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Store sign reads: BEAR ARMS GUN SHOP
Flo: I'm no constitutional scholah, but I know that's not what the second amendment means.
Eddie: Well...I say it's open to intahpretation.
I’ve long argued that deer have the significant advantage, what with those pointy head things they have on their heads. It’s only fair that bears should be allowed to even the playing field with full-auto rifles and armor piercing explosive rounds. It’s why I also advocate selling tanks to anyone who wants to fish for salmon. And hand grenades for those disadvantaged paint ball players.
The NRA (world’s largest terrorist organization) is all for this development; more guns sold by the manufacturers. Grizzly with an AR-15 – Kewl !!!
This always escalates so fast. Although you’re correct that the irony is that someone’s finally taking UMBRAGE at the lying — not the lying itself, in which you bible-denying climate-change proponents are always engaged.
Due to the widespread escalation of hostilities on the internet, the Right to Free Speech is being reviewed, and may be limited only to properly licensed members of the press.Because that certainly must be what the Founders intended.
@ragtime78rpmIt’s always funny how people can think scientists lie en mass, but politicians and AstroTurf industry-funded agencies like The Heartland Institute are to be relied on for truth (at least when their version of the truth is more comfortable, and doesn’t require changing). Remember Heartland? The folks paid by Philip Morris back in the 90s to try to paint smoking as harmless? They did manage to “cloud” the issue with a flood of misinformation, but in the end, decades of research and science won out. And for the past 15 years, Heartland and a flotilla of Exxon and Koch brothers funded organizations have been working hard to create the same misinformation on climate change, despite the peer-reviewed science being pretty clear 30 years ago, and having largely turned to the questions of how bad will it be, how fast, and what can we do to mitigate the impacts?
@GeeMan. Gee, man, at one time it was “settled science” that heavier than air flight was impossible. Then “settled science” " proved" faster than sound flight was impossible.Nobody, and I mean nobody argues for pollution yet people are called deniers and flat earthers for refusing to accept AGW.I live in the North East corner of Kansas, an area called “The Glacial Hills” because these hills were deposited by a glacier over 10,000 years ago by the glacier that dug the Missouri River bed.Where’s my glacier and why did it melt?Climate changes, always.
The Bill of Rights is full of language that’s open to interpretation because people back then weren’t in agreement as to what they wanted any more than people are today. Some certainly saw the economic benefits of a volunteer militia over a standing army. Others saw firearms as essential to hunting and self protection in a country that was almost entirely rural (if not actually frontier). Others, no doubt, wanted to facilitate armed insurrection (as illegal as that might be). They read that amendment, saw in it what they wanted, and voted it in.
In the summer, I support everyone’s right to wear sleeveless tank tops because we have the right to keep and bare arms.
In the winter, I still wear short sleeved shirts. It is warm here and my arms are short. I cannot cover them because I do not have a permit to carry concealed small arms.
(ba dump ching) I’ll be here all week. Try the scallopini. Remember to tip your wait person.
Can we all just take a moment here to appreciate the delicious irony of a bible-thumping climate-change denier taking umbrage at someone ELSE for lying?
@Nabuquduriuzhur’s bible-thumping tendencies and his denial of climate change are far from the worst examples in his notorious list of fabrications.
@Nabuquduriuzhur re: Varnes………..How do you get hatred towards others out of that comment? I doubt even the Lord would see that as cause for a rebuke in anybody’s name.
The thoughts and reasoning behind the 2nd. amendment were neither obtuse nor contradictory. The founder’s views are clearly explained in the writings of the day. Here are two examples for those of you who get your history from the evening news, rather than from study.
“We established however some, although not all its [self-government] important principles . The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved,) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” — Thomas Jefferson“Whereas, to preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them; nor does it follow from this, that all promiscuously must go into actual service on every occasion. The mind that aims at a select militia, must be influenced by a truly anti-republican principle; and when we see many men disposed to practice upon it, whenever they can prevail, no wonder true republicans are for carefully guarding against it.” — Richard Henry Lee
The Lord rebuke you in Jesus’ Name for lying.That type of hatred toward others is NOT appropriate in the least.-A few Hail Marys and Our Fathers should clear that up.
