[The Cat and the Moon, by William Butler Yeats] / The cat went here and there / and the moon spun round like a top, / and the nearest kin of the moon, / the creeping cat, looked up. / Black Minnaloushe stared at the moon, / for, wander and wail as he would,/ the pure cold light in the sky / troubled his animal blood. /
Minnaloushe runs in the grass / lifting his delicate feet. / Do you dance, Minnaloushe, do you dance? / When two close kindred meet, / what better than call a dance? / Maybe the moon may learn, / tired of that courtly fashion, / a new dance turn. /
Minnaloushe creeps through the grass / from moonlit place to place, / the sacred moon overhead / has taken a new phase. / Does Minnaloushe know that his pupils / will pass from change to change, / and that from round to crescent, / from crescent to round they range? /
Minnaloushe creeps through the grass / alone, important and wise, / and lifts to the changing moon / his changing eyes.
This is so pretty! When I lived In FL my Indiana native big tomcat was deeply suspicious of the full moon. If he happened to see it as it was rising out of the ocean he’d hiss at it.
Our Waffle often acts like he’s part Siamese. Shame he isn’t smarter, then one of his names would be “John Adams,” as in:
“Will someone shut that up?”
He’s not quite an Angry Fussy Paws, though he comes close. His other names are Fuzzmuffin, Sir Shedalot, and Fearless Fuzznut (after the Al Capp character Fearless Fosdick, which suits his nature perfectly—brave, loyal, but not very bright.)
A big bright ball of yarn! What a lovely description for the shining orb that is the Moon! And I think Lupin’s chart of what he believes is happening with the Moon is flawless logic—it’s what the sun looks like when it’s turned off. Ha!
I wonder what Lupin’s explanation of the waxing or waning crescent or new moon would be? Someone taking out the old burnt out bulb to replace it perhaps?
I’ve missed your beautiful watercolors since the strip was syndicated. But I understand why you can’t do that every day. It’s lovely to see it on Sundays!
SunflowerGirl100 over 7 years ago
Sweetie Puff is Elvis’s nickname?!
butler2jc over 7 years ago
maybe if they saw the cat in the moon they’d relax (it’s been mistakenly called the man in the moon)
Robin Harwood over 7 years ago
Another great chart! Science becomes much clearer when BCN explains it.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 7 years ago
^Occam razor; the simplest answer it the right answer.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 7 years ago
[The Cat and the Moon, by William Butler Yeats] / The cat went here and there / and the moon spun round like a top, / and the nearest kin of the moon, / the creeping cat, looked up. / Black Minnaloushe stared at the moon, / for, wander and wail as he would,/ the pure cold light in the sky / troubled his animal blood. /
Minnaloushe runs in the grass / lifting his delicate feet. / Do you dance, Minnaloushe, do you dance? / When two close kindred meet, / what better than call a dance? / Maybe the moon may learn, / tired of that courtly fashion, / a new dance turn. /
Minnaloushe creeps through the grass / from moonlit place to place, / the sacred moon overhead / has taken a new phase. / Does Minnaloushe know that his pupils / will pass from change to change, / and that from round to crescent, / from crescent to round they range? /
Minnaloushe creeps through the grass / alone, important and wise, / and lifts to the changing moon / his changing eyes.
Elite1grey over 7 years ago
The Moon is just a giant egg waiting to hatch and give birth to a giant space reptile.
SheMc over 7 years ago
Sweetie Puff, a nice name!!! Happy Sunday everyone X
Trespassers W over 7 years ago
And let’s give Georgia an artistic Wow! for panel 3. The coloring of looking through a glass pane at Elvis is exceptional.
ladykat Premium Member over 7 years ago
Wonderful work, Georgia!
anne o over 7 years ago
This is so pretty! When I lived In FL my Indiana native big tomcat was deeply suspicious of the full moon. If he happened to see it as it was rising out of the ocean he’d hiss at it.
Brein43 over 7 years ago
The Woman is amazingly clueless, oblivious to the threat barely hanging above. Good thing Elvis is on guard duty.
scaeva Premium Member over 7 years ago
Our Waffle often acts like he’s part Siamese. Shame he isn’t smarter, then one of his names would be “John Adams,” as in:
“Will someone shut that up?”“NEVER!!”
He’s not quite an Angry Fussy Paws, though he comes close. His other names are Fuzzmuffin, Sir Shedalot, and Fearless Fuzznut (after the Al Capp character Fearless Fosdick, which suits his nature perfectly—brave, loyal, but not very bright.)
scaeva Premium Member over 7 years ago
I love panel 7: “The big light bulb in the sky.” The last panel is just precious, and poor Puck!
Lady Bri over 7 years ago
A big bright ball of yarn! What a lovely description for the shining orb that is the Moon! And I think Lupin’s chart of what he believes is happening with the Moon is flawless logic—it’s what the sun looks like when it’s turned off. Ha!
JonEBrock over 7 years ago
Elvis is really going to freak when the moon eats the sun in a few weeks. There won’t be enough room to contain his poofiness.
pekenpug over 7 years ago
Little Scientist Cat of Adventure does it again! Right on, Lupin! And I love Puck’s dislocated eyebrows, Georgia.
Nuliajuk over 7 years ago
I wonder what Lupin’s explanation of the waxing or waning crescent or new moon would be? Someone taking out the old burnt out bulb to replace it perhaps?
bonita.eley over 7 years ago
Love the ON and OFF. Truly Lupin is a thinker for our time!
KL over 7 years ago
GREAT strip today. I love every panel. I never heard the Yeats poem before. Minnalouche is a fab cat name. And the last panel made me literally LOL!
Shay over 7 years ago
The charts are too precious! And the water colors are lovely!
Kay Rozeboom Premium Member over 7 years ago
I’ve missed your beautiful watercolors since the strip was syndicated. But I understand why you can’t do that every day. It’s lovely to see it on Sundays!
Courage the Cowardly Dog! over 7 years ago
Dear Lupin, a namesake of yours turns into a wolf when he sees the moon! Please be aware!
ksol1460 about 7 years ago
This is so Night Vale. Just in time for the annual Destroy the Moon Festival (July 26)! “We hate you, Moon!”
KirboBoi about 3 years ago
I just love how mad Elvis gets.