Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 18, 2015

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 10 years ago

    Both Tiffany and Gunther have some explaining to do to Luann and Quill.

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    ….And this is why Gunther said: “Hush, hush! On the Tiffany thing”. At least, from “the Gunther side of it”. Because such information would be “distorted” or even misinterpreted, let alone have it fall into the wrong hands ears… especially Luann’s! – Only thing is, he doesn’t know that it’s been circumvented past he and Quill. Question is, would Gunther (over)react to that, or would it show that he and Tiffany are really on the same page? Or will it indicate that the two of them are actually not on the same page, about this? – I can actually see Luann and Quill getting into another… "discussion"…over this matter. Or Tiffany and Luann. Or Luann and Gunther. Or Quill and Tiffany- just somebody and somebody…. -Any way you slice it, it’s a bit early for fireworks!!!!

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    Pointspread  almost 10 years ago

    You got it Tiff, she is jealous!

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    keema70  almost 10 years ago

    Tiffany’s back to being her olf self.

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    gromit82  almost 10 years ago

    I thought Tiffany had given up her job at the day care. Why is she still there? I doubt she needs the money, nor is she particularly interested in the job.

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  6. Shran1
    atomicdog  almost 10 years ago

    Yep. Tiffany pulls an all-nighter (the legit kind) and all she gets from Luann is “nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more.”

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “She Said, She Said”“The End Around…And Around, Again”“A Fine Monday Morning”“Incidentally Speaking”“The Climbing Of Mount Molehill”“Breaking In Some Broken News”“News, To Me!”“Bombshell From A Bombshell”“Easy Peasy, Instant Sleazy”“How Fires Get Started”“It Came From Left Field”“There Must Be Some Misunderstanding” (♫)or“Eye Of The Beheader”

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  8. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    > How many people want a poll as to which Luann character is the sleaziest?>You need a poll, for that? TJ wins by acclamation!

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    kenhense  almost 10 years ago

    Gunther is way more messed up than anyone else in the strip. That’s why so many wanted something to happen with Gunther and Tiffany. We sensed an odd chemistry – as opposed to none at all. And when Tiffant said she had nothing on under her robe – please don’t tell me she wasn’t trying to excite Gunther. Nevertheless it looked like a long way to anything actually happening – if ever. They are both really young yet – it’s not like neither will wind up with somebody else. Tiffany definitely would…

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  10. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Another reason that Tiffany could be a bit “draggy” is that she is sick from the fire ant stings (and/or sleepy from the antihistamine she took to control the itching). But let’s all accuse her of being a harlot, because that’s what we do here!

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    cripplious  almost 10 years ago

    Has anyone seen Stripped on Netflix? It has Greg and other comic artists talking about the craft

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    Dreamdeer  almost 10 years ago

    Tiffany just paid Gunther a compliment, if you’ll notice. She ranked him as a guy that others would get jealous of her for staying up late with, even if she insists (like Gunther) that they were only studying. (Either they really were only studying, or they are both chivalrously defending each other’s privacy.) Someone earlier wondered if she would pretend they weren’t together, but she seems downright proud of it.

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    darynl  almost 10 years ago

    Tiffany knew who Gunther was, she usually doesn’t acknowledge being up late with a guy like him.

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  14. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “Yes, Luann, Gunther and I were making mad, passionate love all night. By the way, what were you and Quill doing? You don’t seem draggy at all.”

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  15. 9b2fb8d21da4ef5f02efe0307e32a990796ec154e7bc1c6893b7367c51fc6ab9
    nailer Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    So THAT is what Gunther doesn´t want do discuss about. His utter failure to take action when the situation demanded it.

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  16. Truff avatar
    ShagsCA  almost 10 years ago

    getting schminteresting

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Geeze. FIRST Pretty Boy NOW Luann. Has EVERYBODY In This Strip Suddenly Gotten Insufferably Nosey???

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  18. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    by body language and what she says…………… is most probable that they did work on the homework, BUT while doing it they cuddled, no french kissing, no end of virginity but both are embarrassed that they cuddled but Gunther much more than Tiff

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    Doghouse Riley  almost 10 years ago

    In case you haven’t noticed, when Tiff got her Porsche, she became the Good Girl, and Luanne the Bad girl.

    By the way, over at ArcaMax, comments were locked.

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  20. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 10 years ago

    Holy guacamole! It’s what I wrote that I wanted to happen the other day!! Not to mention the continuation of this storyline! I’m impressed! Still, Luann doesn’t have to be a jerk towards her EX-rival.

