Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 11, 2013
TJ: "...So I thought, I have some money stashed away, I love to cook - why not open a little place?" Brad: "This is a huge step, TJ" TJ: "Not as huge as my bud marrying his dream girl!" Brad: "Big life changes for both of us!" TJ: "Got that right" Brad: "About time"
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
About time indeed.
fredville almost 12 years ago
…..what IS the age dif between Luann and Brad anyways?
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
Good to see that TJ has a business plan. He’s off to a solid start.
TiffWHO almost 12 years ago
Brad echoing the readers Greg?
smsrt almost 12 years ago
Hey… are we moving forward in time?
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
Wonder if Luann’s going have another birthday?
Dconskjk almost 12 years ago
Amazing…and no mention of “hey, what happens to this house?” I think brad and toni will move in and TJ will arrange for his “little place” to have a room above it or something.
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Brad, don’t fall asleep now. You still have to tell Mom and Dad. You don’t want them hearing the news from someone else (read that “TJ”) first.
Cramjetus51 almost 12 years ago
Is it just me, or has Brad become more handsom since he started dating Daytona???
lookslikemeband almost 12 years ago
Uh oh… NOW something bad is about to happen….
margueritem almost 12 years ago
Amen on the “About time”
kenhense almost 12 years ago
I think it’s time to jump to a new arc for a while.
The Old Wolf almost 12 years ago
Yeah, it took a while to get here. I for one am thrilled for both of them. All three, actually.
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
I was trying to find a reference to Brad’s age when I stumbled onto a site many of you will enjoy., to nearly every site I’ve seen tonight (about a dozen) Luann is definitely 16. Wiki claims there’s a discrepancy w/Greg’s blog but no one else did. Still looking for Brad’s age if anybody has a cite.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
“Is it me or is TJ creepy?”-It’s just you. TJ is different from most people but different isn’t creepy. His main goal in life is to become a real person so he can visit and share some laughs with Leviticus.
mischugenah almost 12 years ago
I figured it had to do with him getting in shape to be a firefighter.
ShagsCA almost 12 years ago
Move out, TJ!
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Big step. About time. Uh-huh. —Time for some real changes in the Luanniverse.
Runforson almost 12 years ago
This is all too good to be true. Wish we all lived in a dream world. Maybe they are all turning into Tiff. Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talker123 almost 12 years ago
This arc opens an unlimited of new story lines. Do not forget the guy down under.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
For the person last night who was wondering if TJ was Hispanic, the answer is that he is 1/2 Hispanic (His Father is from South America) and Half Italian, giving him the caramel skin tone and the curly hair, respectively
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
I’ve been calling this for weeks now, I reckon the big clock is moving forward. Big changes on all fronts. Luann will move up a year at least at high school.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
TJ isn’t rich, he has a trust fund from his Father, the way trust funds work is that the recipient gets a certain amount of money to live on, while the rest of the fund is reinvested and continues to grow; the recipient can get an advance (Say they need a new car, for instance), but, they have to convince the lawyers who allocate the money, that it is needed, before they get an extra cent.>>> Since TJ seems to live rather frugally, he may have saved part of his living money, rather than milked the fund, to get his dream going.<<< Yay! I finally called one…more or less
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
maybe a spin off series…brad and toni…
matthewmbrwn almost 12 years ago
Not just you R Rand…. Brad started to get better looking When Toni proposed… noticed it between two panels
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Yeah SURE Brad. YOU have CHANGED.
But Jury’s Still OUT on some of these OTHER Jacka….., er ummm…, I mean “FOLKS”, as far as I’M Concerned.
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
Like I mentioned the other day. TJ could get a loan using his trust fund as collateral. Especially if they are both with the same bank. He could also get a loan from the Small Business Administration. Because he is Hispanic, even if only part, he might get priority treatment.
TJ wouldn’t need a lot of start-up money if he is renting a location that had been a restaurant previously. A small one with 5 or 6 tables and maybe a counter. This would only require 2 or 3 employees. He could probably get started with only 20 or 25 thousand dollars.
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
Another thing, if you enlarge the strip. It appears that when Brad is saying, “About time.” He is staring at TJ from the corners of his eyes. I think this is Greg’s subtle way of saying that the days of TJ and his shady shenanigans are finished!
Bandera_Ken almost 12 years ago
It’s just you.
draksig almost 12 years ago
Let me see. Brad went to firefighter school not long after 9/11/2001, fell in love, won over the rival, broke up, got back together and convinced the girl to marry him, and Luann (and all of her friends) are still in high school.
JimT8 almost 12 years ago
Maybe the artist is going to change the name of the strip and shift the focus to Brad and Toni. He might as well since the strip isn’t about Luann any more..You might note that “Blondie” has never become “Dagwood.”
PMark almost 12 years ago
Greg — via Brad — is right. It IS “about time”.
