Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 10, 2012
Duke: Earl, did you know Trff was plotting a comeback? Earl: No, but don't offer to help... We can't afford some pro bono restoration gig. We're only taking paying clients now! Speaking of which, we've just been asked to rep a new breakaway republic. Interested? Duke: Not the Kurds again... Earl: No, Texas.
lmchildress about 12 years ago
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
Rick Perry makes Trff Bmzklfrpz look like a piker.
Steve Bartholomew about 12 years ago
I hope this one succeeds.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
Hey, what’s that leather strap? Is Earl pakin’ heat?
alviebird about 12 years ago
There is a faction here in GA calling for secession. But they want Macon to stay in the Union. That makes the idea appealing to me.
thirdguy about 12 years ago
Austin will never go for it!
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
Actually I’m going to have to defend my great State Texas. True, I wasn’t born there; I was born in Kansas (Wichita), lived till age two-weeks old then set up home in McAllen and later to San ‘Tone where I lived with my Preacher father and Preacher’s wife Mother till I wa eight years old.
I CLAIM Texas. I LOVE Texas.
Just because it’s been overrun by harmful invasive thorny Bushes, alarmed by “poitically correct”-and-crazed-fear-mongers, and driven by wild ignorance-and-superstition fueled Teapartiers is no reason to abandon THE LONE STAR STATE.
Calling all true Texans! Arise! Unite! Shine! Stomp out the invasive species of Bushes! And drown out their cries for secession with, REMEMBER THE ALAMO! And THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS! Un-friend “W.Bush” and send him packing!
RECALL secessionist Rick Perry and send him packin’ outta State —all tarred ‘n’ Leghorn-chicken-feathered ‘n’ ridin’ on a sharp mesquite-wood rail chainsawed rough!
And MOST IMPORTANTLY vote the Texas Teapartiers outta the State legislature, outta the Governor’s Mansion, outta the court system, outta the U.S. House of Representatives and Outta the U.S. Senate.
My fellow Americans, recognize the NEW Great State of Texas!
sjc14850 about 12 years ago
So will my lunch.
James38 about 12 years ago
Rick Perry makes Triff look like Einstein’s guru.
Ensoh about 12 years ago
When people claim “The South Shall Rise Again,” are they talking about its I.Q.?
roctor about 12 years ago
Don’t forget Kinky.
Alabama Al about 12 years ago
The truth is Texas, or any other state, has no legal right to unilaterally secede even if the state actually wanted to. That issue was decided in 1869 (U.S. Supreme Court case Texas v. White).
Carol69 about 12 years ago
Some Trivia. Texas has flown more national flags than anyother state in the union. So a sixth flag would be gravy.
asa4ever about 12 years ago
The War in Mexico was about slavery. Those gringos wanted to keep their slaves after Mexico oiutlawed slavery. Remember, the Alamo was part of a war to keep slaves. John Wayne never mentioned that in his speaches in the movie.
Beleck3 about 12 years ago
we can only hope Texas adn the rest of the South secedes. vain hope though, all the nice people in Austin will be ever more screwed.
Texas makes Louisiana look good. and that is saying something. lol. Go Texas,
the devil was given Texas and decided to rent it out why he lived in hell. that’s how bad Texas is
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Relative to the rest of the population, the number who wish to secede is a very small number of people. They are only getting attention because of their extreme views. Nothing unusual here…
Jack Straw about 12 years ago
Of course, if Texas breaks away, we’ll need to build a wall between it and the lower forty-seven, and Arizona police will be required to pull over anyone with a ten- gallon hat, or who otherwise looks Texan, and check their citizenship papers.
Doughfoot about 12 years ago
Texas may have no right to secede, but could they be expelled? The rest of the country would be improved in so many ways: education levels, poverty levels, execution rates in the U.S. would all look a lot better without Texas. The GOP would be crippled, the school textbook industry would not be skewed by the demands of the Texas Board of Education. We would lose oil reserves, the Dallas Cowboys (don’t matter to me), and many fine recruits for the military, but all the angry white men could move there, the liberal Texans could move out, and the U.S. would acquire another fascinating neighbor, a really interest English-speaking petro-state (as it would soon become) to visit. A Baptist Emirate on our own border. Of course it would raise the price of border security in the U.S. But I am sure we could still remain friendly.
