Pat Oliphant for October 05, 2010

  1. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 14 years ago

    Look out, the sky is falling!

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  2. Cat7
    rockngolfer  almost 14 years ago

    Need to get those dems out of their cardboard boxes and out from under the overpasses and grandma’s basement for sure

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  3. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  almost 14 years ago

    Folks with the right ideas are chickens. Folks with the evil ideas are fearless and irrepressible.

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  4. Boogie boy button
    altru1sticpervert  almost 14 years ago

    I’ve known that I have a problem with the Dems for some time now – being a registered Dem myself, often reluctantly – but let me announce to the world that this cartoon GETS IT.

    Hey, DSCC and DCCC?? You out there?? Wonder why I’m not answering your calls or sending back your envelopes, filled with my checks? Scroll back up, people. Better still, send this to your boss and have him / her send it up the chain.

    I know what the alternative is – BUT YOU GUYS MADE IT POSSIBLE. Fight? Okay. Been ready since 2000. Lemme know when YOU are ready, okay? Okay then – buh-bye now! Buh-bye!

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    meetinthemiddle  almost 14 years ago

    Amen to that altru1… I left the Dems after the Dukakis debacle. They let themselves get out-propagandized at every corner. They even run from the word “liberal” because the Republicans have so successfully demonized it.

    It’s not just that Republicans are better at coming up with small phrases for small minds. The dems can’t seem to express much of anything.

    They called Bill Clinton a “great communicator” but did you ever watch any of his State of the Union addresses? Meandering, self-congratulatory and pointless. He had a modicum of personal charisma but not much ability to convince people.

    It’s not just that the dems are made up of a bunch of constituencies that war with each other (the environmentalists against the unions, the unions against immigration (though that’s changing), etc). They can’t even sell the things that they all agree on.

    Rahm said “never let a good crisis go to waste” and then they proceeded to waste most of this crisis.

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  6. Img 1055 1
    halfabug  almost 14 years ago

    looks like there must be a lot of chicken s—– around.

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  7. Stitch
    dshepard  almost 14 years ago

    That reminds me…it’s fried chicken tonight!

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  8. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 14 years ago

    Nancy Pelosi burst out on to the stage ready to fight… then she did nothing. This broad is a good indication of how cowardly the Democrats have become. They have Congress AND the Presidency and they STILL can’t get sh*t done.

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  9. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 14 years ago

    Not true jack…the only people being called greedy, racist, sexist, and and/or homphobe are the ones who ARE that way. And it’s certainly not EVERY white, middle class family as you claim. ( where did you get that from anyway? )

    Look at Senator DeMint’s latest remarks, says that gays and sexually active single women shouldn’t be allowed to teach in school.

    But Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi are around, so that’s NOT a sexist, homphobic remark?

    Explain that to me.

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  10. Missing large
    Bilword  almost 14 years ago

    those that have get more, those that don’t have, ..

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  11. Missing large
    cartwrights  almost 14 years ago

    Unfortunately, all too true. And they know that the people have been calling for them to get a spine for many years now.

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  12. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    This comic is accurate. Democrats need to stop running from Republicans and stand up and defend themselves.

    “Nancy Pelosi burst out on to the stage ready to fight… then she did nothing”

    In the House? She passed practically every bill she intended to.

    @Simon_Jester - Thanks for the heads’ up on that comment. I found it. Just par for the course, it’s certainly a popular opinion amongst the Righties (gay bashing). Dems may sometimes be inept, but I’ll take my chances with them over people like this.

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  13. Missing large
    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    meetinthemiddle,billdog, jade

    You are facing a major problem and haven’t been able to accept reality. You are proud, intelligent, determined liberal progressives. You have ideas about this country and how it should be governed.

    But there is a problem. The US is not like you. The basic fabric and nature of the population is center-right. Those ideals you profess are going to be rejected by the people.

    The only time you actually win is when the Republican opposition goes so far off from their ideals. Your screams and yells are not going to make a southern, midwestern, mountain, Texan accept what you want for the country. Your ideas go back to Western Europe and our countrymen left England because they rejected those ideas.

    The Democrats must compromise to win and as soon as they do you scream again. One of these days you must simply accept the country is not ready for you.

    I am an expert on that, I understand the country is not ready for me and my philosophy. The TEA party is as close as i have come in 150 years.

    Compromise, one-step-at-a-time. To me you have already screwed up our country so badly that we will never be able to recover. You did that incrementally, like the toad in hot water. But once again I, too, am in a minority.

