Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 16, 2013
Pig: What happened to you, Steph? Stephan: I went to dinner in San Francisco with some people from my comic strip syndicate and our crazy cabbie drove 85 mph through the broadway tunnel.* "*A true story" Pig: Oh my goodness...what was going through your mind? Rat: I'll tell you what was going through his mind...that it was the Princess Diana situation all over again. And he would be immortalized just like her. Pig: What?? Don't be silly, Rat. Rat: Oh, I won't. But I will read these 'Candle In the Wind" lyrics I found on his notepad. 'Goodbye, Stephan P. Though I never knew you at all you had the grace to hold your pen while 'toonists 'round you scrawled... They scrawled all of their dumb gags and they wished that they had your brain those fatties need a treadmill and they wish they had your frame...' Stephan: If you need me, I'll be hiding under a rock. Rat: Should I hold the queen's calls? Pig: Ooh! Ooh! Can I talk to her??
Gary M creator over 11 years ago
The king of narcissism strikes again. Stephan, how many times does your ego compel you to inform we your readers that you’re syndicated? We know already. There are hundreds of syndicated cartoonists. Unlike you, many can write an actual funny punchline. Any why the underhanded swipe at your colleagues, all the while cloaked in a failed attempt at trying to appear self-deprecating? Sorry to pee on the forthcoming love-fest from your readers, but all this “gag” is, is you taking another opportunity to toot your own horn (out to eat with your syndicate – wow!, stroke your ego, and slam other cartoonists. Really??
margueritem over 11 years ago
Whew, way to paste someone right off of the bat…
Sherlock Watson over 11 years ago
So… Stephan wants to be remembered as having married a prince with big ears?
hawgowar over 11 years ago
I’ve been through that tunnel. Steph and friends should have waited until the cabbie stopped and demanded the fare, plus tip, then dragged him from the car and beaten him for, say, fifteen or twenty minutes. If the cops show up, tell them what he did and let them take over the beating. Cops have tasers and sticks and pepper spray and enjoy administering a good, well-deserved beating.
zero over 11 years ago
OH! the queen’s “calls. . ..”
jeff_e over 11 years ago
Berke Breathed appeared in his own material as well, no? Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was a character in his own books. Was he equally derided in this fashion? I’m no Pastis apologist, and I don’t see any problem with Pastis having a character in his funny animal comic called Pastis. He’s admitted from the beginning that each of the characters represents a piece of his ego. The Pastis character does the same thing, amplified. It’s perfectly valid for the creator of a strip to populate the strip as s/he chooses.
Reality Chex Premium Member over 11 years ago
Just a little inside info, the hater known as “rowleystout” is a failed cartoonist that is obsessed with Pastis and has posted nasty stuff for months. Hey rowley, get a life and move on.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Just flag the troll.…Rat seems to be doing his best to deride his creator. And cartoon-Pastis has reacted to Rat’s mockery by retreating. Can Pig possibly save the day? Will Rat be furloughed for several unpaid days in retaliation?
doublepaw over 11 years ago
This strip is not what it used to be, but still readable to me. If someone does not like it, why read it and then make three long posts ripping it? Just go to “Nancy” or “Alley Oop” for some rich humor.
oldschool434 over 11 years ago
High self praise for a guy whose themes for several weeks were a desert island and a jail…..
CasualObserver over 11 years ago
It’s for sure here that “someone” is stroking their ego…but in a rather literally unhealthy way.
Happy Father’s Day to those who qualify!
paha_siga over 11 years ago
I can answer that I read this strip now and then in hopes that it gets better. Usually it doesn’t. It doesn’t even get funny. :(
fins59 over 11 years ago
You people take this cartoon strip thing way too seriously, Walt Kelly must be laughing his ass off…….
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
much ado about nut-ing
vikipa over 11 years ago
OMG PEOPLE!! Has no one ever heard of the word sarcasm? He was making fun of himself, whether using his characters or not.
therealpixie Premium Member over 11 years ago
Wow, I organized gocomics by popularity, and decided to try Pearls before Swine today. I was looking for a good cartoon, and instead found a bunch of narcissistic lunatics. You people need to get a grip. Removing immediately.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 11 years ago
I thought this one was a hoot, (meaning: very funny, in case you don’t dig the vernacular). I’m just glad I read it before I read the comments.
“Those who can’t do, comment….”
veranna over 11 years ago
wow,what a way to start a Sunday, my eyes are barely open and I have to read these rants-well I don’t have to but I love this comic and its creator!
SteveCT over 11 years ago
Lighten up people!
oldmachead Premium Member over 11 years ago
@rowleystout Dude … you need a life. Go away and get one. Thank you.
jessegooddoggy over 11 years ago
Oh geez, he’s just having fun.
Lucid Premium Member over 11 years ago
I like Pearls, I like Pastis. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t read it. Like all creative works, Pearls is not perfect, and it has it’s ups and downs. End of Story.
