Re: “Taffer’s Bar” in window. If Joe Taffer (host of the reality series “Bar Rescue” on Spike TV) is the owner, one would expect it to be a very well run bar.
I had to look up Taffer’s Bar. I think there is more to this comic than first meets the eye
I think I’ve sat at a bar that pretty much depicted just that, though no martinis .:D -Comment sections are proof that some people take comics way too seriously.
Old Texan75When you were thrown off, did they notify you of the fact? the reason? I was once unable to post on gocomics for a week and have no idea why or if. I was also banned from comics kingdom because I couldn’t verify an obviously fake email address by writing to it – turns out the idiots couldn’t assume that their gmai was really their typo for gmail! I now have to correct their typo every time I post there. I have enough trouble understanding much of censorship in the first place, without encountering these examples. And bring back wme or whatever it was, it has been so long.
Wiley, I don’t know if you read any of Brooke McEldowney’s entries here, but in light of last week’s little dustup with Plumbob, some might be interested in checking out Brooke’s comments over at today’s Pibgorn Sketches on comic themes or ideas that seem to repeat over time. Only McEldowney can pull up an apropos bible quote on the subject. Check out the Pibgorn comic first, where he’s recently been running some older stuff that he penned under the title “Wahoo Terminal,” that he then comments on under Pibgorn Sketches.
Interesting: All are vertebrates. One fish, one rodent, four primates, and two of those are human. I guess it really is true that we tend to present “linear evolution” as focusing on humanity, and forget all the other possibilities.
garcoa about 9 years ago
Clearly hit the peak of evolution prior to the speaker. Now if it were a nice dark ale……
Bilan about 9 years ago
Where do you think the phrase “drinks like a fish” came from?
Superfrog about 9 years ago
I’m worried about the guy on the left. He drinks like a fish.
Varnes about 9 years ago
Within and without, the constant thing is change.But different doesn’t mean that it’s not the same…..
270TX about 9 years ago
Do not assume that the progress goes from left to right . . . .
cgrantt57 Premium Member about 9 years ago
Geeze, that guy on the left drinks like a fish.
wdgnas about 9 years ago
i only had tee martunis
Alabama Al about 9 years ago
Re: “Taffer’s Bar” in window. If Joe Taffer (host of the reality series “Bar Rescue” on Spike TV) is the owner, one would expect it to be a very well run bar.
Varnes about 9 years ago
270, …..Ouch! Dogsniff, Heee!
dwagon55 about 9 years ago
“Taffer’s Bar” – now that’s funny!
sarah413 Premium Member about 9 years ago
@ptlover Stirred, please. No juice/citrus? Stirred. With juice/citrus? Shaken.
StCleve72 about 9 years ago
If there is intelligent design, can someone explain my prostate gland in this blog (while I run to the bathroom again).
palos about 9 years ago
I wonder whether the side of the bar where the person is talking will be joined by a similar cast of characters in reverse order
car2ner about 9 years ago
I had to look up Taffer’s Bar. I think there is more to this comic than first meets the eye
bneff about 9 years ago
I like the shout out to John Taffer from Bar Rescue.
jkebxjunke about 9 years ago
wonder how many will miss the correlation between “Taffer’s Bar” and “Bar Science” .. just hope John doesn’t “Shut It Down!”
dabugger about 9 years ago
Pushing dis or dat booze to prove a theory is not always science; bar none.
Saturday's Child about 9 years ago
Taffer’s Bar? Somebody watches Bar Rescue. :)
Godfreydaniel about 9 years ago
Speaking of fish……….
“I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it.” —W.C. Fields
dflak about 9 years ago
An interesting theory indeed, Mr. Cliff Claven.
GiantShetlandPony about 9 years ago
I think I’ve sat at a bar that pretty much depicted just that, though no martinis .:D -Comment sections are proof that some people take comics way too seriously.
Squoop about 9 years ago
@270TXBingo!!!!!! Thank You.
bobgreenwade about 9 years ago
Nah. The Five Universal Constants are sex, death, taxes, stupidity, and Swedish meatballs.
Dtroutma about 9 years ago
And the martini got drier as it moved up the line?
route66paul about 9 years ago
What no dancefloor? No modern graphics? Taffer stays with what works.
todyoung about 9 years ago
some pretty large evolutionary leaps there…
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Old Texan75When you were thrown off, did they notify you of the fact? the reason? I was once unable to post on gocomics for a week and have no idea why or if. I was also banned from comics kingdom because I couldn’t verify an obviously fake email address by writing to it – turns out the idiots couldn’t assume that their gmai was really their typo for gmail! I now have to correct their typo every time I post there. I have enough trouble understanding much of censorship in the first place, without encountering these examples. And bring back wme or whatever it was, it has been so long.
Raider Red Premium Member about 9 years ago
Wiley, I don’t know if you read any of Brooke McEldowney’s entries here, but in light of last week’s little dustup with Plumbob, some might be interested in checking out Brooke’s comments over at today’s Pibgorn Sketches on comic themes or ideas that seem to repeat over time. Only McEldowney can pull up an apropos bible quote on the subject. Check out the Pibgorn comic first, where he’s recently been running some older stuff that he penned under the title “Wahoo Terminal,” that he then comments on under Pibgorn Sketches.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 9 years ago
Makes the journey smother!
nopainogain about 9 years ago
anybody else catch the bar name? Taffer?
bmonk about 9 years ago
Interesting: All are vertebrates. One fish, one rodent, four primates, and two of those are human. I guess it really is true that we tend to present “linear evolution” as focusing on humanity, and forget all the other possibilities.