Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 01, 2015
Mom: "Are you in any productions right now, Quill?" Quill: "We're workshopping a new musical" Quill: "Trouble is, Moony's main theater is being remodeled so there's no stage for space for-" Dad: "What about that warehouse!?" Mom: "Warehouse?" Dad: "...or, y'know, some... place...."
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
Frank may be on to something (or he just wants his daughter’s foreign boyfriend out of his sight for good).
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Will Luann work at the best little warehouse in Pitt?
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Mind Your Tease And Cues”“Subtle As A Brick”“Throwin’ It Out There”“Fly Like An Eager Beaver”“Lost In Space”“Not That I Care…”“If You Play Your Cards Right…”or“Venue Put It That Way….”
gromit82 almost 10 years ago
I don’t understand this strip very well. In the second panel, it looks like someone is yelling “WHAT ABOUT THAT WAREHOUSE!?” from off-panel, as though Luann were calling out from another room in the house. If it were Frank asking, the question should just be in normal type, not italicized and without an exclamation mark, since he is right there next to Quill.-Also, why is Nancy puzzled by a reference to the warehouse? She was there for Quill’s last play at the warehouse. (See the 10/31/14 and 11/1/14 strips.) It shouldn’t puzzle Nancy that either Frank or Luann might suggest that Quill do his next show at the same place she saw his last show.
Angelalex242 almost 10 years ago
…where? The warehouse. You’re gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it.
ShagsCA almost 10 years ago
Warehouse? There house…there car…there tree…
Editman almost 10 years ago
It’s the same warehouse featured in Rex Morgan MD.
live2read almost 10 years ago
Frank’s out-of-character smile says: “Take this musical to New York City so that you’ll never see my daughter again and despoil her.”
blunebottle almost 10 years ago
“……..what have you done with our sweet little Belinda Bandana Bananarama Ana Roseanne Roseannadanna Rama Lama Ding Dong??"HAR!!
warester almost 10 years ago
Frank’s statement, about that warehouse, on Nov 1, was: “Lots of potential here. Just needs some crazy entrepreneur with money.” Is the key to both his enthusiasm and reticence.
Skylark almost 10 years ago
IE: Belinda et al…You do and you’ll clean it up!
GOGOPOWERANGERS almost 10 years ago
Frank’s being frank about hiding something
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Frank doesn’t want Quill to know about it, because he realizes an empty building like that would be a fine place for Luann and Quill to make out. But they never do. Not even when they can. Because it would be too shocking if they kissed, right Evanses?
jackianne1020 almost 10 years ago
I don’t have the time to do the research, but maybe Frank’s comment about the warehouse harkens back to those old Judy Garland/Mickey Rooney movies where they were always putting on shows (their basic plot for a number of movies). Maybe one of them had an unavailable theater so they held it in a warehouse (or a barn, or straight down Main Street, etc.).
The Old Wolf almost 10 years ago
Divorce arc? Foreshadowing? It must be April firstst…
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Oooooo, the “MAN of the House” Has a GOOD Idea!
Keep ‘Em Coming, Frank. Show the World You Ain’t Fred Flintstone. Shake OFF the Chains of the Traditional “Poppa is a SAP,” Comedic Stereotype!
And Make SURE that Warehouse is in Albania or some such place far, Far Away, where Your Impressionable Daughter CAN’T Afford to Visit.
Chuck374 almost 10 years ago
Think you figured it out first. The only two people in the strip with money, but no job.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
Good ol’ Dad— high school rock star. Always looking for a new venue.*This warehouse has been on his mind since Halloween— you rock, Dad! Now go tell TJ you’ll supply the money if he will supply the plans and work.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
… and I’m only half kidding.
