Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 06, 2015
Ned: So just changing your diet really works, eh, Bob? Bob: Yep...arteries unclogging, blood flowing, cholesterol way down, all without meds... Voice out of frame: Uh...'scuse me...guys? Can you keep it down or talk about sports? Ned: ? Bob: Um...ok. Sure thing. Ned: Wait...what? Bob: It's ok, Joe. I'm used to it. Voice out of frame: Thanks, guys. Bob: Don't want your wife to hear good health talk when she gets back from the rest-room, right? Voice out of frame: Umm...maybe. Shh! Here she comes...
pbarnrob about 10 years ago
Wait for it… Wiley sued by Texas cattlemen’s association (they did it to Oprah, and the Mad Cowboy!) First Amendment, Wiley, take the First!
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago
“whether some vegans might not be just as arrogant, opinionated and obnoxious”…Some messengers deserve to be cast down. At least that’s what the documentation states.It’s translated though, so I may be reading it wrong.
tripwire45 about 10 years ago
I’m 60 years old and just had my annual check up. I eat mainly meat, fruits, and veggies with some carbs and my blood work was great. I also go to the gym five days a week and do a combination of resistance and cardio training. Don’t need to be a vegan or even a vegetarian to have good health. Don’t need all of the propaganda in today’s strip either, Wiley.
jreckard about 10 years ago
“um, ok, sure thing” ???? What kind of attitude is that?OK, Wiley, who do you have dressing up like Bob?
fatchance about 10 years ago
I have never heard a vegan preaching to me. I have never heard a bicycle rider preaching to me. If I did, I would walk away. I think that you people make your own problems, but that’s ok! If you like it, go for it.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 10 years ago
Today, it seems no one wants to hear facts.Only what they want to hear..No I’m not a vegan etc., just making the point of many not wanting to listen to other ideas etc..Wiley is not getting preachy, just letting others know of this situation.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 10 years ago
Just to note, at no time has he said “And you should be doing this too.”
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
bored to death, or low in carbs?
Can't Sleep about 10 years ago
So Wiley, when did you become a vegetarian?
RichardM333 about 10 years ago
If God didn’t want people to eat animals, he shouldn’t have made them so tasty.
Defective about 10 years ago
It’s not propaganda if it’s the truth. I’m another real life example of vastly improved health by changing my diet. It’s the ‘your health will get worse!’ statements that are the propaganda. I’ve heard so many lies in this strip from the audience, over the last weeks, it’s freakish. It’s almost as if they’re completely making stuff up.
dabugger about 10 years ago
No real prohibition. Except when within an earshot of ignorance. Those who ignore common sense. You know, ‘what ever happened to ’him or her’?; or they had diabetes, and a heart attack.
She Mc about 10 years ago
Gosh, it’s a comic strip, getting so heavy surely is bad for your heart!l lol!
puddleglum1066 about 10 years ago
Wiley has set himself an interesting challenge for this week, by pretty much giving up one of the most reliable sources of humor.
Guy preaches for three panels and is proven wrong in the fourth: FUNNY!
Guy preaches for three panels and is proven right in the fourth: not so funny…
We laugh at surprises, inversions… non-sequiturs. When the strip’s main story is self-consistent from one end to the other, the humor has to come from something else. Like the little chuckler in the second panel, or the IMHO less-successful henpecked-husband joke in the fourth.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
I’m not sure which is more boring; the comic itself, or the posted comments arguing about who is more of an overbearing boor (vegetarians or those on their high horse about vegetarians)-Must be time for a long winter’s nap. Wiley might get interesting again in 2016, when all the wanna be Presidents start running for real…
Guilty Bystander about 10 years ago
I don’t think Wiley’s being preachy at all in this arc. And it must not be that “boring”…lots of people have been chiming in on the comments threads.
didereaux about 10 years ago
his cholesterol may be dropping, so is the readership if the preaching keeps up very much longer.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
I am borderline diabetic and work with nutritionists to understand how to eat (since I also have an aggressive digestive disorder).-What you call ‘fast’ carbs are simple carbs, like those found in table sugar, white rice, white bread. They don’t turn to fat in the body, but immediately become glucose and overload a body that either lacks insulin to break them down (Type I diabetes) or resists insulin and can’t break them down (Type II diabetes).-The other type of carb, complex, is found in vegetables (that’s right, vegetables), brown rice, whole wheat bread. They are more slowly converted to glucose in the body, but they do become glucose.-The conversion of carbs to fat mostly occurs when a person is eating a very low fat diet. If you are eating fat already, the body doesn’t need to convert carbs to fat.-Just so no one goes out and starves themselves to death inadvertently: human beings need sugar and fat for the energy to run their bodies. The point is to not consume more than is needed.