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  14. Avatar
    Mythreesons  almost 14 years ago

    ^ I believe a lot of Democrats do not get their ideas and philosophies from western Europe. Their ideas and goals come from following the teachings of Jesus.

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  15. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 14 years ago

    ^Republicans on the other hand think they ARE Jesus. ( Everything I say is true…coz I’M the one who said it! )

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  16. Triscele
    txmystic  almost 14 years ago


    I’ll concede that the US is and probably always will be Center-right on balance, but I am curious to know how exactly those you consider “determined liberal progressives” have screwed up the country? It seems to me that apart from the (failed) attempt at universal health care, there hasn’t been a major progressive piece of legislation made into law in decades. Please explain.

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  17. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 14 years ago

    This cartoon is utter BS. The Democratic Party does nothing but attack and blame. They tell everyone that the GOP has no ideas and is the party of “no,” but the party of “yes” is laying out plans to turn every one of us into serfs and children, rather than citizens and responsible adults.

    The DNC has forced their idiotic Keynesian economic ideas upon us (which are essentially fascist in principle, and are no different from Bush 2’s), and demand more regulation, not just upon businesses, but upon every aspect of our lives. If the GOP is bad, then what is “good” about the Dems? Where is there sanity ANYWHERE in the American political scene?

    The Democrats ARE attacking from every direction. They are attacking private property, human dignity, and the essential American freedoms spelled out in our Bill of Rights. Do I support the alternative? If an individual (someone who isn’t being controlled by some insane collective) is running for office, and they support principles that lead to freedom and liberty, then I will vote for them. If they are a collective-controlled partisan puppet, then to hell with them.

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  18. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “Those ideals you profess are going to be rejected by the people.”

    You mean the ideas put forth in the United States Constitution guaranteeing equal protection and protection from religious oppression? So you’re saying Righties are for theocracy, well I already knew that, but yea.
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  19. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 14 years ago

    Mythreesons said: “^ I believe a lot of Democrats do not get their ideas and philosophies from western Europe. Their ideas and goals come from following the teachings of Jesus.”

    This is probably the most deranged thing that I’ve ever heard come from a feudal-minded minion in a long time. Please, explain this to us, because I’ve never heard Christ ever say that we should render ALL to the state, and leave nothing for God. Partisans are the property of their parties, which is idolatry.

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  20. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 14 years ago

    Jade said: You mean the ideas put forth in the United States Constitution guaranteeing equal protection and protection from religious oppression? So you’re saying Righties are for theocracy, well I already knew that, but yea.

    What are Republicans doing or saying that are FOR unequal protection and religious oppression? What about GOVERNMENTAL oppression? Are you for THAT? The DNC most certainly is.

    By the way, the first amendment never gave the state permission to tell people where they could or couldn’t pray, and to whom, but that is what the state has become. The state IS god now. We ARE a theocracy, and the deities wear black robes and reside in the Supreme Court.

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  21. Missing large
    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago


    The very basic philosophy of liberal progressives is where we begin the major problem we face. Our country was founded on the basic principle of State dominance and Federals only doing the very few things allowed under the constitution. Read the 10th amendment and the articles.

    There should be no department of Education and its $billions. There should be no HUD etc etc. The functions are enumerated and everything else is a perversion. We should have 50 state laboratories and let the best ones thrive and everyone else copy.

    In 18 months Obama has already added 30% to our national debt and it is going to skyrocket in the next 2 years. The debt will be $170,000/family.

    You already know what else i will say and so listen to the complainers and see if you can compromise.

    Gary I have checked and found not one word of complaint from you when in 2008 the Democrats outspent the Republicans 2-1. When the unions gave $100M. When Soros gave $100M.

    Are you prepared to stop the NYT from endorsing Democratic candidates? Are you prepared to stop the unions from sending out foot soldiers door to door to urge voting Democratic. if not then you obviously really have nothing to say and no legitimate complaints, only that the other side is smarter than yours.

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  22. Gray wolf
    worldisacomic  almost 14 years ago

    yohann: I like the cut of your jib!

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  23. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “By the way, the first amendment never gave the state permission to tell people where they could or couldn’t pray, and to whom, but that is what the state has become”

    You’re allowed to pray. You’re not allowed to force others to pray, e.g. “prayer in school” is not illegal. It is illegal to demand that members of a non-religious activity participate in one. Fact check it.

    “What are Republicans doing or saying that are FOR unequal protection and religious oppression? What about GOVERNMENTAL oppression?”

    Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Republicans blocked and have constantly attacked repeal of the law that unconstitutionally violates the privacy and due process rights of our soldiers for religious reasons. Defense of Marriage Act, this law unconstitutionally prevents same-sex couples from receiving federal benefits of marriage even in states which aren’t bigoted against their unions and unfairly taxes the health benefits of same-sex couples. Failure to pass ENDA giving gays and transgendered citizens the same work protections as Christians and blacks. Republican Governor of Hawaii vetoed a bill that would have provided same sex civil unions the same rights and protections as heterosexual married couples for purposes of religious bias.

    The only pros in the categories of rights go to the Republican judge who struck down Proposition 8 and Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for not defending Prop8 in court.

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  24. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “DADT was passed by Clinton. Repeal it and the Gays will not be allowed at all”

    DADT was passed as a compromise to prevent gays from serving, its current repeal would allow them to serve openly.

    “Sorry you don’t like it but traditional marriage works for society.”

    “Traditional marriage.” You mean that thing that prevented whites and blacks from marrying? That traditional? Or the one where a man could marry as many women (and take on as many whores) as he wanted, as defined in the Bible, that one? Or the one where women were given away as property in political tug-of-wars? That one? That 50% divorce rate is working really well. And if traditional marriage is so necessary and giving same-sex couples the same legal rights that black people had to fight for, why is divorce legal in those same states (and why are divorce rates higher in states that don’t have marriage equality).

    Try to come up with something substantive, please. You’re only supporting my points.

    Oh by the way, Governor McDonnell (R) of Virginia says that one of the major faults for the degradation of our society is women working outside of the home. Gonna force them back into the kitchen, too? For “society’s sake?”

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  25. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Don QuiPOULTRY attempting to tilt the firmly anchored Republican windmills.

    They’ve even placed brakes on the blades and turned their backs to the wind to make sure there will be no progress. Resistance is not futile, it is the Republican mantra. Their strength is their supply of sabot.

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  26. Missing large
    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago


    Serious not snark. Have you stopped to consider it is possible that on a given subject you are just wrong and the other side is correct.

    My initial impulse is to agree with you on Afghanistan but when the leaders of both parties, 2 dissimilar presidents, 5 congresses, multiple generals etc etc say that I am wrong that my thinking is erroneous I say it is very possible that they know something i don’t and that maybe i am wrong and everybody else is correct.

    I know a little bit about health care and see how very wrong the people who feel rather than think can be.

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  27. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I think the issue with Afghanistan isn’t necessarily that we’re there, but that we can’t do anything at home and have to ‘conserve’ or deny our citizens care or infrastructure while we’re spending all of this money on war and nation-building abroad.

    Oh , oh, oh, and then complaining about not having enough of a volunteer force (true story, Gates brought it up) when it’s a proven fact that we would have more recruits if the military didn’t openly discriminate on a minority due to religious bias.

    Oh oh oh, and while we’re unconstitutionally kicking out mission-critical soldiers for that same bias that has absolutely no basis in legitimate facts whatsoever, while we then hire convicted felons and high school drop-outs.

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  28. Missing large
    Tsigili  almost 14 years ago

    Two Points:

    (1) jack75287 wrote: “And why should anyone we have a female speaker of the house a black president… ” YOWSA, buddy! The fact that the speaker of the house doesn’t have a bleeep is irrelevant to anyone except a SEXIST. The fact that the President of the US is black is irrelevant to anyone except a RACIST. Neither has anything to do with job description or performance. The fact that you think a female or a black man in office is such a big, hairy deal speaks volumes. We don’t need a photo to know that you’re a white guy.

    (2) Libertarian1 said: “In 18 months Obama has already added 30% to our national debt”

    Let me extend this question to everyone who’s groaning about the state of the country:

    Where were you during the eight years of GW Bush’s presidency, when he took the country’s budget into triple-digit deficit, took us into an illegal war, and shredded our civil rights via the patriot act, and cut services to the military, as well as citizens? Did you vote for him? Did you even vote at all?

    Because if you did vote for him, you share responsibility for this mess. If you didn’t bother to vote at all, then don’t complain.

    The American public should be insulted that politicians think they’re so stupid that they can’t remember what happened 8-10 years ago.

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  29. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 14 years ago

    Where did I say YOU were racist, etc, Jackson?

    Nor did you explain any of your claims…not a single one.

    Nor did you ask why anyone would beleive one of those attacks. ( Coz they’re true? )

    I swear, if you were Pinocchio, I could walk to Peoria on your nose.

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    oneoldhat  almost 14 years ago

    demo good at attacking it is just they are poor at governing

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago


    I may be the only one at this site who not only did vote but rejected both the Bush presidency and its numerous errors but also the Obama campaign and its obvious shortcomings.