OK, so now that they have some decent firepower, why not solve another crucial problem and provide a proper place to use that toilet paper they’ve been hawking all these years.
“The Lord rebuke you in Jesus’ Name for lying.
That type of hatred toward others is NOT appropriate in the least.".Gee, Nabby, you must REALLY hate Varnes to call down a rebuke upon his head from the omnipotent creator of the entire universe. Pretty big weapon for such a small offense.
Caddy57 over 10 years ago
The second amendment “was” the right to bear arms….or is Wiley right ? either way arming bears sounds more dangerous!
Ida No over 10 years ago
I’ve long argued that deer have the significant advantage, what with those pointy head things they have on their heads. It’s only fair that bears should be allowed to even the playing field with full-auto rifles and armor piercing explosive rounds. It’s why I also advocate selling tanks to anyone who wants to fish for salmon. And hand grenades for those disadvantaged paint ball players.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago
The NRA (world’s largest terrorist organization) is all for this development; more guns sold by the manufacturers. Grizzly with an AR-15 – Kewl !!!
Varnes over 10 years ago
Our first ladie’s outfits almost always have bare arms…she’s a second amendment cutie….
BillWa over 10 years ago
Actually it’s not. It’s quite clear and concise. What we have here is the right to keep and arm bears, not keep and bear arms.
unnormal over 10 years ago
Bears are naturally armed . . . they carry them in their mouths and on the ends of their (fingers and ?) toes.
hariseldon59 over 10 years ago
Ragtime78rpm over 10 years ago
This always escalates so fast. Although you’re correct that the irony is that someone’s finally taking UMBRAGE at the lying — not the lying itself, in which you bible-denying climate-change proponents are always engaged.
DamnHappyChappy over 10 years ago
How many so called hunters would go hunting if they knew that the prey could shoot back. Go bears Go.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
Due to the widespread escalation of hostilities on the internet, the Right to Free Speech is being reviewed, and may be limited only to properly licensed members of the press.Because that certainly must be what the Founders intended.
pcolli over 10 years ago
If the bears were there before “the White Man”, surely they have the right to representation?
Baba27 over 10 years ago
Wow, you can see Pauly’s face, that’s rare for him.
ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago
If I were a bear, I would also consider raiding a gun shop.
Hardthought over 10 years ago
The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do about protection from over reaching government and self protection.
bdy2014 over 10 years ago
That is called war. And to answer your question, apparently less than 1% of the nation.
Molon Labe
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
never shoot a bare ass {donkey}
Greg Johnston over 10 years ago
@ragtime78rpmIt’s always funny how people can think scientists lie en mass, but politicians and AstroTurf industry-funded agencies like The Heartland Institute are to be relied on for truth (at least when their version of the truth is more comfortable, and doesn’t require changing). Remember Heartland? The folks paid by Philip Morris back in the 90s to try to paint smoking as harmless? They did manage to “cloud” the issue with a flood of misinformation, but in the end, decades of research and science won out. And for the past 15 years, Heartland and a flotilla of Exxon and Koch brothers funded organizations have been working hard to create the same misinformation on climate change, despite the peer-reviewed science being pretty clear 30 years ago, and having largely turned to the questions of how bad will it be, how fast, and what can we do to mitigate the impacts?
Hardthought over 10 years ago
@GeeMan. Gee, man, at one time it was “settled science” that heavier than air flight was impossible. Then “settled science” " proved" faster than sound flight was impossible.Nobody, and I mean nobody argues for pollution yet people are called deniers and flat earthers for refusing to accept AGW.I live in the North East corner of Kansas, an area called “The Glacial Hills” because these hills were deposited by a glacier over 10,000 years ago by the glacier that dug the Missouri River bed.Where’s my glacier and why did it melt?Climate changes, always.
dr_dolittle_rwc over 10 years ago
The glee in panel 4 is priceless!!
magicwalnut over 10 years ago
I thought only the right two were allowed to bear arms….
