to open his eyes. That is if he wants to be seen as a dimensional character.
flowergirl19 over 9 years ago
Perfect, JayBlue, today’s picks are,“Never Say Never…Unless You Already Said It”“Over My Head And Under My Skin”“17 Problem Pile Up In The Living Room”Hahaha! :D This is so weird, every time I tried to use the reply function, I just got an “about:blank” page.
Dreamdeer over 9 years ago
@Airman. Tiffany is already “taken care of” financially by a man who doesn’t show her enough love. If Daddy’s rich enough to throw her fancy sports cars as a consolation for lack of actual affection, she’ll get an inheritance and never need to worry about money.
Piro’s probably not it, but what she really needs is someone who can look past her surface and love the real Tiffany, regardless of her looks or her money. If she’s superficial, it’s because she’s never been given anything but surface in her life, at least until Gunther’s friendship.
“Loser” depends on your definition of winning. The losers who really drain you are the ones who put earning more money than necessary ahead of family. Tiff’s already got one of those; she doesn’t need another.
I’d like to see an eventual romance between her and Gunther, maybe after a year of being friends first, so that it’s a real romance with the real Tiffany, not her facade. He’s the only one she lets past the mask, and he earned his way there.
Dreamdeer over 9 years ago
The fact that the story in folksongs like “Raggle-Taggle Gypsy” and “The Whistling Gypsy Rover” have been sung so many different ways with the same message shows just how much that message resonates: that women care less about money than they do romance. You don’t buy women, you woo them—that’s the only way to keep their hearts.
krys723 over 9 years ago
Good one lol
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
Instructions for pasting Images in the Comments can be found at:.
gromit82 over 9 years ago
Regardless of gender, I think the university might be concerned that Piro is apparently looking to live in the dorm without paying for housing, signing a housing agreement, etc. The fact that Piro is carrying a sleeping bag or blanket around with him makes it look like wherever someone lets him crash, he’s not going to be leaving for days, or even longer.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Maybe he also tries to sleep in guys’ rooms. As other people have noted above, he may be a freeloader who is trying to get out of paying a room contract, or he may even be a dropout from Moony who keeps hanging around the campus. Either way, he should certainly be reported to the school administration. Let’s see, who is the RA in this dorm? Oh yeah…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“I’d hate to think of where she dries her laundry! ;o)”^In the same place…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Bernice’s Turn To Cry”^Y’know, the funny thing is that this week, MeTV ran the two “Catwoman” episodes on Batman where Leslie Gore guested as one of her criminal flunkies….replete with a “sampling” of her “synching/singing” to one of her other hits…(er, besides the two that probably would cost the most to get royalties for)…
JayBluE over 9 years ago
(Kris Bennett:) “I see Piro’s back” – (Senex:) “I only see his front.”^(Jay:) Ha ha ha!!! Well played!!!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Yeah, I caught that, too….
King_Shark over 9 years ago
I don’t want to know what that guy is doing bending over in front of Sun at waist level.
Meowmocha about 4 years ago
She said yesterday that the brownies probably broke a rule, then proceeded to start eating one. Because logic.