Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for June 03, 2014
Francis, I can't believe you've never wondered about what prison is like! Why would I? Because it's just one of those things everyone thinks about, that's all! It's like asking yourself what would be the worst way to die! And the answer, as we all know, is sliding down a banister made of razor blades. Yes. Ew.
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
Just thinking about it is too horrible!!!
Comisftw over 10 years ago
“Ew” is right.Ok, no more thinking about it.
T.A.S.K Master over 10 years ago
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow owI’m a guy, I understand what he means… Yikes.
AlnicoV over 10 years ago
Wasting illnesses, leukemia blood cancers and the like, are far worse than even that.
bignatefan over 10 years ago
“Oh, soon we’ll be out amid the cold world’s strife. Soon we’ll be sliding down the razor blade of life.” Bright College Days, by dear Tom Lehrer.
DRkm Premium Member over 10 years ago
It still makes me shudder to hear that line!
Arsenal rock over 10 years ago
Ow ow ow ow ow ow
cheezburgerdog over 10 years ago
Booty+cheese grater=HURT
mino8 over 10 years ago
EdFenster Premium Member over 10 years ago
Soon we’ll be outAmidst the cold world’s strifeSoon we’ll be sliding downThe razor blade of life…Tom Lehrer
js over 10 years ago
Kids these days: …into a tub of iodine
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
listmom over 10 years ago
…into a pool of alcohol
Kit Walker Premium Member over 10 years ago
The only difference I see between the new public school buildings and prisons, is that the prisoners do not get to go home at night.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 10 years ago
Yeah, we said that back when I was this creepy ’lil kid……..well, actually it was: slide down a mile-long razor blade………..hey! Looks like Nate just gave F & T “the willies”!!
dontstarveman over 10 years ago
Jeff0811 over 10 years ago
I disagree with Nate’s premise. I think far more people think of what would be the best way to live, than the alternative presented here. I think many would say the best way to live is their current lifestyle, but with more money.
madmarge over 10 years ago
Worst ways to die:1. being tied to the tail of a wild bull2. smeared with honey and staked to an anthill3. locked in a dungeon that’s slowly filling with water...anything else?
Neon Boy Of Wonder over 10 years ago
Being decapitated by your best friend? Or sliding to a giant pool of acid, and then a knife storm?
jc98459 over 10 years ago
getting marooned on a island
MyLittleDoodle over 8 years ago
whats a banister
Dyceiretak about 7 years ago
RyguyC24X over 6 years ago
uhh getting your skin torn off and getting thrown in a pool of hand sanitizer and then getting your body struck full of arrows is a horrible way to die
Penguin!! about 6 years ago
Ebola, wasps, being stabbed, etc. And yes, Nate, you are correct, that’s one of the worst ways to die.
DM9001 almost 6 years ago
It’d be worse if the razor blades weren’t cleaned and were rusty. So along with that, you could get tetanus if you’d survived!
Nate Wright about 5 years ago
ayyyyyyyy word girl all the way!
Creeperkillerit/TheOthercreep almost 4 years ago
i cant think more of it since I keep thinking of danganronpa.
DankDreams almost 4 years ago
How about the bull thing they put you inside?
(NOT) Randy Betancourt over 3 years ago
The worst ways for me is: The elephant torture (in my opinion). It is a kind of execution, where you will place your head on the brick, then the executer will release the elepant and let them STEP ON YOUR HEAD :0
The Elves Of Xadia almost 3 years ago
The worst way to die: Falling of a cliff and rubbing against the cliff side, which is made of razor blades, then landing on a trampoline at the bottom and being launched into the air, then landing hours later in a pool and getting your hand caught at the bottom so you have to cut off your hand to escape, and swimming up but getting knocked down by swimmers, continuously getting stabbed by knives at the bottom of the pool, then the pool is drained and you are tied in a net as the pool slowly fills up again, one drop at a time, with honey instead of water, which attracts ants, and eventually drowning in honey and ants.