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Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 04, 2012
Mitt Romney: America-- a country of the people, by the people and for a few... a country where anyone who prepped can grow up to be a job-creator! And in the day ahead I plan to reintroduce myself to voters! Alex: Sorry, you're toast. Goodbye. You know, it just amazes me that only a few years after the economy was brought to its knees by a gang of predatory Wall Street plutocrats that the GOP would nominate a predatory Wall Street plutocrat! Do they think we don't remember who screwed us over and hollowed out the middle class? People just like Romney! Ms. Deluca: When was this? Toggle: S-see? Don't get... cocky! Alex: Dear God.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
George Santayana said, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Here is a message in a similar vein from TV writer and producer Chuck Lorre:
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
Not long till Election Day
Blood-Poisoning Vermin over 12 years ago
It was the years leading up to 2008.
Brisbanekid over 12 years ago
Alex is going to have a long and frustrating night on Tuesday!
gkid over 12 years ago
Alexander the Good Enough over 12 years ago
The Richthuglicon motto/battle cry for most of the last 30 years: “Billions for the billionaires, pennies for the penniless!” Overall, even Nixon was better than the more recent pack of psychopathic Thug traitors.
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
Those who don’t remember the past, or just invent their own history, are called “Republicans”.
frumdebang over 12 years ago
Isn’t everything?
fontenelle over 12 years ago
Working class Republicans will vote themselves and their progeny into wage slavery. Declining academic standards will produce more working class Republicans, so the U.S. is doomed to plutocracy.
pschearer Premium Member over 12 years ago
It wasn’t PLUTOcrats that brought the economy to its knees; it was BUREAUcrats. Nearly a century of Fed manipulation of the money supply; half a century of government policy first encouraging home-ownership, then forcing it, creating the housing bubble; OVER-regulation (yes, I said OVER) of the financial sector in ways that encouraged bad decisions and risky investing. (The idea that it was DE-regulation that caused this mess is a leftist myth. Regulation exploded under Bush II.)
This election is about one side that at least leans toward limited government and another side that longs for unlimited government. Didn’t the world learn ANYTHING from the 20th century?
bagbalm over 12 years ago
Have fun picking which head of the Banker Party you will serve.
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
Republican philosophy; The wealthy don’t have enough money. The poor have too much money. Yeah, that makes sense. Let’s privatize disaster relief. Food, water, power, clean-up? We’ll get back to you on that. Need to find the lowest bidder. Should only be a month or two. BTW, you need to carry your rapist’s child to term. It’s a gift from god. I could go on all day, but I’m getting sick.
38lowell over 12 years ago
PerBO,isn’t that 57 states?
Ensoh over 12 years ago
You mean the ad – the one with the little girl who can’t vote asking me not to vote for Obama and against her future, that the GOP spammed onto my Facebook Page – was a LIE? I thought I could TRUST these guys! Thanks, Alex!
asa4ever over 12 years ago
Actually, to win, all you need to do is win the 11 biggest states by one vote in each and you do not have to get even one vote in all the others.
jonesb over 12 years ago
Obama gave them more money than “The Shrub”.
jonesb over 12 years ago
Actually Goldman Sachs has run our government(Dem and GOP) since Bill Clinton.
Alabama Al over 12 years ago
For those of you who are Republican sycophants (you know who you are), I have one question: Why? After all, at some level you must suspect that you are advocating the policies of people who wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire.
mr.monkeyshines over 12 years ago
is it because the press optics are getting more and more magnified and distorted,or is this the most polarized america has been on a good long time..?
JoeStrike over 12 years ago
@pschearerOne thing conservatives forget when they call for shrinking (or getting rid of) the federal government is, that power isn’t going to return to the people (yay John Lennon) or the states – it will wind up in the hands of nationwide or worldwide entities completely unanswerable to the the public – in other words, corporations.
The incentive to make a buck is fine in its proper context (and with enough regulation to make sure the greedy don’t go nuts at the expense of the rest of us) – but stinks when applied to bottom-line necessities that keep society functioning.
terryfitz2 over 12 years ago
A little information in a weak mind creates bluster.
gantech over 12 years ago
Sad thing is, many voters really do have that short of an attention span. If Romney does get elected, we’ll be getting exactly the government we deserve.
gantech over 12 years ago
You of course being an expert on mental.
JeNagVaz over 12 years ago
Exactly for whom do those 47% vote for? I recently saw a clip from an interview where Romney tried to explain that he was referring to those who vote democrat as being the moochers, no matter what. In my experience… Alex’s mother-in-law represents those red-neck, tea-party, neo-con non thinkers.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Well, sometimes people change. I know there are a couple of recovering Republicans in my life… But, most people tend to be pretty dug in with their beliefs.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
In a few days we can start forgetting about Mitt like a bad dream, unless the GOP decides to run him again in 2016. Don’t see that happening.
corzak over 12 years ago
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 12 years ago
A vote for Romney is like giving GW Bush a 3rd term. I’m not drinking that kool-aid again. Romney is the Republican version of John Kerry & we see how well that that turned out for him.
