Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for January 14, 2021
Cathy: I can't exercise in public in skintight clothes! Where's all the happy, baggy workout wear?? Saleswoman: The men's department. Cathy: The men's department? Saleswoman: Think men's swimwear, men's party wear, men's office wear. It's all the same! Everything in the men's department is relaxed, easygoing, uncomplicated, comfy and non-stress-producing! Cathy: Oh, for crying out loud. Saleswoman: Except, of course, the men.
lightenup Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Hahaha, so true! Good one today. It’s no coincidence that “boyfriend” jeans are relaxed and baggy. I’ve always disliked that label. Why can’t women just have jeans that are meant for them that are relaxed? Why do they have to belong to a boyfriend? So dumb.
Hello Cathy friends! Happy Thursday! Have a great day, all!
RobertaPyle almost 4 years ago
I have been known to pick up comfy sweatshirts and the like in the men’s department!
summerdog almost 4 years ago
I always used to buy my jeans in the men’s department. Then the waist size would be just right, and the legs and seat wouldn’t be baggie like the women’s jeans were, for the same waist size.
Dianne50 almost 4 years ago
For the past few years I’ve been buying most of my clothes in the men’s department because I absolutely hate it when my clothes feel like a tourniquet. Fortunately I can sew and add a few feminine items to my wardrobe. I use patterns from the 80s that are loose and flowing. I also add pockets to everything even if they weren’t in the original design.
Gretchen's Mom almost 4 years ago
I hope she’s walking away to leave the store, rather than going over to the men’s department looking for “baggy workout wear” because she can get everything she wants and/or needs to exercise in for free: all she has to do is open up her closet door and there it’ll be.
Hi, rgcviper! :-)
Hello and Happy Thursday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope you all have/had a really nice day today. Stay safe and well, everyone! ♥
ChrisTrey almost 4 years ago
As an 57 year old man who still has to buy his jeans in the boy’s section due to my (lack) of height, I understand. A teen guy’s size 16 fits me everywhere fine, except for the one place where it being tight hurts the most. Since that part of me hasn’t changed much since I was 16, I don’t understand how today’s teens wear those jeans now?
hendelca Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Sure glad men’s clothing, at least most men’s clothing, is still designed to be reasonable comfortable. Like it is loose sweatpants and t-shirt for me for dance class – tap in my case. I may feel cool before class but I sure warm up fast once we start. No way I could dance if I wore the tight clothing that the women in the class wear.
Happy Friday eve. I hope everyone is having, or at least had, a good day.
rgcviper almost 4 years ago
Yeah—comfort is good when it comes to clothing. I’ll take whatever does the job, regardless of where I find it … for the most part.
Still, I’m with Cathy in the last panel on this one.
HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.