I am joking. Mostly.
crlinder about 12 years ago
I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again. If Texas leaves the Union, please make Austin the new Berlin and set up supply lines to keep us connected to the rest of the country. We’ll be a counterweight inside the insanity of the land of the theofascist right and will stand at the ready to help rebuild the rest of Texas when their fantasy world collapses of its own weight.
konchster about 12 years ago
I can hardly wait Texas diplomats lining up for US foreign aid
Squoop about 12 years ago
Lol!!!!! Didn’t see that one coming:)
Hey Texas – if at first you don’t secede, try try again.
Linguist about 12 years ago
As a Coloradan, transplanted to Arizona ( and currently forced to live in Florida ) you know how the REAL Southwest feels about Texas and a large majority ( but not all ) of Texans – All Hat and No Horse !That being said, it would no great loss to have Texas secede, provided they leave us El Paso, San Antonio and Austin since none of those cities fit the tea bagger , right-wing nut, profile.
Kip W about 12 years ago
Wait! Before Texas leaves, I have to go get something. It’s in the basement of the Alamo.
Kip W about 12 years ago
(I’d miss Texas, having spent many holidays there with family, and having lived in Houston for a couple of years. Plus, it’s one of the very few red states that pays more in taxes than it gets from the Fed, so blue states would be on the hook for carrying the red states even more if they pack up. Additionally, if they kissed the US goodbye, I would expect more border bloodbaths to the south — just for starters.)
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Texas couldn’t make it without Federal $, even if they pay more of their bills than some other red states. I know that a lot of people would like to see them try, but I really don’t think it is happening.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
There have been many great Texans, of course. Bill Moyers, Molly Ivins, Ann Richards, LBJ and many others. Ann Richards’ daughter Cecile Richards is now the prez of Planned Parenthood, a great person heading a great organization. Strange that the GOP now acts like Planned Parenthood is such a bad group— the Barry Goldwater’s wife was very active with Planned Parenthood in Arizona many years ago. Years ago, the idea of family planning was NOT a partisan issue.
thirdguy about 12 years ago
Very cute!;-) back at ya!
Linda Pearson about 12 years ago
Listen, I’m in Texas. Came by way of MO. Those “Bushes” you were talking about were not half as bad as what we have now. They at least, love their country and want the best for it. I know the war was not popular but look at it this way, we could have sat on our buts and said oh well and let all those people Sadam was killing to to their reward early and by so doing, the war would have come to us, on our turf. May still get one here, way things are goin, By the way, I am a reformed Democrat – switched sides when I saw what they were doing, via Jimmy Carter! just sayin
Potrzebie about 12 years ago
Once they secede and kick out all the hispanics, what will happen to their economy? I can’t wait for wildfire season, that will be really interesting.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member about 12 years ago
In Washington state some conservatives here are so disheartened by the election results they’re now threatening to move to Texas. With pot & same sex marriages now legal here we’re all going to Hell in a hand basket. I’ll be more than happy to help them pack & then secede from the good old USA.
runar about 12 years ago
Next we’ll have a Texas-Israeli War
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
You mean STONE COLD Steve Austin will never go for secession?
punslinger about 12 years ago
Let em’ go…And good riddance to them!
Happy Cat Premium Member about 12 years ago
I’ve signed the petition to let Austin secede from Texas. Don’t hate us because the rest of the state is looney toons.
Gokie5 about 12 years ago
@Travis Bickel
“Some Trivia. Texas has flown more national flags than anyother state in the union. So a sixth flag would be gravy.”
According to flags have flown over Florida, same as with Texas.