Warren Wubker over 12 years ago
The left always refuses to acknowledge that ‘affordable housing’ was the true cause of the bust. Without tons of bad loans, Wall Street would not have tried to create lemonade from the lemons. So, instead of blaming their own failed policies, put the blame on Bush and Wall Street. How’s the last four years working out for you?
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I am certainly better off than I was 4 years ago.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I expect that better off trend to continue under President Obama.
dsom8 over 12 years ago
Actually, what brought the economy down was the Democratic Congress allowing unqualified borrowers to purchase homes they couldn’t afford.
DarkHorseSki over 12 years ago
I do remember things really started to go down hill once Pelosi and the Democrats gained control of the House in 2007. This does not excuse GWB and the Republicans (thanks to Jeffords defecting) for cutting taxes without cutting spending to match, despite promising to do so.
RayThomas101 over 12 years ago
I remember who “Screwed us over” and it was NOT Romney or anybody like him. That’s a MYTH put out by the Democrats..
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Jesus never called the poor lazy, he never asked a leper for a copay, and never lobbied for a tax cut for the wealthiest Nazarenes.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
If we want to increase academic standards, we need to decrease poverty for children since there is a direct correlation between the two. People who complain about the US schools are ignoring poverty as a factor. We would all like to believe that poverty is not a factor, but reality begs to differ. Children who are hungry and living in neighborhoods which are not as safe are at a great disadvantage. When you compare schools in other countries where they are performing well to schools in this country where poverty is not a factor, our US schools are doing well. Finland is a country in which the 15 year olds consistently score at 1st and 2nd in their Math/Science areas. Finland has a poverty rate for children of 5%, compared to the US rate of poverty for children of 22%.
route66paul over 12 years ago
That is the largest window I have ever seen in a mobile home.
Alexander the Good Enough over 12 years ago
Good point. The Richthuglicon battle cry: “Billions for the billionaires, pennies FROM the penniless!”
Hclemes Premium Member over 12 years ago
The last four years have destroyed the spirt of so any people. The youth are the ones that are suffering the worst. One more term of Obama and no one will be able to turn it around. Jobs are the only thing that matters and the Democrats don’t know how to produce them.
route66paul over 12 years ago
Nixon dug his own grave on his political career with his paranoid fantasies.
route66paul over 12 years ago
Spend like a liberal? Actually, spend like a republican is more like it. The Republicans are pro- military/industrial complex and have proved it since WWII.We were warned about it from the first republican president elected after WWII
Alexander the Good Enough over 12 years ago
A lot of commenters seem genuinely puzzled by the persistent popularity of the Republicans. Here, if you’ll bear with me and FWIW, is my take on it.Consider that half of all Americans are of below average intelligence, and that a good many more aren’t much smarter than that, and that nevertheless quite a few too many of these people vote. Worse, while they may be a little dim, these folks are still very well aware that there are a lot of people, the “librul intellektual morans” in particular, that are savagely mocking them and much that they hold sacred (e. g. Colbert, G. Trudeau, Lewis Black, et many al.). There is very little that will anger and alienate people more than being laughed at. The Republicans have brilliantly positioned themselves to take advantage of these facts and thus have a permanent and highly energized near majority that pretty much consists of the easily duped, the humorless and angry, the resentful and hateful, and those who are easily buffaloed by fear, especially fear of change. In turn, the Democrats have become the refuge of the appalled and apoplectic. That’s also why the Republicans have purged their ranks of intellectuals. The seemingly imbecilic statements by their candidates and positions that are “generally opposed to science, rational thinking, and all manifestations of common sense” (to quote Dilbert) bother them not in the least, indeed those things are pleasing to them. Those “gaffes” make the “lefties” even more crazy upset, and anything or anyone who can do that is just fine with conservatives who seem to be lusting after vengeance on the “smarties.” Out of resentment, the right wingers will cut off their own noses to spite everyone’s face. I fear we’ll all reap the whirlwind as a result.
rockngolfer over 12 years ago
If you read about what happens if there is a tie in the electoral college it would make your head hurt. We could end up with Romney/Biden or Obama/Ryan or Boehner as temporary President or the Hawaii Senator temporary President……if you don’t believe me look it up.
ironflange over 12 years ago
The EC will never be abolished for one simple reason: it makes for better television.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
“liberalism is a mental disease”And may I never recover! (Apologies to Tevye)
bajasusana over 12 years ago
shame on you, trudeau—your classism is showing, and it ain’t trailer trash that is responsible for the mess the usa is in
x666dog over 12 years ago
Funny, I thought the problems created during the administration preceding 2008 was created by the Democratic controlled Congress and the loosing of the mortgage rules and boom/bust. Did I miss something? I blame Reid, Pelosi, Waters, Waxman, et al.
ka4uim over 12 years ago
“When was this?” Spoken by so many old people who live in Florida and have Doctor’s appointments on Medicare. What will they do when Romney-Ryan abolish their health care? .
