Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 23, 2015
Calvin: "My mom and my dad are not what they seem. Their dull appearance is part of their scheme. I know of their plans. I know their techniques. My parents are outer space alien freaks!" Calvin: "They landed on earth in spaceships humongous. Posing as grownups, they now walk among us. My parents deny this. But I know the truth. They're here to enslave me and spoil my youth" Calvin: "Early each morning, as the sun rises, mom and dad put on their earthling disguises. I knew right away their masks weren't legit. Their faces are lined - they sag and don't fit" Calvin: "The earth's gravity makes them sluggish and slow. They say not to run, wherever I go. They live by the clock. They're slaves to routines. They work the year 'round. They're almost machines" Calvin: "They deny that TV and fried food have much worth. They cannot be human. They're not of this earth. I cannot escape their alien gaze, and they're warping my mind with their alien ways. For sinister plots, this one is a gem. They're bringing me up to turn ME into THEM!"
BE THIS GUY over 9 years ago
We admire the resistance you’re putting up, Calvin.
Susie Derkins :D over 9 years ago
What if….the bus is a alien spaceship?
King_Shark over 9 years ago
Yes, Mr Alexander is perfectly correct. And you’re being taught about evolution and dinosaurs as well!
legaleagle48 over 9 years ago
My fellow adults, I think Calvin is on to us!
orinoco womble over 9 years ago
This might be the inspiration for “My Parents Are Aliens.”
No, wait, it can’t be…C&H is funny.
phylum over 9 years ago
whew….if you can not even trust your parents to protect you…you might be a little….uh..a bit…well.. a lot like calvin.
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 9 years ago
Why do some people insist on turning a perfectly innocuous cartoon into an opportunity for their own personal religious (or in this case, anti-religious) commentary?
trevorpmp over 9 years ago
Really love this one!
martinstevense Premium Member over 9 years ago
Completely agree with Richard S. Russell. Utter genius.Made me wonder if I have succeeded in bringing up our children to be the aliens my wife and I are. Hmmm. Not completely. And how are my children doing with their children. Sigh. Aliens will be extinct because of this.
Egrayjames over 9 years ago
Calvin…..Resistance is futile. We have your DNA!
akeylady over 9 years ago
My kind of poetry
YippiKiAyMofo over 9 years ago
Resistance is futile, my young friend.
loner34 over 9 years ago
Excellent poetry.
mdecant Premium Member over 9 years ago
I Love this one. Thank you and great job.
Miba over 9 years ago
Been reading this since I was a kid (about Calvin’s age actually lol) and it always amazes me sometimes when I come across one and see it through adult eyes and it strikes me with new meaning.
cubswin2016 over 9 years ago
Someone needs some serious couch time, Calvin.
Aaron Saltzer over 9 years ago
Calvin has a strong imagination. Lol
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
There were a few occasions in the past my wife and I were sure our kids were aliens! Of course, we did have an exchange student from Spain years ago…
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Night-Gaunt49 GoComics PRO Member said, about 14 hours agoImagine an entire planet turned over to an Agbiz corporation to grow among other things, corn, many varieties.
Hopefully they will not begin manufacturing Soylent Green…
AliCom over 9 years ago
He’s no different from most kids. I am in my late 60’s and as I grew older found myself thinking, “That’s just what Mom used to do or say” after I do or say something. We do sometimes grow up to be our parents.
tripwire45 over 9 years ago
Calvin, by now you’ve grown up. You’re one of us now.
Cozmik Cowboy over 9 years ago
Yeah – tell people Heston was a prophet in one of his movies and they always pick the wrong one………….
zeexenon over 9 years ago
Yes, it worked perfectly for us. Actually, they are almost spooky, our clones, and theirs.
Carl R over 9 years ago
“A hard place to live in the 2100’s.” Especially since, in 2101, war was beginning… ;)
francisrossi over 9 years ago
Their faces in the second panel :D
DryCreekGeezer over 9 years ago
Calvin is a good poet for a 6 year old.
Number Three over 9 years ago
Well done, Calvin! But whatever you do… Don’t show your alien parents! But I’m sure you’re not that stupid. Cough!
The next poem should be about Miss
David_J Premium Member over 9 years ago
Maizing over 9 years ago
“What religious commentary? You are seeing things my friend.”If this isn’t “religious commentary,” what is it? AlexanderTheGoodEnough said, about 13 hours ago“Well, look at the bright side, kid. Your folks don’t seem to terrorizing you in some fundi church or another. It could be very much worse.”
Alexander the Good Enough over 9 years ago
Ahem. You seem to be missing my point. No, this strip does not mention religion per se. Calvin seems to think his parents are terrible, but my point is that “it could be very much worse,” and perhaps he ought to be thankful. Indoctrinating a child with any religion that terrorizes, brainwashes, lobotomizes or molests them is bald child abuse. And if you think that does not happen, a lot, you are simply not paying attention and/or really don’t care. And if you read this strip as merely a slightly more verbose version of Family Circus, you utterly misunderstand it. Premium Member over 9 years ago
Sadly…Calvin is right.
Carl R over 9 years ago
Since the religious commentary could hardly be plainer, I wonder why you are asking the question?’ The strip had nothing to do with religion, yet Alexander took the opportunity to essentially say that nothing is more evil than religion. Fortunately, other than pointing out the fact that the comment was inappropriate, no one took the bait, and we didn’t have to endure an argument of whether teaching a child religion is more evil, or whether teaching a child atheism is more evil. This is a comic, and it’s supposed to be funny. Let’s leave the politics and religion at the door, and all smile together at Calvin’s perspectives. Calvin does have a point in the third frame – those human masks are sagging a bit.
Lupin III over 9 years ago
So obviously a fantasy in Calvin’s mind, but in many ways so very true. And I say this as a parent.
joshuatonsing over 9 years ago
I admire your grand poetry skills, Calvin.
bmonk over 9 years ago
I think Calvin is more likely the alien.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 9 years ago
When he learns about procreation, he’ll REALLY freak.
noahcooldogboi over 8 years ago