Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for July 03, 2013

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    Varnes  over 11 years ago

    Leave me alone and let me party
and by that I mean read books

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    More or Less Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Got it in one, Arlo.

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    pdking77  over 11 years ago

    So in your mind, the Constitution of the United States is a “right-wing conspiracy”? I like to think of it more of Lincoln’s words: ""to eat the bread which he has earned by the sweat of his brow". And, BTW, the ‘G’ in God is capitalized.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 11 years ago

    You could say the same for corporations. Merging into monopolies so theirs no choice..Or unfairly pricing out the small mom and pop shops..It’s a balance, there needs to be some rules but don’t make them too far reaching, like monitoring all our phone calls period. .Plus you can’t go by, “Let the market place take care if itself.”.I am totally enjoying this week’s A&J.Go JImmy!

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    wowbert  over 11 years ago

    Hey, Arlo’s a Libertarian! Who knew??

    Here’s a one-sentence definition of Libertarianism: You have the inalienable right to live your life your way without interference, provided you respect the rights and property of others. Pretty simple. It’s the Golden Rule on a political level.

    Do you know the recipe for a Libertarian salad?
 Lettuce alone.

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    toppop52  over 11 years ago

    Spoken like a true socialist!

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    bmatraw  over 11 years ago

    I wonder if Arlo would be willing to run for President.

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    barryj35967  over 11 years ago

    Richard needs to shut up now!

    Right on, Arlo! Death to the State!

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    Dani Rice  over 11 years ago

    If you know anything – I mean anything – about history, Richard is correct. Doesn’t anyone here remember the Great Depression? Or the French Revolution, for that matter. We all know people in need, but as individuals, we cannot support them. Government programs take “contributions” from all of us, and lends a hand. However, I do think programs such as the CCC or WPA are a better alternative to “welfare” as it is handled today. Um, too early in the morning for heavy thinking.

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    Max Starman Jones  over 11 years ago

    Read a little history, and you will find that the state is composed of those “rich” that you are talking about. How many “poor” legislators, judges, and cabinet members can you find me?

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    Miramichier  over 11 years ago

    Speaking as a Canadian who supports government safety nets and government efforts to help up and out of generational poverty and ignorance, I think Arlo’s admonition to government is to avoid using law against things we don’t like rather as opposed to things that have to be illegal for the protection of society. Laws against marijuana, consensual sexual behaviour and laws forcing religious observation are examples. I think Arlo and Janis and Gene have consistently demonstrated celebration of diversity and compassion in their behaviour.

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    Miramichier  over 11 years ago

    As George Soros said, every regulation the market whines about was brought about by some disaster brought about by the lack of regulation of the so-called free market.

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    spiffny  over 11 years ago

    This is stupid – wild west here we come. Truly being left alone means no farm subsidies, no social security, no job protections, no insurance, no regulations, no OSHA, no requirement to actually know how to drive, no legal system, juries, no military and getting invaded by any 2bit country 

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    pdeason2  over 11 years ago

    What it says, is that everyone has the right no persue their own happiness; if someone wants to start a business and get rich from it that is their right and if someone does not and wants to stat poor and complian about the other person that is rich from their own hard work that is their right too. For anyone that thinks I most be well off nope I’m not I work for walmart.

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  15. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  over 11 years ago

    Those who take what belongs to others, abuse others, abuse others’ property, pollute, waste resources, exploit others, exploit the environment, all for personal gain and power, also wish to be left alone.

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    coffee_mom11  over 11 years ago

    Good grief . . . are you really so shallow as to believe that tripe? Trust me, the “poor” in this country do not starve, thanks to the government handouts that all the rest of us pay for. And apparently you’re not doing too badly if you have time and energy enough to sit around and comment on the comics . . . online.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Government by the people (which are not the same thing as corporations) are a counter balance to business monopolies and moneyed interests which will crush anyone in their path. You will note today’s “libertarian” T-party interests is being funded secretly by large corporations. They don’t want anyone interfering with their ability (note: not right) to exploit whomever and whatever they want. The banking crisis came because regulations were eliminated on the system. Note, in Canada, the banking system is highly regulated and there have been NO crisises for over the past 150 years; in the US, about 16 and the last one nearly crashed the world’s economy.

    Libertarians have a remarkably shallow definition of freedom and a completely unrealistic view of how the world actually works. Just point out any country ruled – at all – by a libertarian government. Somolia is the only one that comes to mind right now.