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    Lee Foggenoggin  almost 10 years ago

    I thought the telling point was in the strip previously when Tiff said her father had deep pockets and that was about it. When Gunther talked about he and his Mom, it perhaps started Tiff thinking about some real and genuine closeness for a change. Could very well be that Gunth and Tiff will find out that they really need someone, and each could be the “someone” for the other. It does NOT have to get sleazy. All my life, the overwhelming majority of my richest and most fulfilling relationships (without intimacy) were female. I had a father and a step-father, neither of whom were there for me. Tiff is NOT used to people doing things for her and being selfless about it. Gunth is not used to being deep around girls, but because of his Mom, he knows how to relate to them. Both have built up a protective façade, and both can benefit at this point of their lives from each other. The bedroom is NOT the necessary next step!

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  22. Sergeant
    R.J.C.  almost 10 years ago

    They were up until late night just writing a report. I think nothing else happened between those two.

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    Willywise52 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I’m sure you’re right R.J.C.

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    ironman01  almost 10 years ago

    Luann is jealous that Gunther is getting more action than she is. She needs a new boyfriend.

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    cdemattos  almost 10 years ago

    They probably fell asleep while doing their report and Tiff’s robe came unfastened. Gunthie woke up, saw a boobie and then fainted himself back to sleep.

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  26. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    The academic year is almost over. Will the remaining time be devoted to Gunther and Tiffany, Bernice and Des, or Luann and her art class? Also, since we’ve seen so little of Luann’s coursework or new classmates at Pitt CC, will she spend the next several years (of “real” time) getting her 2-year degree there, just as she was in high school for over a decade?

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    Looks like you still don’t get the force of “nothing happened.” Suppose he tried.

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    “it might be shown that Gunther let Quill believe he did things with Tiffany he didn’t.”I tried to spell out exactly why he got upset about not being able to finish what he started but I did not want to get too graphic.

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    Airman  almost 10 years ago

    Tiffany’s “spin” on their late night together can only enhance Gunther’s reputation. I am glad that Greg did not just let this story drop and switch story lines, this one could get interesting.

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    thebigboot  almost 10 years ago

    Way to make assumptions by Luann. Though if we go by what we’ve seen which is to include her and Quill almost shagging before he gets the return to Australia call, and how it might look to others that her and Quill spent how long alone in the props department, oh and not to forget her wanting to run to NYC with him I guess that makes her just as big of a sleaze if not more than Tiffany.

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    thebigboot  almost 10 years ago

    I doubt we’ll get it. This alone could have been a great chance to explore their characters but as usual slut shaming Tiffany trumps all.

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  32. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 10 years ago

    Oooo. Is Tiff enjoying this or is she enjoying this?

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    It’s hard to write from that position.

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  34. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 10 years ago

    DudeBro NiceGuy! I am cracking up!

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  35. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    (Ok…. pipe in hand, chewing on the stem, thinking about the implications……)Well, here is my prediction: 1. I believe that Tiffany is (and will continue to) tell Luann the truth about the Tiffany-Gunthie late night study session. 2. I believe Gunthie has either said or at least strongly implied to Quill that “something more” happened while he was at the Tiffany-Gunthie late night study session. 3. Gunthie’s “bragging lies” about some sort of “conquest” with Tiffany will continue along the lines of the “claws” comments from last week, which I found rather snarky, even though others disagreed. 4. Gunthie has sworn Quill to secrecy about his “conquest”, but of course, this would not be fully applicable to Quill talking with his girlfriend, Luann. 5. Luann will continue to be annoyed with Tiffany, and bring home her frustration about it and gripe about the situation with Quill, who will then reveal what he heard from Gunthie.6. With Quill and Luann talking, the “information” will leak out and Tiffany will be emotionally hurt by this. Gunthie, being rather obnoxious of late, will be too embarassed about his lies, and will continue to suggest what he suggested to Quill is correct…. until a lot of time has passed, and Gunthie HAS to admit his lying to Quill, and has to apologize to Tiffany.

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    PomPilot  almost 10 years ago

    Is it possible that Gunther is the stabilizing element that Tiffany needs in her life at this point? Thinking back to college, I saw stranger pairings that worked into lifelong friendships, and a few long term relationships.

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    ChrisV  almost 10 years ago

    Okay, so both Gunther and Tiff are denying anything happened. We all know what that means: Something happened!

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  38. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 10 years ago
    “How many people want a poll as to which Luann character is the sleaziest?”

    *3SOJ: Depends how you define “sleeze”.*Subversively mean – AnnSelf-centered & sneaky – TJPromiscuous – possibly AnnObnoxiously nice – QMost likely to steal a dog biscuit – Puddles*Who are we to call others sleezy when we have so many sneaky faults ourselves?

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  39. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “Something” happened could mean pretty much anything, such as Tiffany’s giving Gunther a simple good-night kiss as thanks for his help with the fire ants and then the homework assignment. Tiffany would dismiss this as casually as she is doing with Luann, but Gunther would get as perturbed about it as he is doing with Quill.

