Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 22, 2014

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    BE THIS GUY  over 10 years ago

    Only scientific opinion that matters is the one that you agree with — even if it is 1 out of a 1000.

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    LeoAutodidact  over 10 years ago

    The only scientific opinion that counts is the one that the Universe agrees with — even if it is unknown/ignored by the Human Race.

    Whe Earth was Round LONG before anyone noticed, even before there was anyone TO notice.

    Welcome to Objective Reality!

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    Ravenswing  over 10 years ago

    Well, heck. It’s not that the politicians who think they know more about science than the scientists are going to be alive in fifty years when the scorched chickens go to Greenland to roost. And those that are will have their nicely air conditioned mansions in the Rockies, all paid for.

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    Eggman61  over 10 years ago

    Would this disease happen to cause delusional thinking? That’s symptomatic of an STD spread by human contact with vulpes vulpes, an epidemic in the U.S.

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    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    Actually 3% rather have corporate money than a reputation in science.

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    cmcmail  over 10 years ago

    75 % of Americans believe in Angels, it must be true. Caution when listening to concensus, as George Carlin said, " you know how dumb the average person is? Well half are dumber than that"

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    susan.e.a.c  over 10 years ago

    Of course, denial from the left about all the hormones and sex hormones in our water and how they’re causing so many disorders is never mentioned here. BUt that’s because science is only used when it agrees with your position, much like “tolerance”.

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    jeffiekins  over 10 years ago

    Regarding the linked strip, it appears most commenters, like our fearless cartoonist, conflate speciation with adaptation and just call the whole mess “evolution.” Almost everyone does it, which is why it’s so unusual to hear an intelligent discussion of the topic..It’s very similar to how global warming is conflated with ozone depletion. Same idiocy, just different areas of science. .The exact area of idiocy? Thinking that you can understand something scientific without studying it. Sorry, everyone: science is complicated; even the scientists only know their part of it, usually. The rare ones who know multiple areas are usually the ones who make the revolutionary theories.

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    John Davenport Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I feel obliged to quote Henry Barnett MD, FRCPC, sage of stroke research at U Western Ontario: “[Scientific] ‘data’ is not the plural of ‘anecdote.’” So, science is not merely the collection of ‘educated’ opinion, but conclusions based on the skeptical view of the evidence that any and all can see/touch/smell/hear. If they only would try to do so.

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member over 10 years ago

    So the man probably won’t be around to see global warming get REALLY bad, so what does he care?

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  11. Time to sit back and watch the show
    cgrantt57 Premium Member over 10 years ago
    “Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.”

    ― Cree Indian Prophecy

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    moedred  over 10 years ago

    “Though like China, your limbs won’t get with the program. But who needs them anyway?”

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    Thehag  over 10 years ago

    Both strips entirely entertaining!Thanks for the link.

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    QuiteDragon  over 10 years ago

    ’Cause nobody ever did anything for you; no reason you should ever contribute to the betterment of the world.

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    Treesong  over 10 years ago

    @jeffiekinsSpeciation is not the same as adaptation, but under conditions on Earth is an inevitable, proven consequence of it. Intelligent discussion is rare because of a high noise-to-signal ratio due to creationists.

    @John Davenport‘So, science is not merely the collection of ‘educated’ opinion, but conclusions based on the skeptical view of the evidence that any and all can see/touch/smell/hear. If they only would try to do so.’You betcha! People who think they know better than 97% of the people who have devoted their lives to studying climate, without trying to look at the utter demolition of all the denialist arguments at Skeptical Science or similar websites, are not just ignorant denialists, but staggeringly arrogant denialist fools.And unlike creationists, who can merely further damage the already poor American secondary education system, denialists contribute their small share to serious dangers to our technical civilization.

    Three cheers for Trudeau!

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    marzipANn  over 10 years ago

    Well said! If you don’t have kids, you still need public education because you have friends, neighbors and countrymen who need to receive it when they’re children if they’re to help you maintain civility, science, art and all those other elements of civilization when they grow up and replace you as decision makers.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Trudeau’s still got it. (And so, unfortunately, does the GOP.)

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    naninparis  over 10 years ago

    It’s a joke about “outliers” and the conservative belief system. May be a little hard for people to understand as outliers are usually dismissed in scientific studies — not embraced — as our patient above is asking to do.

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    Jack Straw  over 10 years ago

    Actually, the guy looks like he’s about to give birth.

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    jdreller  over 10 years ago

    doctors opinions are based on facts but global climate change is based on computer predictions

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 10 years ago

    Exit Steve Jobs, who admitted that was exactly what he did and why he died.

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    Coyoty Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “When’s our next appointment?”

    “Let’s wait and see

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 10 years ago

    “WhoTF cares what happens to this pathetic little rock in space?”.I care.I am a very caring person.I may not care about you as much as I should, but such is life.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 10 years ago

    “For the Nation who had a man walk on the moon to have become a Nation that continues to go backwards towards the era you so clearly describe – by doing everything in its power to DESTROY, rather than move forward by creative thinking – is sad.”.Except this nation is not doing everything in its power to destroy nor have we abandoned creative thinking..There are short sighted people everywhere.Sometimes they have to be short sighted. .Remember there were those who said, “In the long run, this depression will run its course.” and others who said, “In the long run we are all dead.” Which I assume was to say, we need to do some things now even if they create problems for future generations because if we don’t, there won’t be any future generations..We have cleaned up our act in many ways and are working on other improvements all over the world. It was recognized long ago, though, that China and other backward nations were going to pollute more if they ever got out of abject poverty. Much of the world’s pollution is coming from places which once did not contribute because they didn’t have the capital. And they lived in darkness, extreme poverty, disease, hopelessness.

    Solar power is more efficient and more affordable than it was. Wind power is moving right on up, although they need to put noise makers on the things to let birds know they are in danger of getting hit. Fracking is making natural gas available in place of petroleum for the interim. Geothermal has much promise and should be used more extensively in the places where it can do the most good. Safer nuclear power systems exist and need to be put in place, since they are zero greenhouse gas emitters. More efficient power transmission and storage is being developed..It takes time, but we aren’t moving backwards or just standing still. Life is good and getting better.

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    montessoriteacher  over 10 years ago

    HA! Great one today, GT! Stick to em!

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    chipscount  over 10 years ago

    lies, damn lies, and statistics

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 10 years ago

    Sharuni, We COULD abandon all fossil fuel immediately, but that would mean everybody who needed an ambulance tonight would die since they use fossil fuel and people around the world would begin to starve in a few days since food could not be trucked in to them. Phasing out fossil fuels over time seems more humane.

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    Julius Marold Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Not to mention the electric power that runs many hospitals comes from fossil fuels. And the food that is available could not be cooked so many would starve or eat it raw and get sick.

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    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    Cmc Mail: Carlin was usually more careful than that. It would apply to the median, but not the average. One billionaire would bring the average income up considerably for lots of unemployed, without improving their lot a bit. And too many believe “average” is a significant statistic in that case.

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    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    But what we’ll probably really do is frack until the gas is gone, drill until the oil is gone, and fission until the waste piles up.Then we’ll say “Why didn’t someone plan to switch to renewables earlier?”

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