Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 18, 2013
Luann: "You ok? You keep yawning" Quill: "I do that when I haven't slept for 28 hours" Quill: "Sorry" Quill: "Talk to me. Tell me about this "spirit week." Sound like a scary halloween thing" Luann: "It's a "we love Pits school!" thing" Luann: "...Which is actually scarier than -"
sarafaye over 11 years ago
I’m distracted by how much I’m hating Luann’s lipstick.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“That’s Snooze To Me”“Tri….Trip… The Ligh….ZZZZZ”or“Nod When You Agree”
The Old Wolf over 11 years ago
I know what it’s like to be so tired you fall asleep on your feet. Poor Quill – he needs a day to just sleep and decompress.
ILuvLu over 11 years ago
Luann is becoming her mother and Q is becoming Brad.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Whats the MATTER Pretty-Boy? Stewardess Wouldn’t let You SLEEP on the Plane???
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Goodnight, Tonight” Paul McCartney and Wings“Only In My Dreams”, Debbie Gibson“Sleep Walk”, by Santo & Johnny
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Brought To You” by…
N Somnyiak limited edition ‘Designer Tuxedo Pajamas’…. From Shear and Fleece D. Flock Bros., Inc. Fashions…. "Count on Flock for ‘what to wear!’ "…. – 28 Hours… Starring Quentin Cumberbund, Heady Murphy and a special Guest Appearance by Charo.. On the Alphabet Network… – Lol and Bye’s Bedtime hour… “Don’t miss tonight’s special with panelists whose views are quite heavy… tonight on the Eyeball network…” – Sleepless In Pitts’… A made for Late Night TV Movie, coming soon to the Colored Plume Network… check your local TV Lied for time and channels…. -and by….Hardly David and sons… “Still in business… by knowing the right people, and the right parts, including the ‘Ever-Start’ Power Motors… for everything from Chainsaws to Vehicles… whenever you need a loud and powerful engine that lasts, you need a motor from Hardly David…… and sons….”
draksig over 11 years ago
This relationship is not long for this world.
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
Oh for crying out loud. A valiant attempt by Mr. Q, but let the poor boy sleep, Luann?
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
The sleepier Quill gets, the taller he gets or the shorter Luann gets. I’m not sure which^^That’s cause she’s holding him up :p
JayBluE over 11 years ago
…but this is getting old. ^Well, of course, it is! It has been a while since I posted it…..
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Same for my Mrs…. She doesn’t like putting on makeup, and she only uses a bare amount when she does…. Her complexion and her nice features do fine without any, anyway!
kenhense over 11 years ago
Too bad about the no sleep. Hopefully Luann gets another chance to be up close & personal real soon.
gkid over 11 years ago
Poor Quill. I agree , he has gone theextra mile (no pun intended)so he can be with Luann. But he isin a human body that has run down.Drop the poor guy off @ Gunther’s now, Luann. Let him sleep and get back onhis feet. Part of loving someone istaking care of them.
gkid over 11 years ago
looks good with or without makeup.
mail over 11 years ago
Luann’s lipstick, being a senior now and having this steady relation with Quill tells me that the end of this strip is at hand… I fear it will end with Luann’s graduation in 2014…
gkid over 11 years ago
Why would it end? The strip is about Luann. It doesn’t matter what age she is.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
I sympathize entirely with Quill, and hope he can maintain his vertical position until at least this set ends—at which time, Luann should show some compassion, drive the poor guy to the Berger house, and put him to bed….It is almost impossible to sleep usefully on a transoceanic flight: there is noise from the engines and plane’s systems; interruptions by cabin staff selling, shilling, or inquiring whether you are asleep; bothersome seatmates who announce that they have to get up and go to the toilets; kids seated behind you kicking the seatback (always!); and untimely meal service; not to mention the re-cycled polluted and chill air….
LeoAutodidact over 11 years ago
Agreed, Luann needs to take Quill Home (Gunther’s place) and put him to bed.
(Not TAKE Him to Bed, Put him to Bed!)
