Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 13, 2016
Lupin: There are rainbows everywhere! We return to Elvis for continuing courage Elvis? Elvis: Lupin, this just in: It appears earlier reports that "St. Patrick's Day exploded" were mistaken! Lupin: I believe those were your reports- Elvis: It's not important who said what. The fact remains there are rainbows everywhere an the People are ecstatic. The Woman keeps spinning in circles with Puck. Woman: Yay! Finally! Puck: It feels like I'm flying, Elvis. ....Right over the rainbow. Elvis: The Man is cheering incoherentlyat the electric picture box. The Woman is pumping her fist in the air. Puck: Okay, we're doing this now. Elvis: The Man is telling the children this is an historic day. An...Irish historic day? Lupin: Just stop. Elvis: Well, though the cause remains unclear, two things are certain: Whatever happened, it was awesome and long overdue.
ctlum over 8 years ago
“Whatever happened, it was awesome and long overdue.” Yes, it was, Elvis! Indeed it was!
Adiraiju over 8 years ago
The supreme irony is that in our family, it marked the legalization of a gay divorce involving my aunt, who was married in Vermont but lived in New York. It was awesome and long overdue for her wife, who is the sweetest person I ever met and deserves a woman FAR better than my aunt.
So long story short, Elvis was right for all the right reasons for everyone but us, where he was right for all the WRONG reasons.
gawaintheknight over 8 years ago
And thanks to Trump’s victory quite possibly temporary.
John Premium Member over 8 years ago
Umm. Man and Woman don’t appear to be Gay.
kimodb Premium Member over 8 years ago
Is Toddler holding a stuffed Wicket? Thank you once again, Georgia, what a sweet way to champion equal rights!
momma-tink over 8 years ago
As it did when it first appeared, this strip brought very happy tears to my eyes for all of my friends who have either now been able to get married or who are planning their wedding. Well done, Georgia. <3
musikmsg over 8 years ago
1) I’m not sure how you can appear to be gay. 2) Whether they’re straight or not, it was a huge win for civil rights, and a beautiful moment all around. 3) If you’re that easily embarrassed, maybe you shouldn’t be on the internet at all.
ladykat Premium Member over 8 years ago
I enjoyed this strip the first time around and am enjoying it again.
prairiedogdance Premium Member over 8 years ago
Sad to see how even here in BCNs bubble he has brought out discord and politics. The comments the first time this ran were just an unending flood of joy. It was beautiful. Still makes me weepy but for different reasons today.
Hardly pandering or a blunder. Everyone, including Georgia, knows someone this was a win for, whether you were aware of it or not.
It was a great day, we had a beautiful wedding after 20 years together, and a few blessed years of finally feeling a bit safer.
morningglory73 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Gay, straight or what have you it is the LOVE that’s important. Love is all.
Queen of America Premium Member over 8 years ago
Maybe they have gay friends and / or relatives. Maybe they just believe that everyone should be treated equally.
Clearstream over 8 years ago
This was great, Georgia. That day was great, and this was an amazing strip to celebrate it.
Brein43 over 8 years ago
I am with most of the others abovedid not find this very touching strip pandering or embarrassing, and I join the characters in rejoicing in this historic civil rights triumph.
SunflowerGirl100 over 8 years ago
Off Topic: Tomorrow begins Our IX Lives. For newbies who may get confused, it’s the soap opera the cats love (except Elvis who finds it a waste of time) I highly recommend reading the first two strips that introduced it. Here’s the first one
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Yes it’s wonderful, but I mourn the loss of the one of the few strips that doesn’t have a political agenda.
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 8 years ago
@Dogday88—the only way I can see anyone having the reaction you describe is that it’s a person who wants some people to lack the rights others have. Fie.
I was around when Rosa Parks rode buses in Alabama. I was around when the Lovings won their SCOTUS case.I am joyful that I saw the day Georgia depicted.
I’m sorry for you.
Piksea Premium Member over 8 years ago
Even as a rerun, this strip made me tear up a bit. What a wonderful way to celebrate that milestone!
Athelstane over 8 years ago
1 Corinthians 6:9-11“Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
SunflowerGirl100 over 8 years ago
Okay, here’s a quick commentary on the Bible and homosexuality
And now can we please drop the subject! Throughout this past year, BCN has been one of the few safe places free of politics. Let’s recognize that Georgia was not making a political statement in the above strip but an expression of joy in a triumph of humanity and leave it at that.Remember, tomorrow is Our IX Lives. I can hardly wait!
gigagrouch over 8 years ago
End of Rants (please?)
Peace.Out.Brein43 over 8 years ago
Thank you, sunflower girl, beautifully said. Love the image of Pucky flying with a little help from The Woman.
Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 8 years ago
Classic expression of Lupin in panel 13 saying: “just stop”.
Sarah Colvig over 8 years ago
I felt just as joyous on that very happy day! In loving memory of my 2 gay uncles and my gay foster brother.
ctlum over 8 years ago
I think we can all agree that Georgia is free to write about whatever she wishes, and each of us is just as free to either read her strip if we like it or NOT read it if we don’t like it. I personally am going to think of happy things now like “We get a new episode of Our IX Lives tomorrow!!!”
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
Gay or Straight, cat or human – when rights are acknowledged for anyone – it is a a day to celebrate!!
Teto85 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Love wins.
Georgia Dunn creator about 7 years ago
This came up as my random bonus comic today when I was reading the strip, and I had somehow not seen many of the negative messages this time around. I will say three things in response:
1. This was the third time this particular comic had run. I had never received negative comments or messages regarding it until it ran for the third time in December 2016. That’s really unfortunate.
2. I don’t care if this offends anyone. My dear, beloved aunt—a personal herione of mine—is a lesbian, and I wrote this strip to celebrate her and other LGBT loved ones. And my family comes first, always. I’m never going to lie or hide to make a little more money. I’d rather be myself than pretend to be someone I’m not in the interest of book sales—it could make more money, but that’s a cheap way to live. This was a day our family celebrated. We have little pride flags anyway every June (because if you’ve been here 10 minutes you know I love holidays/events/reasons to put up bunting!) We dragged them out, we colored rainbows with our kiddo, we explained the importance of this day. This was a big day for our family—it meant more in-laws one day maybe! Hooray!
3. You don’t have to love everything I write or create. And you don’t have to read my work. There is only one me and only one person who writes what I write and tells the jokes and stories I tell, though. You can leave any time you want, but I’m going to keep writing really fun stuff either way for people to enjoy. While sharing stories set in my life, where my aunt is awesome and I will always chose her over a few more books sold—and it wouldn’t be fair for me misrepresent myself to anyone who wouldn’t want to support my work either. So, forever save your quotes or arguments because my aunt has always been there for me and loves and supports me and was one of my biggest fans when I was just handing her scribbles on construction paper—and you don’t have an argument that will ever turn my back on that. End of story.
liam461 almost 7 years ago
I like your supporting
CamiSu Premium Member about 6 years ago
I have friends who got married on their first anniversary after gay marriage became legal in New Hampshire. It was their 50th anniversary together. That is a long time to wait. We were all so happy for them!
kit about 5 years ago
Good for you Georgia