Lucid Premium Member over 11 years ago
Side note: A couple of years ago my hometown newspaper needed a replacement comic. They ran each of four strips for a week, then let readers vote on their favorite. Pearls won in a landslide.
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today. Wow.
mapleman over 11 years ago
@rowleystout Maybe you need to quit reading since you are so filled with dislike for the cartoonist.
Linda Pearson over 11 years ago
Hey, rowleystout, I DONT CARE! I like the cartoon I took the whole thing tongue in cheek but your NOOO you have to be serious. Don’t know who ruined your Post Toasties but lighten up. Its a gag, a joke and as far as you know he may have talked to the other cartoonists before he did it. YOU assume to much and you know what assuming does?
ChessPirate over 11 years ago
Even if @rowleystout is correct and Stephan Pastis is stroking his own ego, so what? I think all performers have this need, to some extent. Even we commenters, and I suspect @rowleystout himself have that need.My father liked Pearls, but didn’t like how the cartoonist put himself into the strip, yet he loved how Oliver Hardy broke the “fourth wall” in his skits with Stan Laurel. I personally think some of Stephan’s funniest strips are when Rat shows up at his desk to berate him(and sometimes beat him) for one of his puns/wordplays.
fidgetkitty over 11 years ago
I thought it was funny – as it should be – it’s a comic. Read what you like, don’t read what you don’t – there’s room for everyone, folks.
feff76 over 11 years ago
@ RowletstoutOr maybe he appears self-deprecating and inserts him self into the strip because it is funny. That is the point of a comic strip yes?
Number Three over 11 years ago
Thank you, Rat… I’m sure that made him feel a hundred times better.
LOL xxx
Michael Ritter over 11 years ago
So Steph went to dinner with Sgt. Carl T?
Hoodude over 11 years ago
Calls himself sad little man…likely true.
emjaycee over 11 years ago
I definitely need glasses: I read this as “their cable car” was doing 85 mph though the Broadway Tunnel. (Doesn’t happen on the cc system, but 85 mph anywhere on the cc system would have been a white-knuckled tourist ride!)
terrycox51550 over 11 years ago
Steph, is a horse of another color as far as a comic strip cartoonist goes. I believe he will always try to break mold. Which means he definitely will want to break the fourth wall. That is just another comedic element to his strips, even though some do not like that.So, it’s hard for me to believe rowleystout is truly a comedian when he doesn’t even know what breaking the fourth wall is all about.
terrycox51550 over 11 years ago
oops, I forgot a word. It should be “break the mold.”
knight1192a over 11 years ago
Should have started with “Goodbye Stevie P” instead of “Goodbye Stephan P.” Has better flow to it. Not as good as “Goodbye Norma Jean” or “Goodbye England’s rose” but it’s at least twenty times better than the flow the line he has in the strip has. Guess he was trying for Elton John’s own cover for Di’s death instead of how he originally did it for Marilyn, but it doesn’t have the flow of either version as is. Stevie P comes closer to the flow of both, doesn’t quite catch it but it does so much better.
maureenspeach over 11 years ago
You guys take yourselves much too seriously. These are comics! Lighten up!!
Greg Johnston over 11 years ago
No, he’s not just a glutton for self-punishment, he likes to share it with the rest of us through he self-aggrandizing commentary. Anyone who’s taken Psychology 101 would recognize he’s projecting his own issues and feelings of inadequacy.
jbmlaw01 over 11 years ago
I thought the comic was funny, but after reading the comments I think Mr. Pastis might want to cut back on his publicity tours – not sure it is safe to be around these “fans.”
warjoski Premium Member over 11 years ago
I’ll agree the Pastis appearances and digs at other strips getstiresome. But this is still a better strip than most out there.
mondrasonic over 11 years ago
Some “comedy writer”
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Hellcat…. His name isn’t Stephen, it’s StePHAN…. with a short e, and an “eff” sound.
If you must shorten it, he’s Steph, which rhymes with Jeff…. So “Stevie” would be somebody else…. and Steffi is a girl’s name.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Meanwhile…. RawleyStout is a comedy writer….uh huh…and Voldemort is the Easter Bunny.
ironflange over 11 years ago
PPS. Rowley has harbored this grudge for quite a long time: pity the guy now. He needs help.
Gokie5 over 11 years ago
Hey, it’s Tuesday now. Just noticed late last night that I hadn’t read the comments on the Sunday “Pearls.” WOWSIE! I don’t remember having seen that particular gentleman before, but he sure told Stephan, didn’t he? I happen to think that “Pearls before Swine” is one of the best strips – up there with “Doonesbury” and “Non Sequitur.” Love everything S. does – the puns, the Stephan character, those lines often tossed off at the end, etc. I was wondering whether anyone thought that Stephan was capitalizing on Princess Diana’s death, but thankfully not. Skillful weaving of actual incident into that theme.
Tomato Dog almost 3 years ago
I always imagined rat as Freddie Mercury, not Elton John
oliverlevineee almost 3 years ago
I love this comic strip! Thank you so much for all the strips you write Stephan!