Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for June 16, 2013

  1. Sc00057a6901
    EstrelitaH  almost 12 years ago

    Once again – totally perfect! And it is wonderful to know that Fritzi, Phil, Sluggo and Nancy were able to all share a picnic together, under bright blue skies!

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  2. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 12 years ago

    Thanks, Guy. You, too.

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  3. Spy vs spy
    noktar Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Happy Father’s Day

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  4. Bobby  smiley
    DixieNormous_69  almost 12 years ago

    Well, GUY, U out did yourself this time! Happy Father’s Day to U & to all the Father’s out there!!!

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  5. Bob lilly 1971 09 19
    cowboyfan5x  almost 12 years ago

    Great strip today. Happy Father’s Day to you also, Guy. Keep up the good work.

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    funny gal 48  over 11 years ago


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    kaffekup   over 11 years ago

    Pitch-perfect, Guy!

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  8. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  over 11 years ago


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  9. Jolie album
    brklnbern  over 11 years ago

    Ah it’s been a long time since I went on a picnic. And Guy thanks for including the Rabbis.

    My dad’s been gone many a year, (he died young) but wouldn’t have traded him for any other dad, not even one of my sports heros or favorite movie stars.

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    stanley hastings  over 11 years ago

    This just gets better and better! Happy Fathers Day to all!

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    PghBruce  over 11 years ago

    OK, Nabuquduriuzhur, maybe you’ve never met a young widow, but I think you can agree that they probably exist. (Trust me, I’ve met some.) But even so, you don’t like praising single moms? So if a woman makes a bad decision on a man for herself, but still struggles every day to raise, feed, clothe, and support her children, she deserves no praise? I praise a woman who accepts the consequences of her bad decision, and doesn’t mulitply it by abandoning her children. If you demand perfection in exchange for your sympathy, you probably don’t give out very much of it.

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  12. Colclausav
    ColonelClaus  over 11 years ago

    I was 16 when dad passed. I miss him, but I remember him. Mom had a ruff time, raising me and I’ll bro. Big bro was married and sis was in college. Yep single moms pulling double duty deserve our praise, no matter what the circumstance.Gret strip, guy.

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  13. I go pogo
    I Go Pogo   over 11 years ago

    Thank you Guy and thanks to the Dads of every description.

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  14. Angel cat
    noreenklose  over 11 years ago

    Great job, Guy.Thanks for the inspiration!

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    Thriller87  over 11 years ago

    I was good also until the single mom part. The father may not be in the picture but mom is still just that a mom.

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  16. Hp scands 7121620245952
    LoisG Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Still sheer perfection – even after all these years. Even more so, because the number of cartoon strip writers have dwindled – who remember that the reason the “funnies” have endured throughout so many generations is because, most people just want a minute or two everyday to have a reason to “smile a while” – or even chuckle right out loud! Aunt Fritzi will be 100 years old in the fall of 2022. Throughout all that time, Fritiz and her friends have been through a lot of trying times – including a world wide Depression, epidemics of serious diseases – like polio – blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters – but still gave the reading public a reason to look forward – with hope in their hearts.

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