[These people! Sheesh!]
jeanie5448 over 11 years ago
Luann asked and then did NOT listen to what he said. She should have said, I’m sorry, lets sit this one out and talk. That way if he wanted to catch a few snoozes he could without the danger of falling down and embarrassing them both……..Girl you gotta learn to LISTEN.
Tinyman over 11 years ago
I fully agree with you Night
Thomas R. Williams over 11 years ago
They are halfway to sleeping together—good practice for married life.
Five boys over 11 years ago
@imajayblue. I liked the post about your wife. More of that and less long post that I skip over.
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
I know Lu will probably be a little upset when she looks up and sees what’s happened (or hears it :-) ). But she should really take it easy on him. I just hope Tiff doesn’t try to “Carpe Diem.”
I don’t think it will work well for her.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Be-yawned the pale! Good one! Ha ha!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Hang on sleepy! Ha ha!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Sleepy came from the wrong side of the International-date lii-ne….” dunh-duhnh, duhnh… duhnh-duhnh-duhn.. (couldn’t grab the little music notes, sorry!)
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Maybe he couldn’t sleep on the plane, because there were—- “Snakes” on it! Lol!
buccaneer8 over 11 years ago
I just don’t understand the appeal of heavy lipstick and esp. thick lips. Both look very ugly on anyone.
buccaneer8 over 11 years ago
It’s getting easier to scroll through the comments; I zip right over anyone wasting space posting song titles.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Thanks, everybody (A long list of nice people here, to name!) for the well-wishes and also thanks to everybody who makes this a fun and entertaining forum! The Mrs. sees, and she says thank you, as well! So nice to be able to spend a day (that’s normally a workday) together, so, c’y’all sometime later this evening, or so!
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
I agree with you, and I think Mordock needs to remember that caffeine (his drug of choice) CAN be overdone….
Willow Mt Lyon over 11 years ago
Hurry Luann. Get him some coffee.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Note that he’s apologizing to her for falling asleep, instead of her apologizing to him for keeping him awake. (She should have let him sleep in the car on the drive from LAX and then driven him straight to Gunther’s house to sleep some more without bringing him to the decorating session at the gym. Maybe Luann could have picked up Quill’s suit beforehand, too?)
ACTIVIST1234 over 11 years ago
I was feeling bad that Delta & Bernice apparently didn’t come, but then remembered they’re at the State Chess Tournament— wiping the knights and bishops off the board!
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
By the way, today is supposed to be National Chocolate Cupcake Day (warning to all dieters). Govern yourselves accordingly….
vldazzle over 11 years ago
I can remember times when I made a valiant effort to carry on a conversation when I was WAY too sleepy. Wound up pretty much talking nonsense.
locake over 11 years ago
Luann is so selfish, let him go home and sleep.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
I haven’t seen very many, other than Wiley. Please let me know who else responds; I’d really enjoy reading those comments.
ReneTray over 11 years ago
Mr Evans please contact I on or go to Facebook for Rene Manuel. I need to contact you. It is serious.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
argy, you didn’t address this to me, but it has been said to me by other posters because I don’t care for Luann and whenever I indicate this, I get “Why do you read this strip anyway????” Well, there’s a lot more to this strip than =just= Luann, it’s an ensemble cast, and for god’s sake, we don’t have to like every single character in an ensemble cast. This question gets old, and i’d appreciate never having to hear it again.
Overtherainbow: There are a lot of people who post on the board for this comic, and other comics on this site, who clearly indicate that they dislike a character. Some go as far as interpreting the character to have inclinations that they oppose. When those posts show up, others will naturally ask why the writer bothers to read something that disturbs them. The question will recur because there are new readers and posters on a site, and because it is a legitimate question. Here’s the thing: you have a right to your opinion, and so do those who ask why people continue to read something when they dislike one or more of the characters in the comic. So the question may seem ‘old’ to you, but even if I never ask it of you or anyone else, there will be plenty who will ask it. They have that right, and you have the right to ignore or scroll past those questions. Just as I scroll past discussions about what some posters think of as totally negative aspects of a character.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
“Luann is one of them. Tiffany isn’t.”I can’t swear I’ve ever seen Tiffany without. Maybe she’s lovely and just doesn’t know it.
