we turned this chore into a thankful time – thankful for the food, money to buy food, job, home, family, etc – makes the job much easier and lighter to bear
My wife likes to cook. I like to eat. It’s a good situation.
We have fights in the kitchen often: usually over water rights. No matter where the sink is, there is always inadequate access for more than one person and usually more than one person has need for it.
So she kicks me out of “her” kitchen while cooking.
I do the after dinner cleanup.
I kick her out of “my” kitchen after dinner. I have my own system of cleaning.
Her favorite pots and pans are the ones you can put in the oven at 400 degrees but are not dishwasher save. One of them is bigger than the sink.
At any rate, I am NOT allowed to load the dishwasher (or the washing machine). She is sexist in this regard and believes that people with Y chromosomes have a genetic deficiency that prevents them from loading them properly.
However, I am expected to pack 1,000 cubic feet of perishables in the refrigerator.
Easier than clothes. Ya just put ‘em in this ’damp hamper’ thing, push start and walk away until you need bowl and spoon. I haven’t tried running the Red Dixie Cups from the last party, so that’s on you.
Imagine over 2 years ago
Maybe because you’re too slow out the door.
sandpiper over 2 years ago
House rules. If you didn’t cook it, you gotta clean it.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 2 years ago
Consider it the cost for a place to sleep and unlimited Wi-Fi…
Sweetaddietude Premium Member over 2 years ago
we turned this chore into a thankful time – thankful for the food, money to buy food, job, home, family, etc – makes the job much easier and lighter to bear
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
If you don’t rinse the dishes first, your washer is gonna,get clogged and it will stop running
Alberta Oil over 2 years ago
Easy solution to that.. stop eating.
dflak over 2 years ago
My wife likes to cook. I like to eat. It’s a good situation.
We have fights in the kitchen often: usually over water rights. No matter where the sink is, there is always inadequate access for more than one person and usually more than one person has need for it.
So she kicks me out of “her” kitchen while cooking.
I do the after dinner cleanup.
I kick her out of “my” kitchen after dinner. I have my own system of cleaning.
Her favorite pots and pans are the ones you can put in the oven at 400 degrees but are not dishwasher save. One of them is bigger than the sink.
At any rate, I am NOT allowed to load the dishwasher (or the washing machine). She is sexist in this regard and believes that people with Y chromosomes have a genetic deficiency that prevents them from loading them properly.
However, I am expected to pack 1,000 cubic feet of perishables in the refrigerator.
sandpiper over 2 years ago
Men doing kitchen clean up are the reason dishwashers were invented.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 2 years ago
Because your name is Dustin.
Mary Finkelstein Premium Member over 2 years ago
Ha! My husband calls it dishes laundry and has for years!!
goboboyd over 2 years ago
Easier than clothes. Ya just put ‘em in this ’damp hamper’ thing, push start and walk away until you need bowl and spoon. I haven’t tried running the Red Dixie Cups from the last party, so that’s on you.
Anters55 over 2 years ago
Yeah – well try having to do them all in a sink like we did back in the day.