Pipe Tobacco almost 10 years ago
Nancy’s surprise and Frank’s over-the-top projection of his suggestion make today’s effort highly irregular! Prediction…. Frank was “eased into” the idea of putting up some of the funds for the warehouse by TJ. TJ contributed “some” funds as well from his Food Truck Check, but only paid in the minimum he could get away with (Frank probably has the lion’s share). Nancy’s statement suggests Frank DID NOT consult/inform her of the use of their money. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I predict Frank will be in the dog house, big time!
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
“Why would he want to work with TJ?”*RB – Because 1) he’s got teen-aged dreams/ male menopause, and 2) everybody in this strip has a bad memory when it comes to TJ’s misdeeds.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Yeah, Frank; “some… place” will do just fine. It’s a good thing you didn’t invest wit TJ in that big “for sale or lease” warehouse, because that would be embarrassing….
mggreen almost 10 years ago
Nonsense! Frank just pulled away because he knows about the party there a while back and she doesn’t!
entirely almost 10 years ago
My uncle’s got a barn.
dre7861 almost 10 years ago
I agree with other comments, this one is confusing.
Airman almost 10 years ago
In the meantime, Luann is trying to get Gunther dressed and out of a window. One last kiss, and “Hello, Quill. what a nice surprise.”
Cattus99 almost 10 years ago
I too do not get the gist of this strip – the character positioning and the dialogue are both odd and disconcerting.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
“Did Greg or Karen ever say they wouldn’t get divorced?”*I Agree completely! They will file for divorce, which will be prolonged due to custody disputes over Puddles. April Fool!
Airman almost 10 years ago
Nancy and Frank will not get divorced. They are hot behind closed doors, and are working on their own Kama Sutra check list.
Lamberger almost 10 years ago
I’ll bet that this is the start of the arc where Frank buys a new corvette and runs off with Tiffany….
Lamberger almost 10 years ago
Oh! The WAREHOUSE. I’d forgotten about that. Time seems to pass by so much faster in the comics.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
C’mon, guys, let’s have some more wild, imaginative schemes. April Fools day comes only once every four years, you know.*How about an arc wherein Puddle marries Jean, the Santa Claus dog. Jean surprises him 6 months later with a litter of… kittens!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Or February 29th… – And for “special occaisions”, They may “spring forward” on the 30th….
Pipe Tobacco almost 10 years ago
Yeah, J.A.B is pretty good, but for entertaining commercials…. you cannot beat the Men’s Warehouse guy….George Zimmer…. but unfortunately…. he was FIRED. It is a shame.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
For me, personally, the Warehouse element had been “lingering and lurking” a little close to my thoughts about Brad and Toni’s wedding….– But for the possibility there of Frank (of all people) “to have bought a share (or more)” is evidence that “Papa Bear” is becoming “more growl, less prowl”…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
There’s also the sad news of Cynthia Lennon’s passing, and Joni Mitchell’s hospitalization…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Any news yet, on Mr. Greenbaum?
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
“Also, did Greg ever say explicitly that Gunther and Luann aren’t secretly brother and sister!!!! huh ?!!”*Dave – so true! And though they did kiss once (eww), so did Luke & Leah!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Why on Earth would he not consult his wife before spending ANY money on a TJ project?^Number one, their marriage…their business…but on this screen, the business is looking “pretty good”! – Number two, never tell a married person what to do in their marriage. Anything happens, especially if it’s ReallyBad, and it will “come back to you in the mail”, with your name on it… – (This message brought to you, by the letters “O”…and “Y”….)