Edward White almost 12 years ago
I been reading from the beginning .1987 Mr. Evens. How does Knute singing." Hey Hey were the Monkeys" & Pres. Obama happen in basically a 4-5 years. (Luann period of time?? & 2 Years have gone by & Luann is still 13 & Brad 17?? 2 Summers , Halloweens & Christmas’s have past. Comic time.) Weird man. Let them grow up. Luann should be 39 now. Just an observation. .
rangerlg almost 12 years ago
Watch this strip do the Funky Winkerbean and time jump 10 years.
marvee almost 12 years ago
Big changes – vegetating in front of the TV.
lynchmother almost 12 years ago
LuAnn moves at mach speed compared to Rex Morgan!!! I love LuAnn! Thanks Greg! :-)
yldonaldson almost 12 years ago
TJ’s usually a cutie. His eyebrows do look creepy today. I just stick to looking at his smile.
PMark almost 12 years ago
I wish TJ well with his new venture. I do foresee one dark cloud on his horizon.
He made a huge enemy out of Ann Eiffel. That could come back to haunt him, especially in the early, highly- vulnerable stages of his business. She could end up giving him some serious grief at that critical time.
CCMMJJ almost 12 years ago
Why does Brad age, but Luann doesn’t?
PMark almost 12 years ago
“…what if Ann E. becomes Pittsville’s new restaurant health inspector?”
That would do it. Either that, or the person in charge of permits for new businesses.
PMark almost 12 years ago
I still want to see Brad breaking the news to his family. There will be serious consequences if they hear it second hand.
One possible avenue. Toni and Luann have become very close. They’re practically sisters already. Toni might call Luann with the news.
PMark almost 12 years ago
Or his “stash” could be used as a down payment on a business loan.
arroyogrande Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Exciting times!
ILikeMeSomeComics almost 12 years ago
A little fourth wall breakage?
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
TJ as a tenant to them would not be bad (he can do with an efficiency, like any single person) as long as he does not have run of the house! Otherwise – a room above his restaurant will have to do!
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
" Someone called me grandma!".My lover did not like his kids to call him grandpa when he first became one (and he does use light brown “just for men” on his hair). His hair is a splendid pure white, and mine has taken on the color or a mauve-gray that I used to pay for in a salon. As long as that IS the only way he cheats (to think he looks younger) it’s all fine with me!!
716PMedGuy almost 12 years ago
Beer time
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Look at the expressions on TJ’s face during and since Brad’s announcement. TJ knows he’s about to lose influence on Brad and even more, his comfortable place to live, the place where he can avoid being a grownup (restaurant plans or no restaurant plans).
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
We entrepreneurs are insane to some degree – it’s requisite for us. Amongst entrepreneurs, those who open restaurants are thought of as the crazy ones..God bless ‘em for trying or I’d have nowhere to escape my cooking.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
There it is. TJ is a friend you get high with, share stories with. Not a friend you lend money to.
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
“With Sanitation laws and insurance requirements, both from the insurance company and state, not to mention OSHA regs, pre-opening bond for workman’s comp and other complications…”.Let’s not forget bookkeeping and administration costs, matching employees federal & fica contributions, local fees for this and that, printing & promotional costs. Then there’s recurring expenses like carpet and window cleaning, appliance repair and more. If everyone considered this they’d understand why their mac n’ cheese dinner costs $6.95 and maybe quit complaining about it../rant
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Maybe he invested his Weenie World earnings in something unrealistically lucrative.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Most places you can get a driver license as a Sophomore.
Dragon0131 almost 12 years ago
Remember, TJ has been pushing for Brad & Toni to marry. This is just the realization that they are taking that final step to being an adult-responsible for someone or something other than themselves. As to age, considering what Luann and company are doing, 17 is the youngest which puts Brad at 21 and Toni, actually, maybe a little older (22 yo 23). However, unless the ages are being really skewed with Toni, Brad, TJ, the parents and people associated with this small group being the only ones aging, it’s going to look real funny later down the line.
PMark almost 12 years ago
Actually, that was Polonius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet:
Neither a borrower nor a lender be,For loan oft loses both itself and friend,And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.(Hamlet Act1, Scene 3)sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Meh, when Ben Franklin repeated it he probably never gave credit for it either.
Ppyfss almost 12 years ago
@MikeyYou have never answered the question….why do you or what has the boy down under done to make you HATE him so much? Please explain, I am really curious.
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
I beginning to think of it as one person driving a bunch of bumper cars at the same time..As to your question, on my keyboard the “ignore” button is just to the left of the Valium dispenser.
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
Missive #1, para 3:.“…I would have said you could come to the Gem Show in Houston because my mother’s booth is…”.If that’s a clue he’s living in Houston, we might be next door neighbors. That would be swell!
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 12 years ago
once again when will the Degroots know about Brad’s wedding????!!!!!…I waiting getting impatient!!!!!!
Edward White almost 12 years ago
That was a typo. Started 1985 I was up to 1987 when I made the comment. I was up to 87’ & 2 summers, Christmas’s etc. & She was still 13 & Brad 17. the 1st 2 years they didn’t age.
Attila The Voice! almost 12 years ago
And you both have earned it :D
Ed The Red Premium Member over 11 years ago
Brad is a lot more interesting than Luann these days. Maybe time for a spin-off? Or maybe this could become a strip about Brad where his younger sister occasionally shows up.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 5 years ago
First panel: no end quotation mark in TJ’s speech bubble. Just a beginning quotation mark.