Y’all know there a several “tick borne” ailments out there.. starting with the well known Lyme Disease. Well, there’s a new one that should scare most of Y’all ta deff! Alpha Gal Syndrome. 10% of the folks I know have contracted it in the past few years, and it’s scary! Any one who gets it becomes allergic to ALL mammalian products.. as in walk into a kitchen where someone is cooking bacon and go into anaphylactic shock, eat a salad that was cut up with a knife that (even after being scalded clean) has ever cut a piece of mammal flesh and die… take a dose of medicine that was coated using a cows hoof and you’re gone. That last one is the scariest as most folks in the medical field have never even herd of this disease… much less know anything about it, and there are SO many medicines that have mammalian ingredients that aren’t even listed on the packaging. IF any of you have the bad luck to get this.. PLEASE get a medic alert bracelet so should you find yourself in the E.R. the folks there will at least know to go look it up and not give you any medicine that could do more harm than good. Lost 2 good friends already because of this. Please be careful.
FreihEitner Premium Member over 2 years ago
Proving there is always more than one solution to most issues.
Imagine over 2 years ago
Does anyone even making it that small?
Ratkin Premium Member over 2 years ago
The same way the elephant got into Groucho’s pajamas.
allen@home over 2 years ago
I guess it wouldn’t be very nice if you slap him up side the head. Would it, Pam.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago
Brewster should wear camouflage.
LookingGlass Premium Member over 2 years ago
I would venture to say that Brewster is not the “brightest/smartest” person – on the R.U. Sirius!!
enigmamz over 2 years ago
Have you tried asking nicely? And using “Please”?
The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago
It also helps if you get them ticked off.
blackman2732 over 2 years ago
Swing and a miss
Chithing Premium Member over 2 years ago
Put them in a pile with a sign that says Black Friday Sale.
Steverino Premium Member over 2 years ago
And if there are lots of tick, that would mean poly-ticks.
preacherman Premium Member over 2 years ago
The site probably says, “when you wear light colored clothing….” The way she said it, it could be taken Brewster’s way, too.
Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago
You can tell if it’s a Class M planet by the proliferation of Roddenberries.
ChessPirate over 2 years ago
Bribe their tailor… ☺
old_geek over 2 years ago
How would you get the ticks…..
Great, there goes my sleep tonight.
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
And who wants spotted ticks?
philwinn over 2 years ago
Bribe them with some little candy bars.
snowedin, now known as Missy's mom over 2 years ago
I’ve always wondered that!
cuzinron47 over 2 years ago
He needs an instruction manual to operate a light switch.
Stephen Gilberg over 2 years ago
Keep watch for ticks.
rstove428 Premium Member over 2 years ago
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 2 years ago
With any luck they will be ten feet high so seeing them will be easier.
taz1313 over 2 years ago
Y’all know there a several “tick borne” ailments out there.. starting with the well known Lyme Disease. Well, there’s a new one that should scare most of Y’all ta deff! Alpha Gal Syndrome. 10% of the folks I know have contracted it in the past few years, and it’s scary! Any one who gets it becomes allergic to ALL mammalian products.. as in walk into a kitchen where someone is cooking bacon and go into anaphylactic shock, eat a salad that was cut up with a knife that (even after being scalded clean) has ever cut a piece of mammal flesh and die… take a dose of medicine that was coated using a cows hoof and you’re gone. That last one is the scariest as most folks in the medical field have never even herd of this disease… much less know anything about it, and there are SO many medicines that have mammalian ingredients that aren’t even listed on the packaging. IF any of you have the bad luck to get this.. PLEASE get a medic alert bracelet so should you find yourself in the E.R. the folks there will at least know to go look it up and not give you any medicine that could do more harm than good. Lost 2 good friends already because of this. Please be careful.
briggs.roy078 over 2 years ago
(snort) (snort) HAHAHAH
Scott S over 2 years ago
Just wait until he encounters the Rigelian deer flies!
norphos over 2 years ago
Ingenious and hilarious!
pauljmsn over 2 years ago
Ticks? I have only one thing to say:
gopher gofer over 2 years ago
maybe he could make an instructional tick-tock video…
aussie399 Premium Member over 2 years ago
I’m beginning to think that Brewster is modelled after uncle Joe