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
By the way, I enjoyed your hypocrisy yesterday. And it looks like you’re still writing petulant remarks.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
And the reason I said Frank could be having “more growl, less prowl”, is that perhaps he feels he can have a “protected share” in investing in the space, if that is what actually happens. That his “qualms” about TJ (while I’m sure they are still there) are not being voiced as loudly as in the past. And that Quill (while Frank still probably “keeps his eye on him”) gets a larger portion of the “benefit of the doubt” than before. In other words they’re “growing on him”…
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Frank’s secret is that he has Tourettes Syndrome and it makes him shout “warehouse”! ;)
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Will the married folks agree that one cannot judge the sturdiness of a marriage from outward appearances? My first marriage looked like Betty Crocker meets Ward Cleaver to observers. It was a sham, surprised it lasted seven years, sans itch. My second time around is going on twenty-two years, some observers waiting for the infatuation to wear off and ensuing implosion. Frank and Nancy look quite normal to me: moderate snarkiness coupled with deep commitment.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
He was running it, but you know the Executive Board (but mainly the Shareholders) can say it “no longer suits” you, since they “control the strings” that make the threads!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
So if Frank starts doing drugs and sleeping with strangers, Nancy shouldn’t tell him what to do?^I was saying: “never tell a married person what to do in their marriage”. The only two people who should be involved in their marriage are the two married people. That means unless you are asked for advice (and even then one must be sure to not “tell someone what to do” but rather to be there for them as they “sort things out” and listen, without interjection) one must not “put themselves” into the middle of that marriage. Anything happens, guess who gets the blame for the advice, if things break down, even if you meant well enough ……
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Man !!!When it rains, it hails !!!!!^Yeah, doesn’t it? (8^( ) – And this past week, my own mum had just gotten out of surgery (fall, leg). She is out, now, though, and is rehabbing!! (8^D)
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
> Also, did Greg ever say explicitly that Gunther and Luann aren’t secretly brother and sister!!!! huh ?!!>We don’t know anything about Gunther’s Dad. It could be that he left Pitt after sowing his wild oats – in a couple of different fields.-Alternatively – Frank, you old dog, you!!!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Heh, heh- thanks!!!! – “…all the way to the 4 alarm fire…” ^Yeah, how about that? Let’s hope if this Theatre turns out to be an investment, that he doesn’t get bored with it…. or that Brad will “sniff out” any signs of trouble sooner.. and will be able to successfully warn someone…
Pipe Tobacco almost 10 years ago
He WAS the owner, but he sold the company and kept doing commercials for them until he was fired.
camkam almost 10 years ago
RolloTheGrouch almost 10 years ago
Sounds like Quill and that amazing theater dept. (and maybe Nancy too) forgot that they had their Halloween production at the warehouse.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The Moony Uni drama department also forgot about the warehouse where they held the Halloween production. Of course, even if they did forget, they should have arranged for a new space somewhere before they started the remodeling of the old one, since, you know, that’s their job. What do those students pay tuition for, anyway?
RSH almost 10 years ago
and look at Frank and Nancy’s eyeballs in the last panel. I forgot about this; someone is correct in thinking that Frank might have forked over cash for the property and what if he’s allowing TJ to help out with renovations?
RSH almost 10 years ago
it was just that TJ and Frank were both looking at that poster…though not together. But TJ does live in Frank and Nancy’s ‘other’ house with Brad … and he is a good cook… though sneaky and sly. Anyway, it is clear that something was supposed to be a secret and now it is not.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Safe journeys for you and your family! – And thanks!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
No, it was her leg, accidentally at 4 A.M. She’s pretty strong and young, still in her “bloom”, looking forward to 60 in December!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
LOL, I’m sure J.Jonah (the “squarehead”, not the actor) Jameson has to figure in there, somewhere… who’s better at “pessimistic ponderings” than he? Oh, wait….
Argythree almost 10 years ago
SPOILER ALERT-Looks like major steps haven’t been taken, after all…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Yeah, where there’s a “vill”, there’s a “vey”!!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
She seems on the way! (8/^D)
gromit82 almost 10 years ago
If Frank did invest in the warehouse with TJ, it seems more plausible to me that he would come home and brag about the great investment he just made, and then find out that Nancy thinks it’s a terrible idea. I find that more likely than Frank investing in the warehouse with TJ but keeping it a secret from Nancy because he knows that she would disapprove.-But who knows, maybe he did invest in the warehouse and was indeed keeping it a secret, although that seems out of character for him.