Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for April 05, 2019

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    ekke  almost 6 years ago

    So they can’t slither on glass. Can they tango?

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 6 years ago

    Seriously? Even in intense conflict, the Brits still make time for a cuppa?

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    SpaceBuckaroo  almost 6 years ago

    How about Lawyers, Can they slither on glass?

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    therese_callahan2002  almost 6 years ago

    No wonder snakes are often kept in glass terrariums. Like my late brother’s pet boa constrictor.

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    therese_callahan2002  almost 6 years ago

    And no, he wasn’t killed by the boa.

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  6. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  almost 6 years ago

    The best time to attack the Brits is tea time!

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    jergideon Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The Rankin story is a bit misleading. There were 23 states where women had full voting rights prior to the 19th amendment to include Wyoming which was the first. So Rankin was able to run and vote for herself.

    Fun fact: She is the only person to vote twice against going to war, and she served only two terms in Congress.

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    mudleg  almost 6 years ago

    Graziano surely found that fact in the Rankin file.

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  9. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  almost 6 years ago

    Tanks for the tea.

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    Thorby  almost 6 years ago

    Go Montana! Representative Rankin has her statue in the House of Representatives and deservedly so.

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    joe piglet Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    One of my jobs in the forces was to load up the jeep engine department with tinfoil, steak and potatoes. A hot meal when we got to the training site.

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    The Pro from Dover  almost 6 years ago

    Snakes, Tanks and Rank ,ins.

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    mindjob  almost 6 years ago

    I had a traumatic experience running over a snake with an electric mower

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    wildman-al  almost 6 years ago

    Women were not “given” the right to vote. They always had the right. Men took away the right when they would not let them vote in the first place. Given the right to vote truly written by a man.

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  15. Spock
    Spock  almost 6 years ago

    The Brits have a long tradition in making tea during the battle, see the Asterix comic “Asterix in Britain” for more details ;-)

    (I don’t know whether these comics are known in the US, though. It’s a French comic translated into many foreign languages).

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    WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Gotta love the Brits! Also, good to know that next time I’m being chased by a snake I can run to the grass!

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    heathcliff2  almost 6 years ago

    No one gave any rights. The constitution . as is . is a protection in law of Life, Liberty . AND . the Pursuit of Happiness.

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    tuslog1964  almost 6 years ago

    Snakes are a bit helpless on lineolium (sp) also. We once picked a basket of green beans and brought it into the house to clean and snip. But, we hadn’t noticed that a snake had crawled into the basket! It was helpless on the smooth floor.

    Q. What type of snakes eats pigs?

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    tuslog64  almost 6 years ago

    A. A Boar Constrictor.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 6 years ago

    Finally, a fact I can apply in practice! No, I’m not about to put glass all around my home to keep snakes at bay. I write “Downscale,” a webcomic featuring a snake, and while it’s not big on RL herpetology, I might just work this one in.

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    FreyatheWanderer  almost 6 years ago

    Leave it to the Brits to make sure their soldiers always have access to tea!

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