Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 09, 2013
Quill: "Hey, stranger! I've missed you! How were the college visits?" Luann: "Good. But I've decided to stay here" Quill: "Yeah?" Luann: "There's a ton of options out there. But I don't know what I want to study. I don't have a talent or a goal like you do" Luann: "Anyway, you'd be a basket case if I went away" Quill: "I would. And me all weepy? Not a pretty sight"
ILuvLu about 11 years ago
Early New Years Resolution — Never comment about my or anyone else’s position in the comment queue..
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
Sacricing for her loved ones.WHATAGURL
seyleigh about 11 years ago
My actual comment: Community College is a good option for most people. Its an inexpensive way to try out different things and see what you really want to do. If Luann is in California, she should look into the TAG program. But since Quill actually has a goal already in mind, is he going to leave Pittsville and Luann after senior year?
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Comfort Zone”“Talentless Night”“Basket Case Of Fries”or“There’s No Place Like Pitts”
Angelalex242 about 11 years ago
Hah. Ya know, Luann, you COULD have looked up Australian colleges…
ILuvLu about 11 years ago
Looks like Lu is trying to place all the blame on Qu if she doesn’t go to college.
mischugenah about 11 years ago
So start by taking the required courses! They’re pretty much the same for all majors, and you’re going to have to do them at some point anyway.
kenhense about 11 years ago
Actually this is pretty sweet. They are in love.
QuietStorm27 about 11 years ago
They could always go away together like my stepson and his girlfriend did. They started at a regular university, didn’t like it, went to a different city and are now in a community college. In the fall, they’re starting at a different regular university and all of their credits will transfer.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Is anybody at all surprised that (1) nothing “happened” between Brad and Toni after all that build-up, and (2) Luann will in fact be going to Pitt CC? I would say these were both pretty much a given, but what is surprising is Luann’s saying that “I don’t have a talent or a goal”. It’s true, of course, but it’s surprising that she finally admits it. And what’s this about how she has to stay in Pitt because Quill would be upset if she sent somewhere else? Does this mean that Quill will be in Pitt next year? He came halfway across the globe to study acting at… Pitt CC? The world’s greatest drama school! Nothing in Australia even comes close!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Brought back to Pitts”, by the following…TJ’s Cafe… "Come for the food, stay for the ambulance… and the lawyer… " – Pitts CC… “Home of the fighting Compasses!…. World class education, Home cooking!…” – and by….Plotz convenience stores…. “With roadmaps now on sale, for half off…”
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
> What would any reasonable person suppose happened next??>The DeGroots came home, apparently.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Greg draws it that way, to leave it up to each person.s perspective/perception/point of view….so as to not upset or offend either side… and some gestures mean something diiferent to different people in different places….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Case in point, some African lands see hetero male friends holding hands, as s sign of friendship… to refuse would be considered rude, offensive and disrespectful… of course, over here, it wouldn’t be perceived in the same way… what we consider a “yes” (bobbing/nodding of the head) here is actually a no, in some places…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
I was…experienced…but I came to the realization of the value of waiting…my wife wasn’t even, uh… active, at all…I was engaged to my wife, and we didn’t until marriage… we both came to value that conviction, before we met…-Some have convictions that it’s best to wait, and though some see it as abnormal, those people still function well… and enjoy a healthy, loving (both literal and figurative) relationship….
adamcrow64 about 11 years ago
My final two years in Engineering at University in Australia had a student from the US finish his studies with us. He loved it.
oldtruck66 about 11 years ago
Hard to leave your comfort zone, lots of commits on this.
kittylover2 about 11 years ago
Why is this so important to you? I just don’t understand. How old are you, sounds like something a kid about 8 to 10 would say.
Prattaratt about 11 years ago
Hmmm, what about her talent to handle little children? That sounds like a possible primary education and child development major to me!
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Pretty-boy is back, and Our Young Heroine is Gonna “Stay Here” because She Says She doesn’t Have Clue One as to What She’s Gonna Do with Her Life When the Real Reason She’s Staying Put, Is to KEEP an Eye On HER Property. Namely, “Monsieur Perfecto.”
Should I Tell Lu Lu that the Odds of Mr. Wonderful Staying and attending the SAME Community College as Her, are about a Gazillion to One?
Nah, I’ll WAIT ’Til AFTER the Holidays.