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    lmonteros  almost 10 years ago

    Think about it—in all these years, Tiffany has never had a boyfriend. She didn’t even have a date for the prom, right? So for all her boy-craziness and makeup and expensive clothes, no one really likes her enough to date her. No wonder she’s going after Gunther, and even he doesn’t like her. Tiff is self-centered, annoying, imperious, spoiled, bratty, and nasty even to her friends, but there is a tragedy about her, too.

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  41. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Dave53, the major reason my opinion about the “claws” statement is negative, is that I think he is trying to suggest a “conquest” of sorts is due to the way I am reading Gunthie’s facial expression. To me, the expression accompanying the “claws” comment READS like Gunthie is trying to imply he made it to some base (1,2,3, or 4) and was able to handle the “wildcat” Tiffany.You are quite possibly correct in your alternative view of the situation. In fact, I am hoping your view IS the correct view.But, to me, the new, scruffy, hollering, angry Gunthie seems to be less likable, and his facial expressions when angry (or like his expression in the “claws” comment panel) are not suggesting to me that he is particularly concerned with being nice to others. anymore.

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    drewpamon  almost 10 years ago

    @Templo Gunther and tiffany owe nothing to LuAnn and quill.

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    thebigboot  almost 10 years ago

    Can you imagine of Bernice had reacted to Luann the way Luann reacted to Tiffany? “You want to go to New York City with Quill unsupervised? You sleaze!”

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  44. Tulips
    locake  almost 10 years ago

    Something Big did happened from Gunther’s point of view. He got aroused and then he felt ashamed by it. Nothing happened from Tiffany’s point of view because lots of males get aroused around her.

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    whiteaj  almost 10 years ago

    We’re back to the eyelids-half-closed Tiffany. I liked her better post-shower, bathrobe-only, no-makeup, eyes-wide-open.

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  46. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Dave53, I would agree that Tiffany is trying to annoy Luann. 2. But, for me, the difference between Tiffany’s response and Gunther’s is that Luann’s tone and mannerisms were what started the “sleaziness” aspect of the conversation. 2. My read on the conversation between Quill and Gunther is that Quill was not suggesting anything silicious or tawdry between Gunther and Tiffany…. he was speaking out of concern (again, my read on it). Then it was Gunthie that inserted the “sleaziness” into the conversation (again, with the “claw” comment). So, again, I am not disagreeing with you, Dave53, that your scenario could be much more correct than my own. I am just saying that my rendition is how the drawings and dialogue read to me at this time.

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    From careful reflection on the evidence of last week’s strips it seems overwhelmingly likely that Gunther experienced a humiliating episode of ED, which is adequate explanation for why he yelled bout not wanting to talk about something which “never happened.”

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  48. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    first of all, claws I think meant Tiff making Gunther her beau (no sex involved needed for that) and expecting him to do things for her(no sex intended as meaning) ……………. second………. Tiff!!! is the first one to use word sleaze, is very possible that Luann’s disbelief is not about “Tiff and G making out” but about Tiff ACTUALLY studying, notice second panel, and what the uh huh was a response to…….. 3rd panel easily can be a “if G was there, than Tiff really studied!!” face, and in the 4th panel Lue stated that Tiff was the first one to think in terms of “sleaze” because her “you stayed late with G?” was not an assumption of something passionate happened

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  49. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    as i wrote yesterday, is possible that the most they did while writing report is that they cuddled, and G makes a bigger deal about the cuddling than what Tiff does (most of us guys see cuddles as red hot while most girls see cuddles as something sweet)

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    comicboyz  almost 10 years ago

    Gunther will be best thing for Tiffany and Tiffany will be the best thing for Gunther; because they are both extremes and each will moderate the other.

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    Darwin7848 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    comicboyz I think you are right but the Evans team will have to let the characters’ behavior and personalities evolve, something they seem rather reluctant to do. For a long time Tiffany has served as an object of derision for most of the permanent characters. She has always been a fixed icon for cluelessness but that has gotten awfully old. They seem to be making some tiny steps toward opening up Tiffany’s character, and to some extent Gunther’s, but it’s happening extremely slowly. Given the static nature of most comics I suppose we should be grateful for even the most hesitant creeping changes.

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  52. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 10 years ago

    Tiffany’s way of expressing herself may not be elegant; but she is right. Luann is the one whose mind went straight to sleaze.

