Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for November 14, 2013

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  over 11 years ago


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  2. Grey justice
    SKJAM! Premium Member over 11 years ago

    New baby coming?

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  3. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 11 years ago

    I bet she’s pregnant again!

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    Chris-One  over 11 years ago

    I wonder what Mysta Chimera/Moon Maid II is doing right now?

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  5. Db icon60
    Ashmael  over 11 years ago

    Good morning DT fans!Uncle Ray officiated Dick’s marriage in 1948 and Junior’s marriages? A spry, long lived fellow, who hopes to officiate marriages in the far future! Is he immortal?

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  6. Db icon60
    Ashmael  over 11 years ago

    What if Joe turns to be gay? Will Uncle Ray officiate his marriage, too?

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  7. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 11 years ago

    This looks more like a version of “THIS IS YOUR LIFE” rather than a TV interview……

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    dmitri01  over 11 years ago

    The officiant at Junior and Moon Maid’s wedding was only shown in 1 panel, in a 3/4 quarter rear view. But, he had light, wavy hair and wore glasses, so it COULD have been Uncle Ray.He doesn’t want to officiate Bonnie’s wedding?

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  9. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 11 years ago

    Good morning all…

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  10. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 11 years ago

    Yup, looks like Sparkle is pregnant. I wonder how this will weave into the Kadaver plot that is encircling this TV biopic? And will Lazarus Long—I mean, Uncle Ray, survive?

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  11. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  over 11 years ago

    What about Tracy’s other uncle from West Monroe, Uncle Si? “That’s right, Jack!”

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  12. Zap
    60sFan  over 11 years ago

    The coloring of the strip has been much better lately. Someone else has mentioned this, and I have noticed it too. Thank you to the gocomics team for finally addressing this issue.

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  13. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  over 11 years ago

    I bet some 1st time readers are a little confused cause I am a little.. And what’s awesome is the art work, panel 3 is so darn cool what can one say?

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  14. Frankblack
    tconstantine900  over 11 years ago

    Wasn’t Wendy Wichel supposed to be doing a little cross-examination on this show appearance as well?

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  15. Mmandsp
    jz27wk Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Why woud Uncle Ray have to be any more immortal than Tray himself? He could have been the same age as Tracy when he officiated at his wedding. As it is likely that Tracy will live to his children marry, so would Uncle Ray. Junior got an early start with the grandkids as he was adopted as a pre-teen. So it is very likely that Uncle Ray could do all the weddings without being ancient.

    He is also just expressing that he would like to be honored by doing all the wedding, not predicting that he will live forever so that he can.

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  16. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 11 years ago

    HEY!! I just had an idea for what moonfarce can do for a living! she could put viagra and cialis out of business for good! all she would need to do is run around zapping the wives of guys who need those little pills, induce temporary amnesia, then get them back together… apparently it works like a charm! :) (not that junior needed the pills, but boyhowdy did it ever work for him and sparkle! lol)

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    JoeTrom  over 11 years ago

    Could it be Mother Truehart?

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  18. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 11 years ago

    Ray Toler: Yes, I asked for it – but I and others did enjoy your mini-bio yesterday. As for the belated thanks, well, I am a night worker, day sleeper, meaning that it may be the next day before I can get back to anyone..tsull2121: Still having a hard time with Moon Maid II? She’s already said she now knows that she was never Junior’s wife. Frankly, I don’t think she would care anymore about whether Sparkle is pregnant. She has more than enough on her plate right now. And besides, in case no one has noticed, Moon Maid, Ghote, Sail, the Elvis brothers, and even Melies, all seem to have moved to a very, very back burner…

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  19. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 11 years ago

    why dont you man up stilldamatt and name the “CERTAIN POSTERS” that you are talking about?

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    dennis4476 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    There will be another child in the strip? With Attitude Plenty, Jewel, and Joseph Flintheart Tracy all being children it is odd that they would write in another kid. But who am I to question? They will have enough children to keep the CRIMESTOPPER’S CLUB going. lol

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  21. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  over 11 years ago

    I just want to say that although the civil rights of individuals is an important topic, and one that I am sure Mike Curtis will place into the Dick Tracy strip on numerous levels, whether it is with a homosexual couple, an African American police officer, a Jewish police officer, a female private detective who is also a homemaker, or some other “controversial” matter such as abortion, or medical testing notifying that your baby may be autistic or malformed (No, I don’t know if this will happen, but would not be surprised if it does), This forum is NOT the place to argue and discuss these issues.I agree that everyone has a right to their opinion. I also firmly believe that forcing your opinion and beliefs onto others is wrong, and that doing so is a form of bigotry. I hate Bigots, in any form. I may not agree with many things, but feel that if it isn’t harming anyone, what is the harm in allowing it to happen? If someone is being harmed by it, I have an opinion. It usually falls on the side that is attempting to prevent the harm from occurring. The Right to Life movement being the one thing that is a big stickler. My own personal belief is that it is the Mothers decision what to do with her body, and that the local, State, and Federal Government should have no say in the matter.Anyone who is familiar with Mike Curtis will know about his other works, and that he “pushes” the limits constantly. Will George Tawara be the last LGBT character to appear in a Tracy story? Given that it is Mike we are talking about here, I highly doubt it.

