Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 14, 2012
Earl: Hey, big guy! Trff: What? Earl: I mean, Mr. Ex-President-For-Life Bmzklfrpz! Trff: That's better! Earl: Pop, I got an idea I want to run by you. Could be big! Duke: I'm all ears. Earl: You know that little timer on microwave ovens? The one you stare at for three minutes when you're making popcorn? My idea is to push content to that screen, little programming packages to entertain you while you're waiting. I call it Pop-TV. The trick would be to figure out what kind of programming would work... Duke: Three minutes, you say? Earl: Yeah. Duke: Interesting... Earl: You're thinking adult, aren't you? Duke: Yeah, but that's only half the market. What do women do with their three extra minutes?
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
I wonder if Duke remembers the 3 minutes that created Earl.
MassieVoter over 12 years ago
Ewwwwwww – I don’t want any popcorn now.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
I’m surprised that president-for-life Bmzklfrpz has a real job.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“… folks who have nothing better to do while their microwave popcorn is popping than watch the countdown on the microwave clock.”
I’m one of ’em. I watch in order to memorize the exact number of seconds needed to produce optimized popped corn. Neither too much (too many burned popcorns) nor too little (too many unpopped kernels).
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
that idea is brilliant. has to better than infusing ghost chilis into vodka.
MiepR over 12 years ago
I vote this Best Satire Yet. Or at least for quite some time.
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Perfect content: Gocomics.
roctor over 12 years ago
Thee minutes The time dedicated to the lead news story on the nightly news.
SlyMongoose over 12 years ago
So nice to see the offspring really is a chip off the ’ol blockhead. heheheeee!
babka Premium Member over 12 years ago
akin to:
SwimsWithSharks over 12 years ago
I want Honey to tell him what she’d do with those 3 extra minutes.
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
A “real” job? You mean to insuate that “President for Life” is NOT a real job?! How dare you…!
Carol69 over 12 years ago
Earl is way behind the curve, SnuffySmith had a TV built into a stove 40years ago.
spooked wolf over 12 years ago
I wonder if Duke is Pinnochio in disguise. Notice how his nose has grown since 08july1974? Hee hee. Mr. Trudeau really likes those elongated schnozes. Being extremely long snouted meself, I have no complaints.
asa4ever over 12 years ago
I don’t watch the timer, but I do listen so I know when 95% of the kernels have popped. Then I shut off the microwave so the popped corn doesn’t burn. It’s a lonely existence.
asa4ever over 12 years ago
Please donate to “K9s for Wounded Warriors”. I don’t know where I would be without my dogs.
stellablu122 over 12 years ago
The future is here! The real question is how can Duke still pull off smoking in a bar?Or is this part of the fantasy smokers all share?
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Another funny strip with Duke, though certainly not as great as the recent Romney in France story line.
Kip W over 12 years ago
“BMZKLFRPZ gouges out U eyes and SHOWS ’em to ya.” Silly Bmzklfrpz! That only works once.
Kip W over 12 years ago
Some urinals have ads, too. They get you filling and emptying.
Polsixe over 12 years ago
He’s probably onto something, once the microwaves come with mini HMI touch screens talking with the home wifi it’s only a matter of time.
Linguist over 12 years ago
I guess I’m still old fashioned. I pop my popcorn the old fashioned way: 1 cup of corn with a little oil ( prefer olive oil ) in an old, covered, 3 quart sauce pan. With a little attention, comes out great !
Ermine Notyours over 12 years ago
I said pop CORN, not po—… never mind.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Three minutes? How about ‘The Complete Wisdom of the Republican Party’? They could show it six times!
fishbulb239 over 12 years ago
You could really rake in the dough from the innovation if you had the adult entertainment audibly and visually inform you as to when the popcorn is nearing completion. Yes! Yes!!! YEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Popcorn’s done!
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Rock, roll and remember the 60s with Gene Chandler’s Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl Duke, Duke . . . .
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
A lot of casinos still seem to allow smoking (along with bars of course). One hit of the tobacco/nicotine air in a casino/bar is enough to give you asthma/emphysema/whatever lung related disease you can think of.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
How come no trolls? Did we flag ’em off?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
According to GOP principles, Duke would make a better GOP nominee than O’MItt.. Better yet, Bmzklfrpz.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Susan! Babygirl! Where are you now that we need you? Pls answer gmartin997.
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
Congrats to the NFL champs, (I hate the sound of that) still no answer for Cruz. So much for “brimming with confidence.” I’m with the announcers, forget about this game time for the NLCS.
Ellen Gwynne over 12 years ago
Chanelling Christopher Hitchens??
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
Here we go again, congrats to the Card fans. Once again the champs are a handful. The baseball god is not great.
This has to be the most FOX I’ve watched in a couple of years.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
Yes, that is always the case. Fox is the propaganda arm of the GOP. MSNBC does the bidding for the Dems.
rmbdot over 12 years ago
Earl is a bit behind the times. I distinctly recall a microwave on the market, ummm…., maybe 15 years ago – that had a small TV screen built-in above the keypad.
Rational Anarchist over 12 years ago
It may be 3 minutes, but it feels like 3.25 minute.