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  53. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    oh. and we readers know but Lue does not know WHERE Tiff and G studied, she can think easily that it was in a 24 hours starbucks

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  54. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    that is not sleazy, but if we add a girl being there………………… the sleazy term would be “thought” because he put a girl inside the men’s room, not for the choke hold (but we readers know better, that there was no sleaze for Crystal being there)

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    thebigboot  almost 10 years ago

    But that’s becoming normal for the strip. If Luann’s inner circle does it, it’s fine. If anyone else does it, it’s bad.

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  56. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Oh? And just how many times have people predicted herein that Tiffany’s career in show business will be porn films? And how many times have people herein “jumped to the sleaze” whenever Tiffany does, or says, the exacts sorts of things as the other female characters? You don’t have to use the word “whore” to suggest that she is one,

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “I take it to be a response to Quill’s comment and that he suffered no ill consequences of his time with Tiffany, NOT that there was sexual implication.”^I am in agreement. And it would fit in with the dialogue from today’s strip. Moreover, Tiffany’s intentions in her part of the conversation were only in answer to Luann’s initial query, and the subsequent defense/proof she raises against Luann’s misgivings and her disbelief of Tiffany….

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  58. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    for me, it is a gentlemen’s thing to do what knute did, and Les DID NOT CARE that a girl was there, and if Les did the EXACT SAME thing as Knute did, I will be OK (but would be apprehensive about what “favors” he might ask the girl afterwards)

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    To me, “she’s got claws” is initially a warning from Quill, akin to Hall and Oates’ “Maneater”:

    “(♫)….I wouldn’t if I were youI know what she can doShe’s deadly man, she could really rip your world apartMind over matterOoh, the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart…(♫)”^Gunther’s response to the “claws” allegation by Quill seems reminiscent of: “I’m not a kid, and I can handle myself. And besides, we got along pretty well.”

    – Tiffany went along with Gunther, Tiffany offered to help Gunther with the writing part ( even though Gunther was willing to give her a “free pass” on the writing portion). They talked some on the way to the place where they collected, they both “let their walls down” (in the form of Tiffany being sociable and hospitable [which she also did with Bernice staying over]). It seems that Tiffany has claws, but some people may be getting a Tiffany that others (Luann and Quill and some others) haven’t yet seen… –

    That statement “So you didn’t resist” could just be a playful tease, to respond to Gunther’s “walking into that one”, as part of a comical punch line ending, and not meant to be taken seriously as some indication for any actual physical activity being discussed, there…

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  60. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    yep, Greg likes to tease, specially to the ones who love to assume and jump to intense and red hot ardent passionate fervent inflaming conclusions of non-existent affairs

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    I’ll give you that one, Dave. Equally embarrassing.

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    Wasn’t it Knute’s own response to her urgent need? My place of employment long ago gave up his and her bathrooms—though they arr single person ones.

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    Responsible parents speak to their pubescent daughters about such matters, just in case…

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    Pointspread  almost 10 years ago

    Sorry, that’s 1nighter.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Very ineresting!

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  66. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    You are correct, JPuzzleWhiz. I apologize for the error…typing fast sometimes leads me to not watch spelling or selection of spell-check words too carefully.

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  67. Idano
    Ida No  almost 10 years ago

    Strange. My post for this week’s poll disappeared. Did my asking who was sleaziest (Tiff or Luann) push someone’s buttons and they flagged me?

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  68. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    If this link was already posted here and you missed it, here’s the Greg/Karen interview:

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  69. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    Spoiler!!! tomorrow’s message dedicated to the speculators that make much ado about nothing, and again Greg teases us ;)

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago

    But don’t you think the general, um, agreeable (? can’t think of a better word) atmosphere here might change if Mochi took you up on your invitation?

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago

    LOL!!! Peanutwhistle!

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    mechaman  almost 10 years ago

    I first thought, “Where is Evans going with this? What does Luann care what Gunther did (she’s certainly not as close to Rosa, as, say, Delta) with Tiff anyway?” And that outside of their longtime rivalry. Then, a memory from MY past. I told the first girl I ever got serious about that “I’d love her forever, I’d never love anyone else!!” Of course, most of the blood in my body wasn’t in my head, but still…about a month later, she gave me some lame reason to break up (it was actually another guy, of course), so I walked around for about a month alternating between rage and sadness. Then my mother took me to the side and said, “Why are you letting someone who didn’t really want you to mess up your life? Move on, boy!” So I did. About a week or so after I started talking to someone else, I got a phone call: “Oh, I thought you said you’d never love anyone else, you sure moved on quick!”, was what I heard when I put the phone to my ear. So I said, “Well, since YOU broke it off, I figured my contract was torn up. Do you mind not calling here again? Ever?” CLICK. So I got it … from a LONG time ago.

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    lmonteros  almost 10 years ago

    But Luann is not a tragic figure, because she has friends, and she isn’t really nasty to them. Tiff has no realy friends.

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