It took me about 30 seconds to work out (some of) the twists in this one: love it! And…at first I thought Justin had put flames in the last two panels to go along with the “burning at the stake/steak” idea. But then I realized: those are BUTTERFLIES, aren’t they? What’s that all about?! You don’t put butter on steaks! Gorgeous, anyway.
If you go to Rouen you can read the marker where Joan was “brûléed”….
Muzi54 over 2 years ago
Joan of the Arc, burned (at) the steak…oh my, that is twisted. Me likey.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 2 years ago
Cooking Joan led to a d’Arc stake?
Another case of the French complaining about British cooking?
Yeah, yeah, I know, Tasteless jokes…
khjalmarj over 2 years ago
It took me about 30 seconds to work out (some of) the twists in this one: love it! And…at first I thought Justin had put flames in the last two panels to go along with the “burning at the stake/steak” idea. But then I realized: those are BUTTERFLIES, aren’t they? What’s that all about?! You don’t put butter on steaks! Gorgeous, anyway.
Stephen Gilberg over 2 years ago
Either Boody is heavier than he looks, or Karma is lighter than she looks.
NWdryad over 2 years ago
Aaand this is why Boody always earns a D in class.
jehardiman over 2 years ago
If you go to Rouen you can read the marker where Joan was “brûléed”….
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 2 years ago
A story taken from the Sumerians first.
Sisyphos over 2 years ago
Boody needs a refresher course on Bible stories and on medieval heroine-saints! Poor boy. Just keep on reading, Karma!
Pohka over 2 years ago
Boody has it right in part, they were Unicorn steaks ;-)
einarbt over 2 years ago
Ah, Noah,
bakana over 2 years ago
Proof that Joan was a terrible cook: How the heck do you Burn Ice Cubes?