Matt Davies for June 05, 2024

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  28 days ago

    The Republican House left the border wide open at the order of felon Trump the anti democracy Putin loving traitor and would be dictator.

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  2. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  28 days ago

    Remember who proposed a plan to close the border? Remember who scuttled that plan? Dems proposed, Repubs shut it down. Republicans shut it down.

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  3. Img 0100a
    Retrac Premium Member 28 days ago

    Biden is doing the exact same thing using Executive Orders as Trump did.

    How did that work out for Trump?

    How will it work out for Biden?

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  4. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  28 days ago

    Obviously what we need is legislation. Good luck on that.

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  5. Straycat 1
    MFRXIM Premium Member 28 days ago

    It’s “please wait “, not STOP

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  6. Missing large
    Just A Guy  28 days ago

    Didn’t we have to listen to people saying for months that President Biden could take executive action to address the border?

    And, now that he has, they attack that? I’m so shocked! s/

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  7. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  28 days ago

    Looks like Biden’s work.

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  8. Missing large
    GreenT267  28 days ago

    Immigration, like many other major national problems, is much more valuable as a political yelling point. When a person not-in-office can tell Congressmen to not vote for a bill [which was very much what they had proposed in the first place] and they do it lock-step, it is obvious we don’t have leaders or even representatives in Congress. we have sheep. There is no concern for the people trying to find a safe life or for the people who are trying to follow the laws. Their only concern is to stay in the good graces of a now convicted felon. Is that what we elect people to do? Is that what they swore to do when they took office? It is really embarrassing.

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  9. Missing large
    think it through  27 days ago

    Republicans have been crying for Biden to use executive orders to close the border for years just like trump did but now after he gives them their wish republicans are saying that’s not enough and need congress to pass a bill to close it even though they refused to pass a bill that both parties had agreed on because trump told them that he needed it open so he could blame Biden for it and trump’s sheep complied. Don’t blame democrats for republicans’ failures.

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  10. Missing large
    tpcox928  27 days ago

    The MAGA GOP congress blocked a border security and immigration bill to help Orange Jesus. The border problem resides with one party only.

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  11. Lifi
    rossevrymn  27 days ago

    Looks like my prep before a hurricane.

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  12. Missing large
    thomasdadisman  27 days ago

    It will stop the influx at the port of entries. All the illegal crossings will go through the roof.

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  13. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 27 days ago

    3 and a half years late…oh yes, election coming up!

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  14. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 27 days ago

    Appears about right. Moron blows a hole in the border miles wide when elected, then does cosmetic patch to try to stay in power.

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  15. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  27 days ago

    In 1990, Castro made an effort to reduce domestic discontent by allowing a large number of refugees to flee Cuba. The U.S. accepted those refugees, and doing so did cause major logistic problems in South Florida. However, even though the size of Miami’s workforce swelled by 7 to 8% in a 6-month period, the sudden influx had almost no impact on wages or unemployment rates (non-Hispanic men w/o high school degrees and between the ages of 25 & 59 did see their wages drop, but that group was comprised of only 17 people). One of U.S. history’s most massive and sudden influxes of immigrants into a single city did not harm workers in that city.

    When numbers of undocumented immigrants go down, it does not increase job opportunities for citizens – much of the work that they would have undertaken is either done by machines (chiefly in the case of agriculture) or simply isn’t done at all – fruit and vegetables are left to rot, domestic work is handled by a home’s residents themselves, small businesses simply do not get established, etc.

    Every time we’ve boosted immigration numbers, our economy has benefited. Most of the greatest advances in human history have taken place when there has been a melding of cultures.

    40% of U.S. counties lost population in 2023, and this is a decrease from 2022, when almost half (48%) of U.S. counties lost population. Granted, most such counties are suffering from rural flight, but many “Rust Belt” cities are in dire need of an influx of population.

    We do have genuine immigration problems. One is that we have not devoted enough resources to properly and systematically handling immigration. Another is that we have devoted significant resources to demonizing immigrants and hunting down undocumented people who have been having zero adverse impact. But as far as the question of quantity, the problem is that we are accepting too few, not that too many are coming in.

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  16. Missing large
    tpcox928  26 days ago

    The only group that has been screaming “Open borders, come on in” has been the MAGA GOP. On TV, on social media, in print, the MAGA group has been telling the world to come to American for the last three years plus.

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