The hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, forest/brush fires, tsunami, blizzard, heat wave… and so much more… might be the results of other magical people want to curse everyone as well!!!
I live in a “small” city of around 50,000. I’ve seen the pictures of Portland, Chicago, New York city, Seattle, and others. How does one tell the difference between the Zombies and the “normal” people? The people in these “big” cities seem to be all running around in some sort of stupefying daze, not able to see the reality around them, to a varying degree.
with all that has happened this year, I doubt if many people will notice the zombies; they will just think it is part of the US election campaign or a new way to eliminate the c virus…..
The one symptom of the “long-haulers” that the authorities try to downplay is their craving for brains.
I know we say we wish that the zombie plague would come along and wipe out the stupid in the world. But think about how those people have all the time in the world to watch every zombie movie, making it easier for themselves to survive.
i live in my hometown Seattle.. there’s a town of 5,500 in the Rockies that right now in the early afternoon has more normal, lively business/shopping district activity than my town, looking to move there as soon as possible.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
The hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, forest/brush fires, tsunami, blizzard, heat wave… and so much more… might be the results of other magical people want to curse everyone as well!!!
Darth_Walrus_1975 over 4 years ago
The best thing that happened in Id this year.
fretlessman71 over 4 years ago
Looks more like a job for……TROGDOR!!!!…..
fred.grenouille over 4 years ago
With everything that’s happened (and happening) this year, wha’s a small matter of a zombie plague?
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 4 years ago
Am I too old to apply to Hogwarts? I want a wand like that.
GiantShetlandPony over 4 years ago
It would certainly help people shelter in place.
coratelli over 4 years ago
scote1379 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Don’t give Mother Nature anymore Ideas.
Milady Meg over 4 years ago
I am so glad last year is over. I have high hopes for 5781.
littlejohn Premium Member over 4 years ago
I live in a “small” city of around 50,000. I’ve seen the pictures of Portland, Chicago, New York city, Seattle, and others. How does one tell the difference between the Zombies and the “normal” people? The people in these “big” cities seem to be all running around in some sort of stupefying daze, not able to see the reality around them, to a varying degree.
brain Les over 4 years ago
with all that has happened this year, I doubt if many people will notice the zombies; they will just think it is part of the US election campaign or a new way to eliminate the c virus…..
Space_cat over 4 years ago
Given the current events it is most likely it would be at least a fortnight before anyone notices!
AlanM over 4 years ago
The only zombie plagues I’m aware of are in Minecraft.
jagedlo over 4 years ago
The ID version of “The Walking Dead”?
William Bednar Premium Member over 4 years ago
The year of the Zombie Voters.
Geophyzz over 4 years ago
The one symptom of the “long-haulers” that the authorities try to downplay is their craving for brains.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
If ever there was both a good time and a poor time for this particular comic, this is the year. God help us all. …please
geese28 over 4 years ago
Corona zombies!!!
Mediatech over 4 years ago
Anyone who has ever gone to the mall on Christmas Eve knows exactly what a zombie plague looks like.
Nyckname over 4 years ago
GIANT FLAMING METEOR 2020; Let’s get it over with already
Snowedin over 4 years ago
Yeah, have at ’er. Everything else has.
Bill The Nuke over 4 years ago
Looks like a (fill in your most hated politician’s name) rally.
Mario500 over 4 years ago
(wonders about the “YEAR” mentioned in the cartoon)
Jeffin Premium Member over 4 years ago
Bring it Wiz.
Holden Awn over 4 years ago
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Not true, Wiz. No one will even notice it! :D
redback over 4 years ago
4 more years
raybarb44 over 4 years ago
Go for it…..
deanhmcdonald over 4 years ago
Nailed it!
SamuelMeasa over 4 years ago
I know we say we wish that the zombie plague would come along and wipe out the stupid in the world. But think about how those people have all the time in the world to watch every zombie movie, making it easier for themselves to survive.
paranormal over 4 years ago
This pandemic should help get us prepared for a zombie apocalypse.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
Yep, I hear the devil does that.
hwmj over 4 years ago
Zombies would be a relief about now
oakie817 over 4 years ago
this late in 2020, no one will notice
cosman over 4 years ago
i live in my hometown Seattle.. there’s a town of 5,500 in the Rockies that right now in the early afternoon has more normal, lively business/shopping district activity than my town, looking to move there as soon as possible.
dogday Premium Member over 4 years ago
Sorry, Wiz….too late!
Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 4 years ago
You’re not wrong about this, Wiz. Fortunately, I have been prepared for this plague for a number of years. I’m ready!