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    jbmlaw01  over 11 years ago

    Think it was Hayek who argued there is no need for business regulation, save two: (1) a law to punish severely “fraud,” and (2) a law to punish severely “collusion” (which is simply “fraud on the marketplace.”) Not “prevent” – which would merely empower bureaucrats – but “punish,” which requires a jury.

    No “monopoly” can exist for more than a generation absent the care and nurturing of a corporatist government. And nobody can make you buy anything. But governments can/do make everything more costly, with no measurable benefit

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    jbmlaw01  over 11 years ago

    Dear Darsan, I respectfully believe you are looking through the wrong end of the telescope. I cannot remember any economic disaster not caused by positive acts of the government. For example, the recent “mortgage bubble” in the US could be attributed entirely to (1) the Basel protocols, which favored mortgages and sovereign debt, and made other bank investments more expensive; (2) US taxpayer subsidy of the mortgage markets via FNMA and FHLMC, and not even counting direct lending subsidies;(3) reckless “easy money policies” of the FedReserve, screwing up the normal asset yield curves, leaving investors with few alternatives;(4) affirmative action protocols, primarily the loony CRA.

    Of course, leftists says it was all “greed” alone, as if that never existed until 2006.

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  20. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 11 years ago

    Jimmy, you’ve drawn Arlo wearing a tie for several days now. Isn’t there a ‘toon in the distant past where Arlo tells Gene that wearing a tie is a sign that you are someone who does what they’re told? Does it fit with Arlo’s current message?

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    KEA  over 11 years ago

wait, what?

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    360guy Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Richard suffers from a typical liberal contradiction, that all things big are evil, but the government can’t be big enough. Liberals hate big business, big military, big religion — everything but big government! Are the people in government really morally and ethically superior to the people in business? Is greed for money really worse than greed for money and power? Indeed, throughout history governments have been the source of all the worst cases of atrocity and malfeasance. The founders lived under edict from a despot and wisely tried to replace him with a restrained governing system that the people could overthrow peacefully and regularly. Our current big government bureaucracy, and career politicians, have put an end to that.

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    mhlon Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Guess I’m sort of curious what Arlo’s rant is based on. In the over 25 years I’ve been reading the strip, He and Janis both work, but at jobs that are not really that demanding on their free time. Supposedly they met in college in 1973 right around the end of the draft, so he’s never been in the military. Nothing was ever said about Gene’s having to register for SS. Maybe Mr. Johnson has some issues, but what Arlo’s are, other then what he reads/sees in the media, which is always suspect, are a mystery to me. Anyway, the U.S. Constitution which IS the law of the land (supposedly) says the government’s job is to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Gee, any of those have a distinct possibility of getting in somebody’s way sometime. Not everyone, mind you, but with 300 million (or more) someone’s sure to sound off that their rights/privileges/entitlements/prerogatives are not being met. Sheesh! Go out and run for office or vote for change and stop complaining already. Oh, yeah, demand that your candidate be honest! Hold him/her up to accountability at meet the candidate nights. Most of you are too afraid to upset anything by asking the real questions. I have, and they’ve left the building. At least I know where they stand!

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    iariese  over 11 years ago

    Bravo, Mikefrom MI

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    Burnout70s  over 11 years ago

    bunch of bufoons, each side thinks they are smarter than the other side so nothing gets done and we all go down the tubes. In the name of God

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    pam Miner  over 11 years ago


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    NCTom Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Once again, there is a whole lot of politicking going on assuming four little squares agree with you. Also, some, not all, still are getting the D of I and Constitution mixed up. Arlo is talking about D of I.

    However, the Constitution sets forth the purposes of the US government and right up front in the preamble it says—

    to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

    Pretty clear that the government will be helping the less fortunate among us. I cannot believe how cold-hearted some Americans have gotten—and be honest, EVERYBODY is getting some benefit from government so turn those comments aimed at Richard right around on yourselves, if you have any honesty left in your life.

    Maybe we all need to just enjoy Arlo and pursuit some happiness rather than ranting at each other,

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    sbyam  over 11 years ago

    Right on Jimmy! Good series this 4th of July week. I’m fearful of where all this technology is taking us. Advances in “watching us” have far outpaced laws that protect us from it. I know, laws are made and enforced by the state, but funny thing how they use the new technology so quickly on us while trampling on our rights to “happiness” that always have to play catch-up. Stay out of my business! And I’m happy as a clam in high water.

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