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 10 years ago
I some countries people don’t even have the right to bare arms!
androgenoide over 10 years ago
The Bill of Rights is full of language that’s open to interpretation because people back then weren’t in agreement as to what they wanted any more than people are today. Some certainly saw the economic benefits of a volunteer militia over a standing army. Others saw firearms as essential to hunting and self protection in a country that was almost entirely rural (if not actually frontier). Others, no doubt, wanted to facilitate armed insurrection (as illegal as that might be). They read that amendment, saw in it what they wanted, and voted it in.
Can't Sleep over 10 years ago
Well, it does make hunting season more exciting.
dabugger over 10 years ago
By this time, who ever wrote that amendment would likely be shot.
IQTech61 over 10 years ago
In the summer, I support everyone’s right to wear sleeveless tank tops because we have the right to keep and bare arms.
In the winter, I still wear short sleeved shirts. It is warm here and my arms are short. I cannot cover them because I do not have a permit to carry concealed small arms.
(ba dump ching) I’ll be here all week. Try the scallopini. Remember to tip your wait person.
Strod over 10 years ago
@Nabuquduriuzhur’s bible-thumping tendencies and his denial of climate change are far from the worst examples in his notorious list of fabrications.
mourdac Premium Member over 10 years ago
Bears couldn’t act less responsibly with high-powered weapons.
jahoody over 10 years ago
@Nabuquduriuzhur re: Varnes………..How do you get hatred towards others out of that comment? I doubt even the Lord would see that as cause for a rebuke in anybody’s name.
tazz555 over 10 years ago
Hey it is right to arm bears
susan.e.a.c over 10 years ago
No, that’s why it means all right. Pizarro did it better though.
Hardthought over 10 years ago
@redkc repoc
I agree that the profit motive is excellent. You call it “Greed is good”, though no businessman ever has except in movies.
I contrast that with the “Occupy….” Anything movement where envy is justified.
ClarkSavageJr over 10 years ago
The thoughts and reasoning behind the 2nd. amendment were neither obtuse nor contradictory. The founder’s views are clearly explained in the writings of the day. Here are two examples for those of you who get your history from the evening news, rather than from study.
“We established however some, although not all its [self-government] important principles . The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved,) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” — Thomas Jefferson“Whereas, to preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them; nor does it follow from this, that all promiscuously must go into actual service on every occasion. The mind that aims at a select militia, must be influenced by a truly anti-republican principle; and when we see many men disposed to practice upon it, whenever they can prevail, no wonder true republicans are for carefully guarding against it.” — Richard Henry LeeDaveBNM over 10 years ago
Not one crazy Gun Free Zone shooter has been a member of the NRA, they were all card carrying liberal democrats. Look it up.
loner34 over 10 years ago
Yep open to interpretation, AND the Supreme Court interpreted it. Case closed.
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
Love the bears. .I always thought it was the right to “bare” arms. :)
pcolli over 10 years ago
Whatever happened to, “Thou shalt not kill”?
spaced man spliff over 10 years ago
The Lord rebuke you in Jesus’ Name for lying.That type of hatred toward others is NOT appropriate in the least.-A few Hail Marys and Our Fathers should clear that up.
spaced man spliff over 10 years ago
Funny, how a little humor can generate such visceral comments.
Dtroutma over 10 years ago
It may be of note that people with “bare” arms kill far fewer people than those bearing arms.
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 10 years ago
OK, so now that they have some decent firepower, why not solve another crucial problem and provide a proper place to use that toilet paper they’ve been hawking all these years.
Doublejake over 10 years ago
“The Lord rebuke you in Jesus’ Name for lying.
That type of hatred toward others is NOT appropriate in the least.".Gee, Nabby, you must REALLY hate Varnes to call down a rebuke upon his head from the omnipotent creator of the entire universe. Pretty big weapon for such a small offense.
unnormal over 10 years ago
Now here’s somethin most all of us can agree on:Wiley’s bears is pretty damn special!
terbgod over 10 years ago
I always say that you should support the right to arm bears! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Better the bears than the Neanderthals.
Stormcloud Silverlining Snowpaws over 10 years ago
You have the right to arm bears?
Scorchwave over 10 years ago
The right to arm bears.
jimelek over 10 years ago
The right to bare arms and the right to arm bears.
flower among weeds about 5 years ago
OMG, simply the best Wiley. But don’t just arm bears…arm Wiley Bears of course!