FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 09, 2013

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    scrabblefiend  almost 12 years ago

    Why not use an actual dictionary, or thesaurus? Just as easy. Even better, I am one of those people who wears a real wrist watch to tell the time. I guess you can tell I am over 50.

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    vwdualnomand  almost 12 years ago

    heard there is a cheat for words with friends.

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    paha_siga  almost 12 years ago

    Merriam-Webster Online for me, plus a couple English-X-English online dictionaries.

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    emjaycee  almost 12 years ago

    (NOTE: I was the oldest person in the the time.) I did not realize that a co-worker had taken a picture of me using an actual dictionary (one of the 6-inch thick in 8 point font) and sent it through the company email, titled: “emjaycee and the original spell-checker”. Someone made it into a poster and it was in the company break room for awhile. I had to point out how incorrect computer spell checks usually are. Soon I became the go-to person on grammar and spelling, and saved a few co-workers from some potentially embarrassing errors in company memos and reports. Ah, the joys of being a book nerd as a youth. Pays off years later.

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    Wren Fahel  almost 12 years ago

    When I was growing up, I was a natural born speller. If my mother was writing a letter, she’s call to me, “Karen, how do you spell [enter word]?” when there was a dictionary less than 5 feet away from her on top of our buffet cabinet. Actually, to this day, EVERYONE asks me to spell words, and it’s always an instant reaction to just spell it instead of saying “Look it up.” (I’m trying not to, for my daughters, to teach them how to look the words up.) Oh, and I wear a wristwatch…and I’m just a tick under 50.

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    quaffapint  almost 12 years ago

    Having to carry around a phone and pull it out every time you want to know what time it is for some odd reason just doesn’t seem as efficient as simply looking at your wrist :).

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    Knitterknerd  almost 12 years ago

    I’m under 30, and it drives me crazy all day when I forgot to wear my watch! Sure, I have a cell phone, but it’s not appropriate to check your phone in all situations. Plus, my phone isn’t conveniently located on my wrist.

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    ChessPirate  almost 12 years ago

    I don’t use mine as a watch either. Mostly as a calculator or a quick few games of solitaire. I finally found a couple of programs that play a decent game of chess just recently.

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    scyphi26  almost 12 years ago

    If I had a smart phone, it’s probably at least have an app for and Wikipedia, if it exists (which goes to show how much I know).

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    androgenoide  almost 12 years ago

    I wonder if I might have a hoarding problem… I have at least 8 feet of bookshelves just for dictionaries (acquired before we had wide band internet)… and I don’t use them much these days. It’s faster to Google an obscure word than it is to dig through the OED. In fact, I was looking for a (non-dictionary) book a couple weeks ago and found the full text online in less time than it would have taken to find it on the shelf… Wrist watches went out before cell phones, though… back when pagers first acquired digital displays they always had clocks.What really sucks, though, is that most cell phones have calculators that lack log and trig functions… now what good is that?

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    dangerj03  almost 12 years ago

    Angry birds:star words

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    Nancy J Stout  almost 12 years ago

    I wear a watch and use books to look up things, but also use my phone and pad for the same jobs. It’s what’s handy at the time. Love books on the pad that have a look up feature for the words. I’m not always someplace that has a paper edition of the dictionary. And I’m over 60.

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    Katiekicks  almost 12 years ago

    I’m a high schooler, definitely not over 50, and I wear a wristwatch because my phone is usually in my purse and its water proof for when I go swimming. And honestly, the real vs. online dictionary thing should not be a problem. If you have a device near you, look up the word online, it’s faster and more convenient, which is the entire point of technology. But always know how to use a dictionary or thesaurus, so if you don’t have a device, you can use the actual book just as easily

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    kab2rb  almost 12 years ago

    Place I used to work at with county DOC, a worker higher level then I would ever be he tried and could not wear a wrist watch his body chemistry killed the watch. This man worked with teens with horse thereapy program and knew all the old western songs. He took an early retirement with the county as is working again with horse therapy with children with health issues. Wonderful man.

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    Dewsolo  almost 12 years ago

    I need my watch, my analog watch, to know what time it really is. Those digital numbers have no real meaning for me. Say I have to leave the house at 2:05, I look at the clock on the microwave and it says 1:55, my mind says “it’s one something, I have plenty of time.” If I look at my analog watch, my mind says “OMG, I only have 15 degrees of arc, that’s like 10 minutes!”

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    nagut  almost 12 years ago

    I win: When I’m not sitting in front of the computer, I rely on the bells of the church clock to know the time. Or I look at other people’s wristwatches :o)

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    HI I'M CALVIN  almost 12 years ago

    Whats next? NEED FOR SPELLING?

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  18. At the alamo
    greenweasel11  almost 12 years ago

    My Spanish teacher from last year has Angry Words…

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    toluwanio12  over 10 years ago


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    Sophar_the_barbarian   over 8 years ago

    I wonder what will be in Angry Words? Perhaps very Angry Words

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    lia <3  over 4 years ago


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