    I spoke out frequently and very strongly against Bush. He betrayed conservative principles constantly. That is what the TEA party is all about. Anti-Republican party. I find it amusing at how liberals are reacting to the TEA party. It is an anti-Bush anti-Obama movement.

    The vast majority of its members are voicing economic concerns, not social issue concerns. I understand the Democrats are really running scared about the movement but just pretending they are a KKK or Birch clone is not only not true but will end up shocking your own members when the TEA party starts winning seats.

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  32. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “That is what the TEA party is all about. Anti-Republican party”

    Many supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement that has shaken up politics share the same views as the Christian right on social issues like abortion and the role of religion in public life, according to a poll released Tuesday. … But 82 percent of those who identify with the Tea Party plan to vote for Republicans in the November elections, the survey found. Nearly three-quarters said they usually vote Republican.

    I can get you that from another source if you want. Google had several to pick from.

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  33. Missing large
    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    Many members of the Democratic party share the same views as Socialists and even Communists. When Obama was a senator he voted along with and to the left of self described socialist senator Bernie Sanders.

    So what have I proved and what have you proved? If there are two views on a subject huge numbers from both parties will support each side.

    If you truly believe the misinformation you wrote come November you will be in a state of shock. The TEA party movement is an economic movement and not a social issues movement

    Democrat President Clinton signed DADT, Millions of registered Democrats oppose abortion.

    The TEA party wishes to take back the Republican party from the bosses and bring it back to its conservative economic roots. Of course they will vote Republican. Not for RINOs.

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  34. Missing large
    rfischer Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    It seems that like most on the right, libertarian’s best argument is to lie about Democrats. They don’t even try to defend their pro-corporate agenda anymore. It’s all dishonest attacks of all who don’t rigidly adhere to their extremist ideology. It’s all wailing about “socialism” when it’s clear that they don’t even know what the word means.

    And even as he blathers propaganda he still promotes big government social controls. More power for corporations. More government control of people. More money for the wealthy.

    And that’s why the party is such a joke.

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  35. Avatar
    Mythreesons  almost 14 years ago

    @Johann==I am not deranged nor old enough to be called feudalistic. But I have read the texts that say to “Feed the poor”, Care for the widows and orphans”, etc. You know, all that welfare bleeep that takes money from the wealthy and spreads it to the worthless. Being truthful was way up there in Jesus’s moral teachings, and lying about the need to start a war might not have been acceptable in his sight. And then there were the lies about J. Lynch and P. Tillman–untruthful PR at it’s finest.

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  36. Triscele
    txmystic  almost 14 years ago


    Thanks for the input, but your couple of biased examples simply do not add up to a screwed-up country.


    We’ll see the 10th amendment put to the test in California if prop 19 passes. And you said nothing to convince me that progressive thinking has screwed up the country, other than bring up HUD and ED, two departments that are popular targets of antiliberals. They are bureaus whose missions strive for equality. Are you somehow against equality?

    In fact, your 50 state laboratory idea seems to encompass the very liberalism you are railing against. Who would enforce the sharing of knowledge from the “best ones” to the copiers? The federal gov’t, perhaps? If a State has a sovereign right to its intellectual property, why would it be compelled to share anything?

    In the past 4 decades, income inequality has increased dramatically, which is evidence to the contrary of your claim that liberal policy has screwed up the country. The mess we are in today is directly the result of the center-right policies you claim the people want, so if things are “screwed up”, look not at the determined liberal progressives to place blame.

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  37. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I love how often “President Clinton signed DADT” gets brought up as if I don’t know history.

    Riddle me this: How many Democrats voted for REPEALING it the other day? >= 55 How many Republicans voted for REPEALING it the other day? 0

    Riddle me that.

    “Millions of registered Democrats oppose abortion.”

    And? How many Democratic initiatives have there been to put trackers on women’s wombs? I’m personally against abortion but it isn’t my right to tell another woman what she can and can’t do with her own body.

    “The TEA party wishes to take back the Republican party from the bosses and bring it back to its conservative economic roots”

    Because Olympia Snow certainly isn’t a target due predominantly to her support of gay rights (her economic voting record is generally conservative), am I right?
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  38. Img 0004
    dfowensby  almost 14 years ago

    whereś the Colonel when we need him?

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  39. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 14 years ago

    You call THAT close enough Jackson?

    You must be a barrel of laughs the day after lottery drawings.

    “But I got TWO numbers out of six, that’s close enough for the jackpot!”

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