Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for February 07, 2014
Phoebe: There's a John Cage song that's just four and a half minutes of silence. Teacher: And? Phoebe: And, um, I practiced that instead of my assignment. Teacher: How do you even know about that? Phoebe: My dad told me. Teacher: Why in heaven's name would he do that. Phoebe: I think we wanted to hear the T.V.
kaykeyser almost 11 years ago
Gotta love that family.
WaitingMan almost 11 years ago
4’33" to be precise.
Simon_Jester almost 11 years ago
Lemme guess, this was last Sunday afternoon, right?
rpmurray almost 11 years ago
The CD of that song can’t begin to capture the vibrancy and mellowness of the one recorded on LP.
Neo Stryder almost 11 years ago
This shows how goo piano player you’re… or how good father is your father.
TidensBarn almost 11 years ago
4’33’’ is easy to play on a intermediate level but impossible to master..
T_Lexi almost 11 years ago
There was also a longer version (9’6") but it just didn’t resonate as well with test groups.
DDrazen almost 11 years ago
Every artist must make sacrifices; Phebe is willing to sacrifice practice time.
dbartley53 almost 11 years ago
I would be very pleased if all current artists would do remakes of that song and it became the #1 radio hit for the next year.
androgenoide almost 11 years ago
iTunes will sell you an mp3 of that for only $.99 out the reviews) but Amazon UK has reduced the price on their copies… (used to be $.99 also)
Ermine Notyours almost 11 years ago
I’ve heard of a similar record released on 45 in the 1950s. If you get tired of being bombarded with noise from the jukebox, you could buy three minutes of silence. Also when CBS Records experimented with single-sided singles in the 1980s, the flip side was a silent grove.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago
It almost sounds like it had to do something with Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat.
DavidHurley Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Good call! ;-)And love John Cage myself.
Hag5000 almost 11 years ago
Phoebe couldn’t practise the regular piece…she had to behold Marigold’s splendor.
DanglingModifier almost 11 years ago
Technically, it’s not [X minutes and X seconds] of silence, but of taking in the audience’s reaction to the piece. Did Phoebe at least practice walking in and sitting still, then walking out?
maitlandvt 4 months ago
What is heaven’s name, anyway?