Editman about 11 years ago
If they are in California, Quill would be auditioning for soap operas, just like Tootsie (dated comment?).
Editman about 11 years ago
Sorry, Tootsie was in New York.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
….Uganda….. ^Again, it still is making my original point that not everyone thinks or sees the same way as we do, and that not everyone views certain things as “normal”….
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Flirty Luann is kinda cute, especially given that Quill’s low-key responses keep things cool. Luann will probably start college in Pitts CC; Quill may or may not stay in town; both may move on to some 4-year college after a CC associate degree….
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
“I’m done readind comments and commenting”.Thank you, Wesley.
You da man.
TORAD_07 about 11 years ago
Well, Hello Pitts CC! I guess the stage is partially set now, at least for most of the HS gang to remain local (those that Greg/Karen intend on keeping in the strip).
Bernice may succeed Ms. Phelps, eventually. I think that Delta will move on and out of the strip, at least day-to-day (or arc-to-arc). Quill may stay and get either some kind of work visa, or student a nearby “dramatic arts” school. Fogarty will moonlight at Pitts CC to make extra money and pester Lu. Rosa and Gunther are the tricky ones to predict. Will Gunther grow a pair and follow Rosa to wherever she is going, or will she give her up in his never ending quest for Lu? I hope and expect for some “big brotherly advice” chats to go on this year in the Berger house.
And, then, there’s the matter of Tiff. What to do with her, now that HS school setting is no longer there to set up “encounters” with Lu? Does she attend the same “drama school” program as Quill? Or does she go out on her own to Hollywood/LA or whatever? If so, then Lu will need a new set of foils. As for the other teens (Cyrstal, Knute, Ox, etc.), I guess Weenie World or some equivalent can become the new hangout.
Anyway, change is in the weather… Hope it’s warm/sunny!
milania about 11 years ago
Oh, it does NOT!
jimmeh about 11 years ago
It’s easier to write the comic if she is in town with the other characters. To bad she didn’t say that;)
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
The question of course arise that since Luann doesn’t have a talent or a goal, why was she visiting those colleges in the first place? She already knew that she didn’t have a talent or a goal before she went on the trip, so why hadn’t she already just decided to stay in Pitt instead of checking out all these schools? The only thing she knows now that she maybe didn’t know before the trip is that “real” colleges require minimum SAT scores and grade-point averages that quite likely exceed her own.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 11 years ago
Do you think that Greg is planning on an actual graduation-to-college transition through 2014? Or, do you think Luann will be in senior year for a few real time years? I know that the multiple real-time year has been the norm here, but somehow a of the Toni/Brad and Luann/Quill story arcs seem to be moving at a faster pace than typical. Thoughts?
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
Oh, no! Luann has no talent??? She just sings and acts and is excellent with children.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Not on my computer
ACTIVIST1234 about 11 years ago
“I don’t have a talent or a goal….”*(I work tonight so can comment early today.)*Luann, *In my experience, you don’t need too much talent in order to succeed— depending on your definition of “success”. Willie Nelson does not have a melodic voice, yet he’s adapted to what he has to what he does and not only entertains thousands in an audience but raises millions of dollars for charities he believes in.*Decide what is important to you and GO for it! - If it’s marriage and a family— fine. Just be the best wife & mom you can be. If it’s teaching- great. Get the training and experience, make opportunities for yourself, and be the best teacher you can be.If it’s performing- wonderful. Go to the community college, accept minor roles in the community theater, and get the experience and reputation you need to become the best performer you can be.- If it’s to do squat— just hang around home. Pursue comfort, ease, and an occasional date with Quill. And you’ll waste all your talents and opportunities.
beymly about 11 years ago
I’m not the first but, at the moment, I’m the latest!!!
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Tell me where this food truck is located and I’ll report it to our code compliance officer…
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
ILuvLu about 11 years ago
Lu will probably go to college (or simlar) untill she gets her degree. Her Mrs. that is.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Bernice would be the equivalent of Jessie on SBTB… it would take both Knute and Gunther to equal Screech… K= goofy klutz, G-man =Brainiac, sociallly awkward…. together, they’d make s Screech…. Or the characters of Dennis Blunden and Arvid from “Head Of The Class”….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
There have always been students who continued on to college who were already oriented toward a specific career, just as there were those who didn’t know what they wanted to do and hoped to find a direction by continuing their education. Interestly, some of those most focused in a particular direction were astounded by the variety of directions that college showed them, and switched direction. I have two nieces and a nephew now going through exactly that process. One niece and nephew figured they’d follow careers in science, and are off into training in languages and teaching. The other niece thought she wanted to become a counselor, and is now in business school.