Travis, just saw your correction about six flags instead of five. So Texas wins!
billdi Premium Member about 12 years ago
do texans say the pledge of allegiance? it occurs to me that those who sign a secession petition have broken their pledge and are traitors.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Texan Molly Ivins once said of Bill Clinton, “only fools and Republicans think he is a liberal.” I miss Molly. She wrote a great column.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Jon Stewart had a great show a few weeks ago talking about the secessionists. JS said in Willy Wonka style: Stop. Don’t. Come back. He also pointed out what a minuscule number of people are secessionists, relative to the population as a whole… If you missed it, try googling Jon Stewart secession.
Linguist about 12 years ago
Go ahead and secede. You’re welcome to, but consider this…. unless you are a millionaire and/or have a pension plan that crosses international borders… at your age old friend, how will you get your Social Security, your Medicare and Medicaid etc. ? Do you think the secessionist states will provide for something you paid into the federal government for ? Do you really think that the remaining Republic will fork over the money ? I am not saying that you believe this – you are too intelligent – but many people who scream defection from the Federal Government are either tremendously short-sighted or delusional.
smadanek about 12 years ago
Cede not secede.. Give it back to Mexico..
Basqueian about 12 years ago
Well, if those flyover states want to secede, we’ll have to set up an exchange program to let all the other loons in the real US move there, and the sensible ones there move here. Then we give em 20 yrs or so of doing their own thing with their own money and resources, and see how they like it. I predict drought, floods, fires famine and mass hysteria for most of that time, as no one there could lead or govern their way out of a paper bag. And no FEMA or Medicare or Medicaid, Social Security or any of those tax supported things, what will all those gun toting good ol boys do when they can’t hit a varmint for the pot anymore?
kaffekup about 12 years ago
Well, pi, I lived in El Paso for five years in grade school, and San Antonio for three in high school, and I couldn’t wait to get out. After my parents left, I never set foot there again and haven’t missed it. Too hot, too many idiots (from the governor down), too big to get out of easily. My favorite comment from Molly Ivins was on Perry: “George Bush without the intelligence and ethics.”
michelledavis about 12 years ago
oh please let them go :-)
lookwhatbobfound about 12 years ago
texas is the only state that can legally secede. the republic of texas came into the union by treaty, not annexation. texas can also break into 5 different states without federal approval
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Texas is home to those incredible twins Julian and Joaquin Castro at the DNC this past summer… I am sure they both have a future— and it will be deep in the heart of Texas!
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
“… maybe we can find an Ann Richards type to boost us up?”
alviebird about 12 years ago
Georgia has the distinction of having many counties and cities share a name, when that city is not in that county. The city of Macon is in Bibb County, which is even closer to the very center of the state.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Of course they don’t want to secede because Obama is black. It’s because of states rights! Just like the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, IT was about states rights..Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Another great Molly Ivins quote: “you can’t ignore politics, no matter how much you’d like to.”Although I agree with her quote, I know that when I visit my family and my husband’s family over the holidays, we will be avoiding political talk… Premium Member about 12 years ago
Please give them any help they need!!!
And Dylan — Let them take the Michigan teapartiers with them (they vote tomorrow on making Michigan a “right to work” state — something they suddenly “discovered” would be a good idea 4 days ago).
montessoriteacher — Also missing Molly Ivins — she definitely had it right 100% of the time. Too soon gone!!
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
“[Democrats] will loose a MAJOR part of their monetary support that the Union bosses lavish on them.The Union Bosses donates tons of money to the democratic party.”
Last time I checked, for every dollar the unions give to the Democrats, big business gives fifteen to the Republicans. Ratio: 15-to-1. The money is extracted from workers via low wages, scarce jobs, and other tactics (such as shuffling laborers McDonalds-to-Walmart & Walmart-to-McDonalds, keeping hours below 40 per week [to avoid paying bennies], on and on).
Check it out, J.J.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
Ps., J.J.
Big business ALSO extracts $$$$ from the 99.9% consumer via the highest prices that can possibly be extracted through the unrestrained, charge-all-that-the-public-can-bear, free-market system, from tax loop holes that their wholly-owned legislators “lavish” upon them (such that some pay NO taxes at all), etc., etc., etc. Check it out, J.J.
alviebird about 12 years ago
The “state’s rights” issue has come up again, with some of them legalizing marijuana. I’m surprised I’m the first to mention it here.