True fact: the song “New York, New York” first appeared in the 1977 movie of the same title, but didn’t get an Oscar nomination for Best Song! (Neither did any of the songs in SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER.)
Word of the Day: mondegreen — A series of words that result from the mishearing or misinterpretation of a statement or song lyric. (Amer. Herit. Dict. 4th Ed.)
Ruthie is playing with a troll doll just as Trolls: World Tour cereal and other merchandise are hitting the stores, obvious to the state of movie attendance.
Johnny Q Premium Member almost 5 years ago
True fact: the song “New York, New York” first appeared in the 1977 movie of the same title, but didn’t get an Oscar nomination for Best Song! (Neither did any of the songs in SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER.)
allen@home almost 5 years ago
I’m glad you can,Nick I have no clue what,Ruthie is trying to sing.
stellanova87 almost 5 years ago
Once I realized what song Ruthie was singing I had to re-read the strip with the proper tune.
pschearer Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Word of the Day: mondegreen — A series of words that result from the mishearing or misinterpretation of a statement or song lyric. (Amer. Herit. Dict. 4th Ed.)
PaulLeckner almost 5 years ago
Oh, brother! Poor Frank Sinatra.
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
Little did Frank Sinatra know when he first sang this song that it would be reinterpreted in this way…
MS72 almost 5 years ago
How ‘bout we bring in truckloads of dirt and bulldozers and cover the city up for about 400years? Can a virus last that long?
Jeffin Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Nobody doe malapropism like Ruthie. Ha!
Mr. JRB almost 5 years ago
Just laugh, its hilarious lol
JPuzzleWhiz almost 5 years ago
There is a poster over at Comics Kingdom named Bob Tice who I’m sure would appreciate this strip!
kab2rb almost 5 years ago
From the first of the song, reminded me of New York by Frank Sinatra, just Ruthie terms.
Ermine Notyours almost 5 years ago
Ruthie is playing with a troll doll just as Trolls: World Tour cereal and other merchandise are hitting the stores, obvious to the state of movie attendance.
winamoe almost 5 years ago
If Liza Minelli were alive, she’d be rolling in her grave.
dlkrueger33 almost 5 years ago
I wish they would bring back that show, “Name That Tune!”
neatslob Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I guessed it on the first line.