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
Fair enough, argy. I deleted the comment because I’d thought better of getting into this. But since you were quicker than me… Sure people have the right to ask. But by doing so, often very rudely, I get the impression they don’t think I have the right to my own opinion. The question is often (IMO) an overreaction to some comment someone’s made, and in that case comes across as Comment Police. I’m just in a sick-of-it mood right now. And feel free to scroll past this comment. I scroll past stuff all the time and I still enjoy the strip and the board.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
That is funny! And after the said…(ahem)…. “makeover” (snerk!), Wonder if he’d be on the laughing side of it? He is ol’ Qcumber, but I wonder….
JayBluE over 11 years ago
If you were looking for who did “Tossin’ and Trunin’”, Bobby Lewis did the first one…
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
“…..,Mostly it has everything to do with being packed like a sardine in coach (because we are all SOOO Rich we can afford 1st class, right?) and with the little bastard kicking the back seat of our the whole flight….,”
Wait , Wait, Wait: YOU Don’t FLY 1st Class? REALLY?!!? Wow.
Hey, I ALWAYS Fly 1st Class when I travel.And I’m RICH. (Well the Wife IS anyway…..,)
Donald Steffen over 11 years ago
Luann is acting like a clueless, selfish brat. She needs to show that she can think of someone besides herself.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I was just going to mention that to him about Charo! She doesn’t look anywhere near ready to start spinning yarn… an accomplished flamenco guitarist to boot, as well! She is very vibrant, to say the least!…. And still performing!
Ken Otwell over 11 years ago
Love the matching dress and tie color…. that’s how a guy get’s the right girl.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Paul Anka for “…Shoulder”. .. If you ever hear the Lettermen do their version, it is a knockout! Literally and figuratively… may even be a good song for Quill to fall asleep to, if it wasn’t so easy for him to do, at this point… – Had to look up the other one…Raymond Blanning Egan was the author, but not sure who was the first, last or other to perform it…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Okay, I see that your usual suspects have each did their own take of “Sleepy Time Gal”… Jerry Vale, Perry Como (or coma, if you hear the “Animaniacs” tell the tale), Dean Martin… some of their versions are on YouTube….
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Oh, forgot: Bobby Vinton did a nice version of “…Shoulder”, too…
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
And he zones out again.
dr_dolittle_rwc over 11 years ago
Y so SERIOUS!!!??? What’s REALLY interesting IS that everyone here IS reading comics AND getting so bent OUT of shape ABOUT STUPID STUFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dr_dolittle_rwc over 11 years ago
? HUH ? Someone has an overactive imagination… or, some unfulfilled fantasies…
Either way… hhmmm… not sure how to comment…. :-P
dr_dolittle_rwc over 11 years ago
HAHAHAHA!!!! LOL!! I didn’t even catch that…..
Though, I have been reading for MANY years…
GOOD STUFF! Keep it comin’…
TheDOCTOR over 11 years ago
You can see Luann’s Shape in that dress she looks better than Tiff If you ask me.Now Luann can take Quill home to bed and what people would think.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“…and I think to myself…. what a wonderful…” – Well, that’s what would be playing right now… I think I’ll go watch Polyanna…. Okay, I’ve changed my mind..
seffer over 11 years ago
Someone put the poor boy to bed before he falls over!
3pibgorn9 over 11 years ago
If I were to fall asleep, that’s a great way to do it.
Satellite Steve over 11 years ago
@Sarah: gee whiz, doesn’t Luann get to “sex it up” a bit now? Geesh.
Viper172 about 11 years ago
Quill must’ve been “wagging” his school back in Australia (playing hooky) -we’ve had “Spirit Week” in high schools here in Sydney for at least a decade :)