Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for February 11, 2025

  1. Bluedog
    Bilan  about 14 hours ago

    You can read for 20 minutes a day or look at 1,800 pictures.

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 13 hours ago

    Be quick and hold fast.

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  3. 7a3d35b05103496eecec311170ba260d
    Pickled Pete  about 12 hours ago

    Dr. Samuel Johnson, author of the first great dictionary of English language, was visited by a delegation of respectable ladies of London.

    “Dr Johnson,” they said, “we congratulate you for omitting all indecent or obscene words from your dictionary.”

    “Ladies,” said Dr. Johnson, “I congratulate you for looking them up.”

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  4. Linux 5
    Vote for Linux !  about 10 hours ago

    What do we think/assume about Go Comic’s change in April ?

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  5. Screenshot 20250125 164959 google
    No 6  about 10 hours ago

    (1.) I used to live in Reading and due to next door’s barking dog, l was lucky if l got peace to read for 5 minutes! ln the end, l put their dog in my back yard to see how they liked it!

    (2.) Noah Webster famously kicked himself when he discovered he’d forgotten to include the word ‘etymology’ in his dictionary!

    (3.) …and a ‘palindrome’ is a word that becomes another word if spelled backwards. Eg;

    The word ‘Evian’ is a brand of bottled water. When spelled backwards, it becomes a word that describes a person that buys it.

    Actually l often buy Highland Spring to cook with!

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  6. Shilo s first year 002  2
    MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT  about 9 hours ago


    1. Apology: A statement of contrition for an action, or a defense of one

    2. Aught: All, or nothing

    3. Bill: A payment, or an invoice for payment

    4. Bolt: To secure, or to flee

    5. Bound: Heading to a destination, or restrained from movement

    6. Buckle: To connect, or to break or collapse

    7. Cleave: To adhere, or to separate

    8. Clip: To fasten, or detach

    9. Consult: To offer advice, or to obtain it

    10. Continue: To keep doing an action, or to suspend an action

    11. Custom: A common practice, or a special treatment

    12. Off: Deactivated, or activated, as an alarm

    13. Discursive: Moving in an orderly fashion among topics, or proceeding aimlessly in a discussion

    14. Dollop: A large amount (British English), or a small amount

    15. Dust: To add fine particles, or to remove them

    16. Enjoin: To impose, or to prohibit

    17. Fast: Quick, or stuck or made stable

    18. Fine: Excellent, or acceptable or good enough

    19. Finished: Completed, or ended or destroyed

    20. First degree: Most severe in the case of a murder charge, or least severe in reference to a burn

    21. Fix: To repair, or to castrate

    22. Flog: To promote persistently, or to criticize or beat

    23. Garnish: To furnish, as with food preparation, or to take away, as with wages

    24. Give out: To provide, or to stop because of a lack of supply

    25. Go: To proceed or succeed, or to weaken or fail

    26. Grade: A degree of slope, or a horizontal line or position

    27. Handicap: An advantage provided to ensure equality, or a disadvantage that prevents equal achievement

    28. Help: To assist, or to prevent or (in negative constructions) restrain

    29. Hold up: To support, or to impede

    30. Lease: To offer property for rent, or to hold such property

    31. Left: Remained, or departed

    32. Let: Allowed, or hindered

    33. Liege: A feudal lord, or a vassal

    34. Literally: Actually, or virtually

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  7. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  about 9 hours ago

    Thomby is a contronym. So is nyalpers. Gizzy. Wemph-nemph. There are THOUSANDS.

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  8. John wayne
    The Duke  about 8 hours ago

    Wouldn’t the number of words that you are exposed to be determined by how fast you read?

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  9. Th bugs 1
    kucpa Premium Member about 8 hours ago

    Leave it to Cleaver.

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  10. Missing large
    Anon4242  about 7 hours ago

    Reading for 20 minutes is like breathing once a week. I need WAY more than that.

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  11. Missing large
    LAFITZGERALD  about 7 hours ago

    Thank you for this little girl’s appearance in this panel – I also read as well like her!

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  12. Missing large
    Ken8338 Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    Noah Webster’s dictionary was the result of an argument with his wife It got very heated and one word led to another.

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  13. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 4 hours ago

    And two words that should have opposite meanings but have the same meaning: Flammable and Inflammable…

    And a word whose meaning really can’t be properly used: Inconceivable… (If you say something is inconceivable, you just conceived it! ☺)

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  14. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member about 3 hours ago

    Oh, is THAT why the current US administration is banning so many books? Because they think “children’s exposure to words” is the same as “exposing yourself to children”…?

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  15. Greg backlit
    mindjob  about 2 hours ago

    Fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing. There must be a term for that

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  16. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  24 minutes ago

    That’s why talking to women can be so confusing. They use a lot of contronyms.

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