Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 18, 2013
Zonker: It's a dream come true, Bern-- only legal! The plan calls for setting up a major grow facility outside of Boulder. First harvest is a test crop... but by first quarter 2015 I'm projecting statewide distribution, with margins that rival those of the biggest players in Colorado! Bernie: Impressive. So how far have you gotten? Zonker: Zanesville, Ohio, but it's a go! You want in?
Linguist over 11 years ago
Zanesville is always a good starting point, they can use all the pot… er…help… they can get !
luckylouie over 11 years ago
When did Bernie become African-American?
cdward over 11 years ago
Zonk looks pretty good for a guy in his 60s.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Bernie’s black ?!?!
goweeder over 11 years ago
Most (but not all) of the problems on earth have been caused by religions.)Natural disasters are at the top of the list (earthquakes, tornadoes, drought, flood, and hurricanes) for example. These are not brought about by a vengeful “god” to punish us. And the survivors are not ‘saved’ by a beneficent ‘god’. A ‘god’ did not create terrorism – delusional people did.The whole thing is the biggest fairytalein the world, and people have bought it, hook, linker and sinker and also passed it on to their children in the form of daily brainwashing beginning at birth.
goweeder over 11 years ago
When is GoComics going to add an ‘edit’ feature to comments.? It’s frustrating to find a typo (and I always do!) in my comment after I’ve clicked ‘submit.’
goweeder over 11 years ago
And when are they going to stop posting our comments twice?
avtar123 over 11 years ago
Ya gotta give it a try.
Alabama Al over 11 years ago
I’ve met plenty of guys like Zonker over the years. They tend to talk about bare possibilities as if they were accomplished facts.
gimmickgenius over 11 years ago
So is this a different Bernie from the white guy we knew from all those years ago? At a school like Walden there’s gotta be more than one guy with the same first name.
Oh, heck – it’s just the same daily colorist that gets complexions wrong over at PreTeena and JumpStart.
montessoriteacher over 11 years ago
Maybe that is why he came back— couldn’t miss the opportunity to talk to friends from the past about his new business venture.
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
Just becaust pot is legal doesn’t mean you can just grow it anywhere. In Calif. most local authorities have done everything they can to discourage not only growing it but dispensing it as well.
Jack Straw over 11 years ago
yeah, Bernie does look darker than his lily-white younger self. I was hoping he’d make his appearance in a puff of smoke and a popping noise, like he did originally in chem lab way back when. Was also hoping Duke would try to spike the punch.
JAPrufrock over 11 years ago
Bernie’s enjoyed some down time in Miami, soaking in the rays, chilling’ out.
annieb1012 over 11 years ago
@goweeder, re editing comments after posting them:
Maybe somebody has a better method, but here’s mine: Highlight and copy your post, then delete it. Paste your post into the “Comment on this strip” box and do the editing. Then hit “Submit.” I do a lot of typing (in Word, in e-mails, and so forth) and there seems to be something about GoComics that “causes” typos! It’s not nearly the problem elsewhere that it is here.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
There is a great slice of life novel called “In Zanesville: A Novel”, by Jo Ann Beard.
annieb1012 over 11 years ago
Maybe, over the decades, Bernie has simply spent a lot of time basking in the California sun. I know some folks older than Bernie whose faces look just like walnuts (dark brown, leathery, and wrinkled) from all that tanning.
route66paul over 11 years ago
From what I am told, here in Calif, the prices have gone down considerably with medical pot being legal. The growers are aiming for the medical market, but many don’t make the grade and it sells for 60-70% of what they got 2-5 years ago. Competition will bring the price down and the quality up. The problem here is that the cheap grade(the stuff that was just left to grow and then harvested) is not there, everyone wants to make a full time job out of it by caressing and manicuring the plants – so this, a safe grow location and security have raised the initial costs considerably.
Ivan Araque over 11 years ago
Millionaire Zonker? That’ll be the day – Garry won’t allow it, I won’t allow it, America won’t allow it!! By the time he gets to Colorado, weed prices will have plummeted to normal levels for other crops. :)
Ivan Araque over 11 years ago
Thanks for that Tutu quote!
Dr Lou Premium Member over 11 years ago
When did Bernie change skin tone?
And Zanesville is right on I70.
pawpawbear over 11 years ago
Well, I have read and listened to several reports on the Benghazi affair. I will say this and I won’t comment on it again. I have seen NO evidence of a cover-up by the White House or State Department. There was an article today by Think Progress that pointed the finger at the GOP for altering emails. I didn’t get that one either. The one thing will say as my assessment is this: There were massive SCREW-UPS involved here. And my question is: Where was all the REPUBLICAN outrage when there were more than 50 embassy deaths during Bush’s administration? Good day, you can go back to your regularly scheduled sniping and trolling.
RoninBob over 11 years ago
Hey Guard the local Shops are selling for$25 an 1/8 the illegals $40 an 1/8.But American Tobacco is comin in sooner or later worry about them.They’ve wanted in since 69!
Hawthorne over 11 years ago
I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
States which have medical marijuana licenses are served mostly by stoners, and mostly they seem to be very astute business people.
But that’s not new. When I encountered weed in the 70s, I was smoking with people who ran successful businesses – realtors, stock brokers, attorneys … many of them moved on to coke, and that wiped some of them out, but it is a mistake to think that people who use hemp are incompetents.
A lot of people who are non-users are incompetents, and a stoned incompetent is still incompetent. However, most users who are competent retain their competency.
Weed is not like alcohol, nor like any other drug. Far from being destructive or dangerous, it was used medicinally for thousands of years before the US Government decided to outlaw it in the beginning of the last century. It’s a specific for asthma, a chronic condition which is actually killing a lot of kids, and doesn’t need to.
If the non-users take over the production and distribution, you will see the same travesty on weed you see in other areas of health care. In other words, it will be priced out of reach of those who need it.
I’m sure your viewpoint will prevail, though. I trust I won’t live to see it.
Ermine Notyours over 11 years ago
It sounds like marijuana is like cable TV and larger restaurant portions: you pay more, but you get more… than you can possibly use.I’ll invest in Zonker’s company. Sounds like it has a lot of "pot"ential.
Newshound41 over 11 years ago
We’ll just let the Republicans shoot each other, like the did when they went after Clinton.
lifeforpot over 11 years ago
Thanks for mentioning Zanesville, OH. Zanesville is the home of the web site
Harlen Premium Member 9 months ago
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