Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 30, 2020

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    Cheapskate0  over 4 years ago


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    Sanspareil  over 4 years ago

    8 repubs spending the 4th of July in Russia says it all.

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    Christopher Shea  over 4 years ago

    … and, as we learned a few days ago, Trump has lots of debts.

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    braindead Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Trump Disciples celebrate Trump’s illegal abuse of his ‘charitable’ foundation.

    Just like they do his illegal use of campaign funds to pay off porn stars.

    They believe his years of TAX EVASION ‘makes him smart’.

    They believe his phony ban of travel from China was the ONLY thing that could have been done about the virus.


    They even believe that they are not part of the ‘suckers and losers’ that Trump expresses such contempt for and that they are not part of the ‘disgusting people’ that Trump hates to shake hands with.

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    ajr58(1)  over 4 years ago

    I can’t wait for the strips to catch up to last night.

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    shamest Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Sold their souls but want everyone to convert to their church-state no way

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Is anyone going to watch another “debate”? I made myself watch the whole thing, partly because the Yankees were up 7-2. Felt like a competent boxer versus a playground bully showing his flailing windmill form…

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 4 years ago

    ^ ^ ^Aside from every prosperous democracy in Europe…

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    login88 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    If nothing was done about the Clinton Family Crime Foundation, then this is nothing too (even if it were true).

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    Silly Season   over 4 years ago

    ^ ^ ^

    Yep. The Trump Foundation was indeed a crime….


    Next up?

    Trump Tax Fraud…?



    Paying your family consultant fees and paying them a salary as officers of your company is usually a No-No….

    And now the State of New York gets to compare and contrast their returns…


    According to the Times’s story, Trump wrote off about $26 million in “consulting fees” between 2010 and 2018 to unspecified individuals.

    For example, the president collected $5 million on a hotel deal in Azerbaijan and reported $1.1 million in consulting fees.

    In Dubai, the Trump Organization paid a $630,000 fee on $3 million in income.

    The Times reports that his daughter appears to have been receiving some of these consulting fees.

    Trump’s private tax records show that his company paid $747,622 in fees to an unnamed consultant for hotel projects in Hawaii and Vancouver.

    Ivanka Trump’s public disclosure forms, required for her to work in the White House, showed that she received an identical amount through a consulting company she co-owned.

    The I.R.S. has pursued civil penalties against some business owners who devised schemes to avoid taxes by paying exorbitant fees to related parties who were not in fact independent contractors,” ✁

    “Another, more legally perilous possibility is that the fees were a way to transfer assets to his children without incurring a gift tax,” ✁


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    wirepunchr  over 4 years ago

    This is the first ‘toon I’ve ever “liked” from Stantis.

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    rossevrymn  over 4 years ago

    Stantisfersumthing intermittence.

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    CW Stevenson  over 4 years ago

    The ignorance

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    streetbeater  over 4 years ago

    What’s up, Scott? Are you beginning to see the light? As long as you’re in an open-minded mood, take a long, hard look at your libertarian buddies like Rand Paul, et al. They’re all in for Trump, too. Might give you an idea of what they really stand for as well.

    Progessive’s arms are wide open. Don’t be afraid to come in from the cold.

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    whawn  over 4 years ago

    Li’l Johny ’96 is a traitor. No other word: beyond fascist.

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    StackableContainers  over 4 years ago

    Years ago I heard a speaker say something like, "Most people who sell their souls never get them back. And it’s not because they couldn’t get them back. It because their egos never let them repent to earn them again.

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    dogday Premium Member over 4 years ago


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