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
It is amazing that anyone could justify a vote for the republicans. Their entire agenda is screwing the other guy (or, especially, the other woman). We’ll look back at the GOP at this time in history like we look back at those who seceded from the union – as an almost unimaginable nightmare.
steelersneo over 12 years ago
The American people are notoriously forgettful. For instance. Everyone has forgotten all the promises made by Obama during his last campaign run. This has allowed him to repeat himself during this election. Promising to do this time, what he failed to do during his first term. I for one am not fooled. It is Obama that is toast.
manuel sotomayor Premium Member over 12 years ago
The majority of job creators aren’t “prepped” or were born into wealth. They come from all backgrounds. What we have in common is a fierce desire to succeed on our own terms and not become serfs of an entitlement state. The real predators are politicos like Obama, Reid and Pelosi.
lafayetteann over 12 years ago
conservatism is a social disease (?)
unanim us over 12 years ago
AlexDoonesbury, if you think that a plutocrat is so bad (be informed that a generic “plutocrat” is neither here nor there, since Pluto’s cute, and may be innocent at times), then listen to this: ’’Warning: may be Rated R depending on individual priorities.
caligula over 12 years ago
And Denial is both the first, and last, symptom. A liberal abandoning his his tenants doesn’t have to be mugged, they just have to be able to do math. Unfortunately most won’t take the time.
SClark55 over 12 years ago
Read Reckless Endangerment – it was all based in lib policies aimed at everybody owning their own home.
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
To all those that are worried about Romney winning on Tuesday; the European gambling websites, who just about always have these things right, have the over/under number for President Obama in the Electoral College at 299.5. Good bye and good riddance, Mitt. Have fun when the IRS comes after you in about 6 months.
asa4ever over 12 years ago
I am 100% service-connected disabled plus my wife and I collect SS. Just for laughs, I asked my banker at B of A in NC, if I put down $50,000 on a house, how much would B of A loan me. He told me, since my income was guaranteed, that he could easily get me $500,000. Just what 2 people need, a 4,000 sq. ft home.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
“Yes it is much better to vote for someone who put the country into a 15 trillion dollar backbreaking debt.”But Bush isn’t running again. We’re still digging out from the debt he and the Republican Congress buried us in..As for Rmoney, good riddance. Unfortunately, like McCain stuck us with Caribou Barbi for an election cycle, Money BooBoo stuck us with Eddie Munster, probably for more than a cycle.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
The incumbent party has lost the election every time the Washington Redskins lost a football game right before the election except for 2004. The Redskins lost today.President Romney January 20, 2013.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 12 years ago
Trudeau speaks truth.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
If it’s not a rule, it means nothing. Like, the taller man always wins, but not in 2004. Does it hold for stolen election?
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Just saw a tweet: Romney will ROBME N U 2.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I hate to say it, but considering how close the race is, I am worried about the top lawmakers who are in those swing states:Florida— Rick Scott RepublicanOhio— John Kasich RepublicanVirginia— Robert McDonnell RepublicanWisconsin— Scott Walker RepublicanColorado does have John Hickenlooper, DemocratIt should not matter what party the top official is in in the state, but this time it might…
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Remember Florida 2000? Remember how that went down with Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida?
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
No, Sharuniboy, I don’t really have any economic suggestions along those lines. Years ago, I read Almost Everyone’s Guide to Economics by the great John Kenneth Galbraith. Today, I read Paul Krugman on a regular basis. I am sure Krugman would have some answers you are seeking, if you were to check him out, but not everyone can have a PhD in Economics…
Alexander the Good Enough over 12 years ago
Gosh golly, Right. Thanks for such a thoroughgoing demonstration of support for my thesis. There really is no cure for stupidity, is there.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
Unfortunately, name-calling and simplistic talking points don’t equal any kind of cogent argument. And Romney is going down big, in any case, so you’re wasting your time. Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’m with Alex!! It’s hard to believe but…..
Uncle Joe over 12 years ago
Cold war, Jim Crow… those were bad. CEO salaries that were only 20 or 30 times what the average worker was paid? 70% tax rates for the top bracket? A wall of separation between regular banks and financial speculators?Goodness no, we can’t go back to that!
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
After listening to all these persuasive and insightful arguments I think it’s clear, Gary Johnson by a hair.
grsjax over 12 years ago
Boy you lefties are going to be crying come Wednesday morning.
fauxment over 12 years ago
Mental diseases will never affect conservatives, you have to have a brain first….
erinbliss over 12 years ago
fontenelle, I’ve been saying the same thing but much simpler since I’m an under educated blue collar kid.
ambr95012 over 12 years ago
aside from the fact that Democrats are the ones who tout education. Gee, how has that helped so far hmmmm?
grsjax over 12 years ago
alexanderthe good enough is partly right. 50% of the population is below average intelligence does explain the number of voters the left convinces to vote for them.
jimhargrave over 12 years ago
That’s so wrong… pathetic Gary Trudeau
ChrisNaden over 4 years ago
And that right there is how 70+ million people vote for a fascist tangerine.