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  22. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 11 years ago

    matthew matthew matthew.. “man up” is a term used to encourage someone to speak their mind.. we need to get youj a book of these terms.. but we need to make sure that theres plenty of cartoony pictures included, to keep your attention of course :)

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  23. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 11 years ago

    what i have a HUGE problem with in comics, etc… is where some "hotshot writer/artist/flavor of the mont** comes along and decides that they want to “make a character gay” just for the act of making them gay… egardless of whether or not it was hinted at previously in the character’s history.

    prime example is of the Avengers cjharacter The Living Lightning… the hero joined the West Coast branch of the team in 1990 and even had a girlfriend that was introduced into the comic and b ecame one of the household staff.

    there were numerous stories focusing on his background before he ever got his powers, his family life, his mother, brothers and sisters… yet FIFTEEN YEARS LATER a hack writer doing a “comedy book” about a team that nobody ever takes seriously decides that.. since the team is calling themselves “The Great Lakes Avengers” and they have a membership drive… it would be GREAT to “out” a character as being gay, and had he Living Lightning respond to an ad in the newspaper for members of the GLA.. using the lame excuse that “Oh, I thought it was an ad for the Gay Lesbian Alliance” then has him fly off.

    not only is it LAZY WRITING, but it’s ignorance to the ultimate degree on the writer of the book, and a straight up INSULT to the creators of the character. Having spoken to the artist/creator of the character, he is as upset as I am about it, becuase the character.. when created.. was never intended to be gay or anything other than a straight early 20’s hispanic male from Los Angeles.

    I am fairly certain, and I am assuming here so dont jump on me for it… that the creators of the Joe Tracy character didnt INTEND for “Joe to end up gay” at all.

    and before you say “well i am sure they didnt intend for him to be a disrespectful chainsmoker who calls himself cool dude either”.. i agree. But the difference in THAT is.. joe is/was a little used character in a comic strip pretty much, from what i gather, struggling to survive… and The Living Lightning is a character that, up until “mr hotshot writer of the month” decided to use the acronym gag TOTALLY out of character for a one panel laugh, had made PLENTY of appearances all across the marvel Universe without mention of his even being CLOSE to gay. hell, he walked into the kitchen in one issue wearing just his costume pants while his girlfriend wore one of his tshirts.. OBVIOUSLY hey had sletp together the night before.. but “mr hotshot writer’s” excuse for that was (and this is a direct quote) “He’s gay. Get over it. Previous girlfriends? Beards. Or relationships that just didn’t work – because Miguel hadn’t come to terms yet with who he really is. Miguel is a gay superhero and a wonderful role model.”

    that’s ignorance to me.. and someone who decided to try and use a character to make some sort of social point, regardless of the character’s ENTIRE published history! It’s an insult, and just shows what kind of writers are being hired to do comics these days.. none of them care about continuity, they just want to be the one who “writes the next big event and kills off the next major/supporting character” in an effort to get their name “recognized”.

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  24. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  over 11 years ago

    SDM,My problem isn’t with comments about the strip, or events occurring in it, but with this whole argument being based on a comment made about the possible sexual preferences of a character with no basis in fact. In other words, baiting the forum members to incite a response by implying something of a controversial nature. If Joe does end up becoming a heterosexual character, then we can discuss it, but the whole idea that he might become one? Why are we even arguing about this? Also, is there any evidence that Hot or Blaze Rize are lesbian, other than their masculine clothing choices and butch hairstyle? Oh, she turned down Double Up as his next Ponytail, yeah, must be a lesbian. I am not saying that they aren’t lesbians, may well be, but just that it has never been stated that either one is or was.

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  25. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 11 years ago

    Stilldamatt, if I were a betting man, I’d say he has appeared on this board a few times more than you’d like to admit! From your description of him, he could be one of several. And I’d like to further bet that there are a lot of people you’ve met in your life that fit the description – right?

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  26. P6290172a
    436rge  over 11 years ago

    Too many kids born and eventually be forgotten like so many characters n Gasoline Alley.

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