bob s about 10 years ago
Go vegan. You have no idea what you’re missing. The next time Wiley comes to vegan town, he should not forget the back pain that goes away when you become a vegan and the fact that your privates start working better with the increased blood flow. Funny how that works. Keep up the good work Mr. Miller. The front of my refrigerator is being wall papered in these vegan strips.
Wiley creator about 10 years ago
preachingnounreligious teaching, message, sermons; informal Bible-thumping.-———————————————————————————————————
So, how exactly does that fit as a defintion for this cartoon and Bob’s story arc? By that standard, every cartoon on any topic is “preachy”.
bob s about 10 years ago
Sorry, but you are wrong. B12 is all vegans need to watch because it doesn’t happen naturally in plant food anymore. So take a B12 tablet once a week and you’re set. Oh yeah, and I haven’t found a suffering vegan yet.
Fenshaw about 10 years ago
The “reality” show “Axemen” has a ridiculous story arc going where an over-the-top logger is practicing “Yoga” to improve his machine operation. Going OK, so far.
dflak about 10 years ago
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Wiley creator about 10 years ago
I know. But the good about that is, they’re providing me with more material!
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 10 years ago
Heaven forbid he should prevent someone else from a cardiac arrest
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
Today’s strip is funny. Off panel speaker sure doesn’t want the person in charge of his daily meals to know what might happen if he eats healthier. (reduced empty calories, more carbs, protein, and good fats) Really enjoyed this morning health break on the news about what to eat prior, during and after skiing. She said carbohydrates like oatmeal and oranges for breakfast. She said carbohydrates and protein like fresh fruit and nuts/seeds for snacks. She said no alcohol or fried foods for lunch. Keep to the soup and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. It was wonderful hearing a nutritionist use the word carbohydrates – correctly.
dawnsfire about 10 years ago
The way I look at it is, Bob made dietary and other changes that improved his health; not hard, considering how he used to live. He opted to go vegetarian and included exercise, I assume, which did wonders for him. Not to say that a more balanced diet, including a little animal protein wouldn’t have done him the same good, but sometimes when you make a major change like that, you have to go big!.And I don’t get a heavy preachy vibe from the comic, other than it’s not overly humorous. This sounds like a fairly normal conversation, minus the fervent one-track-mindedness I would expect from a recent convert.
wahwahwah about 10 years ago
Rival Burger King, meanwhile, used sly social media posts Tuesday to remind Venezuelans that some fast food chains are still offering American-style fries.
Argythree about 10 years ago
-When the body cannot use it immediately it gets stored as fat.-Of the three major nutrients, the human body burns carbs first because they can’t be stored in great quantities. Carbs convert to glucose for use by the body’s cells.-If there is more glucose than is immediately needed, the liver stores it as glycogen. When blood sugar levels drop (like between meals), the liver then releases glycogen.-Only if the liver no longer has the capacity to store glycogen does the liver convert the already stored glycogen to triglycerides for storage in the body’s fat, leaving more room in the liver for new glycogen storage.-However, if you exercise, you need more carbs. Low carb diets are not the best thing for people who exercise, because the normal human body needs glucose for energy.-Thus, the best way to ensure that a human body is storing lots of fat is to eat a diet high in fat. Not a diet high in carbs. -Potatoes contain starchy carbs. A 4 ounce potato has about 23 grams of starch. Those 23 grams breaks down to maltose, which is a simple carb. - It isn’t the potato that carries fat, it’s what is done with it. Frying it adds fat. Whipping it with sticks of butter adds fat. Melting big globs of full fat cheese on it adds fat.
Argythree about 10 years ago
By the way, fat is a vitally important nutrient for newborns. My family learned this when I was born with full blown Crohn’s disease, which interferes with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. I almost starved to death at age 6 months and had to be fed by IV.- Most of the calories in mother’s milk (which all the experts agree is the best thing for an infant) are from fat.-So this whole thing is very much more complicated than most of us can imagine…
Ryan Jackson Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’m a vegetarian doctor and I’m bored of this story line.