I did something like that at a boring training seminar at work. The speaker promised to have us out by a specific time and they would be watching the clock for us. At break I bounced it ahead an hour. Later that afternoon we were out early!
My father had every clock synchronized to the second to be correct, we hated hurricane season when the power would go out then everything had to be reset
allen@home over 2 years ago
Opal’s not mad. Just has a touch of a mean streak in her.
stairsteppublishing over 2 years ago
How long before Earl catches on to the deception?
Ratkin Premium Member over 2 years ago
She probably missed her calling because the clock was two hours off.
C over 2 years ago
Schadenfreude up close and personal
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 2 years ago
Bwa ha ha ha!
Kwen over 2 years ago
Not so fun, Opal… Forgetting to eat or drink (or that you’ve already done) is one of the first signs of dementia.
SWCarter over 2 years ago
It’s a good thing Earl doesn’t have a watch or a phone, or watch TV.
iggyman over 2 years ago
Last panel says it all!
kelloggs2066 over 2 years ago
Opal can turn a flowering plant into a decorative plant with only a watering can.
Yep. Mad Scientist potential Right There!
PraiseofFolly over 2 years ago
Specifically, Opal should have been a Psychologist. She could have designed a suitable Skinner Box to have Earl properly conditioned long ago.
cubswin2016 over 2 years ago
I would not want to be married to someone like Opal.
bobwigg761 over 2 years ago
Unless she reset the clocks back today, it will be the regular time if she puts them ahead tomorrow.
tremaine53 over 2 years ago
I don’t know about ‘mad scientist’, but some kind of sadist, certainly.
jagedlo over 2 years ago
I’m just waiting to see if Opal gets paid back for all this stuff!
Gen.Flashman over 2 years ago
What happened when he turned the TV on at 6 to watch the local news? Rascoe does not demand dinner at a certain time? Why is it dark at 5:30 in Oct?
brick10 over 2 years ago
Will this effect the time he takes his meds?
rhpii over 2 years ago
I did something like that at a boring training seminar at work. The speaker promised to have us out by a specific time and they would be watching the clock for us. At break I bounced it ahead an hour. Later that afternoon we were out early!
Redd Panda over 2 years ago
Could be, those walks Earl enjoys, take him by Dennys.
mckeonfuneralhomebx over 2 years ago
My father had every clock synchronized to the second to be correct, we hated hurricane season when the power would go out then everything had to be reset
ANIMAL over 2 years ago
She’s already MAD…….. so she’s halfway THERE.!!
adutcher1945 over 2 years ago
Hilarious! That’s agood idea!
Gen.Flashman over 2 years ago
Fix dinner?? She means put a dinner in the microwave for four minutes, stir, microwave 2 minutes?
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
She DOES amuse herself, playing sneaky tricks on Earl!
Jack Bell Premium Member over 2 years ago
If he depends on her to feed him, then he deserves what he gets. I eat when I get hungry unless my wife cooks something sooner.
KEA over 2 years ago
My father set all our clocks ahead 5 minutes … so we wouldn’t be late for things. (didn’t figure that out for years)
christelisbetty over 2 years ago
They must not have too much in the way of medications. I have different ones that have tobe taken with food, or without, at certain times of day.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 2 years ago
It’s okay to just dabble and see if you want to go full mad scientist.
Happicat2012 over 2 years ago
I hate cooking dinner at 8 pm. Then I’m stuck in the kitchen doing dishes at 9 pm….noooooooo
wjbillthompson over 2 years ago
Tomorrow he gets taller.
lawguy05 over 2 years ago
She is very mean to him :-(
kab2rb over 2 years ago
Hope Earl catches on soon. For me 8 p.m. is too late for dinner.
heathcliff2 over 2 years ago
She must be the only person who thinks Opal missed it.