Some students finish college and still lack a strong orientation, but if they were fortunate, learned how to analyze information and solve problems. Employers used to value those people, who could learn specifics on the job (whether insurance or sales.) I guess employers are much more insistent on specialization now.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
I still don’t see why she didn’t make the decision to stay in Pitt before wasting her time (and Nancy’s) on this big trip to check out colleges. Since she admits she has no talents or goals, what was the point?
ildat hofler about 11 years ago
Sure looked like Toni WANTED something tohappen. Brad may be a little slow on the uptakesometimes, but he’s not THAT dim!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Yes, Pitt CC is famous worldwide for its drama department. Many future Oscar winners and major stars of theater, movies, and TV went to silly 4-year schools like UCLA, Carnegie-Mellon, Yale, and Julliard, just so that they could hone their craft enough to be accepted as freshmen again, at Pitt. Why, students even come from far-off lands like Australia just to learn drama at Pitt. There are no schools of remotely comparable quality to Pitt south of the equator, that’s for sure!
diggitt about 11 years ago
Luann! Didn’t you ever see American Graffiti? “Staying Home” vs “going away”—the kiss of death, a guarantee that you are aiming low. You can always come back, but you may never have such a good chance to go somewhere else.
Dragoncat about 11 years ago
Doesn’t she realize that her talent is with dealing with children? She could run a daycare!
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
I’m judging them by their end products, not by their legal names. Jeff Skilling, found guilty of massive fraud at Enron, was a Harvard grad, and so was E. Kirk Shelton, a former VP for Cendant whose earnings reports for his company were creative writing (in other words, ‘fabrications’.)- A Harvard business school grad names Ray Soifer has been keeping tabs on the impacts of Harvard grads on Wall Street. His findings for several years have been that the more Harvard grads who go into the fields of investment banking, investment management, venture capital and leveraged buyouts, the worse the stock market does.
ILuvLu about 11 years ago
. @ILuvLu
Early New Years Resolution — Never comment about my or anyone else’s position in the comment queue..-You may not realize it, but by making a comment about this particular resolution, you have broken your resolution. Either that or you did realize it and that is part of your joke.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was partially a joke but I can’t comment further without violating the resolution..What part of my comment is about my, or others, position in the queue? I see no violation of my statement.
sbwertz about 11 years ago
I would encourage everyone to start with a community college. My son is a PhD in Microbiology on the faculty at Yale and he started at a community college. At a University, the lower division courses (Freshman and Sophomore) are mostly either taught by grad students, or are in a lecture hall with about 400 students. At a community college, you are being taught by an experienced instructor, in a class of reasonable size. I have a friend who teaches nursing at the local university and she says she can divide her third year (Juniors) class pretty much in half with the top half coming from the community colleges and the bottom half from the university.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
I am not criticizing 2-year (community) colleges. I am criticizing Luann, for taking this trip to check out 4-year schools before realizing that she has no goals or talents. She should have known that all along, when she was looking through all those mailings from the colleges and talking about their wonderful offerings.
svetlana17 about 11 years ago
When I graduated from high school I did a summer school drama program at the local CC — The Oresteia (Greek tragedy). The professor/director was an award winning director, and we had two SAG members as the leads (Agamemnon and Clytemnestra). We had classes in Greek mythology, history and music, and performed the play for a month at the end. Gunther would have been right at home as we made our own costumes, built the set, and learned how to act. This was over 40 years ago. Don’t knock CCs!!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
What are Luann’s goals? Presumably she, and none of us, would be the person to know that. No one here can tell her what her goals are. All you can do is tell her what you think her goals ought to be, which is quite different. Either she has them or she doesn’t, and she says she doesn’t.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
Or simplified and restated: YOU CAN’T WIN FOR LOSING
dkendraf about 11 years ago
Alone in the house? Well, except for Puddles, who desperately wants to eat!
nanellen about 11 years ago
She would do well as an elementary school teacher or a librarian. However, many libraries are loosing funds.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
She already lost her job in the library, which is why she took the job watching over kids at Lincoln Elementary.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
I was just saying that the job prospects in libraries are shrinking (including for professionals) on account of budget cuts.