Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 25, 2016
ANGRIER Things 2 Dave! Are you okay?! We rescued you from the Upside Down! Dave: cough. Its a bizarre alternate reality where Clinton is a deranged monster, the economy is tanked , and threats to white people are everywhere! What generated that insane universe? The coordinates of its source seem to be over there! This is even bigger than we thought! Lets get out of here! Thank God that weird Upside Down place can't affect our reality! This reality is based on truth! cough Look out! AUGGH! trump: Im your president now! Th-thats impossible! Lies from a fake reality can't affect us! Trump: I'll take this. I"ll need it to pay for my tax cut for the rich, And my "infrastructure"program. Thats an obvious lie!! Maybe that works in the Upside Down but you can't just change reality by repeating lies here! Trump: you are totally biased and rude, So unfair! Apologize! Pssh...thi is all based onliest and a false narrative! Wait 'til Huffpo and the Times expose those lies! Boy, then Trump will sorry!!
SKJAM! Premium Member over 8 years ago
In the Netflix series this is inspired by, the rescued person coughed up vermin after being returned from the bad place. In this strip, those vermin become Pepe, a meme that was co-opted by the alt-right.
tobybartels over 8 years ago
Linguist over 8 years ago
Huff-PO, WA-PO, and the Times can do all the exposing they like. They can point out, in graphic daily detail, that The Emperor Has No Clothes, but…
Apparently, y’all don’t get it. The Deplorables and the rest of the Great White Hopeless in the U.S., frankly, Miss Scarlet, DON’T GIVE A DAMN !
3hourtour Premium Member over 8 years ago
…‘we have met the enemy and they are us’….
King_Shark over 8 years ago
…hey, Bolling, just ask the Libyans, Syrians, Serbs, Haitians, and Hondurans how much of a deranged monster your goddess the hell-witch Killary Klingon isn’t.
I am really enjoying your and your fellow liberal hypocrites’ whining, though. The next four years of your misery will be so sweet.
daipm over 8 years ago
I love the Liberal Tears
Funny_Ha_Ha over 8 years ago
He who laughs last laughs best.
Radish... over 8 years ago
Right wingers love to be bullies.
puddleglum1066 over 8 years ago
Reuben seems to have fallen for the same thing a lot of my Clintonista friends did: assuming economic indicators still mean today what they did fifty years ago. In the Good Old Days, when wages were high enough (thanks mostly to unions—anybody remember when we had them?) that you could support a family on a single full-time job, a 4.9% unemployment rate was a sign of a healthy economy and satisfied people. These days, when both parents work full-time jobs and the family still qualifies for food stamps, the official unemployment figures are meaningless as an indicator of the nation’s overall economic health and public satisfaction with the current administration. Same applies to the Dow Jones average: when most of the big companies manufactured stuff in the USA, a high Dow meant lots and lots of people employed in good-paying jobs. Now, with the markets mostly about companies that manufacture off-shore or financial firms that are little more than speculative gambling in funny-money, the Dow is irrelevant as an indicator of the nation’s overall economic health. Jim Hightower once said we don’t need the Dow Jones Average; we need the Doug Jones Average, as in Doug Jones, Average American—hey Doug, how’s it going for you?
I think the people who voted for tRump are going to be very disappointed to learn he’s just another grifter who took advantage of their misery. But I also think the Democratic Party was pretty much completely reality-blind when they nominated the ultimate Status Quo Insider at a time when 80% of the public thought the country was headed in the wrong direction and needed to change course.
Hapthorn over 8 years ago
The last panel is in line with something I posted on my website back in March:
mgrossberg over 8 years ago
Hey, My Friendly Neighbor— what a coincidence! We’re looking forward to the next four years of your misery, too!
marshalldoc over 8 years ago
Boling’s characterization of HRC in the 2nd frame is a prime example of the delusional thought processes the DNC engaged in for the last decade, and which it still engages in as it attempts to maintain its neoliberal Wall Street subservience & NeoCon/liberal interventionist policies while searching desperately for a ‘friendly’ face (e.g.; Kieth Ellison) in a continued attempt to deceive the hoi-polloi. The American people were going to be losers regardless of which establishment candidate won.
Monster Hesh over 8 years ago
LOL at the latest Trump Twitter Tantrums. Apparently, he’s still certain there WAS voter fraud, BUT thinks it’s a waste of time and money investigating it? Golly, it’s almost as if he’s trying to cover something up! But however things turns out, I am certain of this: you have to be mentally ill to want this unqualified infantile jabbering pervert cokehead to run the country. I know many of you base every opinion on whether or not you think the subject angers liberals…but you need to consider the bigger picture before your foolishness destroys our nation. Assuming it hasn’t already.
bbisis13 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Maybe the frogs are a hats off to Maine’s Paul Lepage. A French Canadian who’s forgotten his roots. The Canuck’s were treated just like the Latinos are today. Even had a very large KKK presence in Maine to force them back where they came from.