Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 25, 2014
Jimmy: Hey, Bob! Phone! Bob Dylan: Get it, willya, Jimmy? Jimmy: Hello? Voice: Yes, this is The White House calling for Mr. Bob Dylan! Please hold for the president! Jimmy: Hey, wait a minute, I'm not... Voice: Hi, there! Is this my favorite rock 'n roll legend? Jimmy: Uh... no, sir. It's Jimmy, the legend's in his jacuzzi. Voice: I see. Well, what do you think of the job I'm doing?
BE THIS GUY over 10 years ago
Jimmy, you will get the answer in 1980.
Carol69 over 10 years ago
Your current president shares your admiration for Jimmy, but for different reasons. As long as Jimmy is out there he will only be the second worst president. But hey, he has two more years to destroy America from within.
Defective over 10 years ago
Is this a young Jimmy Thudpucker? They’re jumping around so much I don’t even know.
Donaldo Premium Member over 10 years ago
from the days of one telephone per household
mourdac Premium Member over 10 years ago
@Borntalkingback: amen.
Argy.Bargy2 over 10 years ago
Wait, back up a minute. So, Bob Dylan, the ultimate anti-materialist, is shown as having a jacuzzi? That’s actually kind of funny…
kaffekup over 10 years ago
‘When will you moonbats just shut up already?’Never, since that’s all they have, just complaints. Nothing constructive, that would be work.
JR6019 over 10 years ago
I love this story arc and think of it often. It’s not very long. I hope they show it all.
kaffekup over 10 years ago
You mean all that stuff didn’t happen? But, but, Hitler?
Carol69 over 10 years ago
I seem to recall that 47% of the US citizenry do count at the polls and based their vote on the promise of “giving me more”. And it not hate for the person it’s a strong belief that his objectives and policy are dividing the country . A shame because he had a golden opportunity to lift and unite the country. And he has done nothing more than polarize various interests.
Dtroutma over 10 years ago
Garry’s commentary on the retrospective does bring up the interesting point of his characters giving us a look at history. How soon some forget.
ericbrower over 10 years ago
Umm, what?I ask this in all seriousness and sincerity; Are you one of these New Progressives, who think America should be regarded and treated like the lowest of the low? I am genuinely asking.
HeidiTentee over 10 years ago
Curse our American trait of feeling responsible. Should we really feel guilty that if maybe we didn’t take every opportunity to insult our friends and embolden our enemies, Russia might have left the Ukraine alone, Hamas might not feel so bold about attacking Israel and ISIS might not exist.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Actually, Romney accepted 47% wouldn’t vote for him no matter what.(Questionable, but what he thought.)He failed to get the other 53% to support him.Could have won except for that because many of those he wrote off don’t bother to vote anyway.