For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for June 11, 2010

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    kboone4  almost 15 years ago

    Stop the Spam, already! Keep your garbage over there. We don’t want it.

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    myming  almost 15 years ago

    flag it !

    i’ve already got my score up to 12 at this sitting.

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    myming  almost 15 years ago

    doesn’t matter that she works at home, john -

    equality should be equal.

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    yyyguy  almost 15 years ago

    lost count of how many times i’ve bonked the spammer. like Elly’s idea of being in the cheering section for equality. however little she’s actually doing, she is doing a little.

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    longandgreen  almost 15 years ago

    If equality doesn’t start at home then where ? Come on John .

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  6. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  almost 15 years ago

    We must be having some effect. At least he has to keep creating a new user name. However, I would have thunk gocomics would blacklist his IP address.

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  7. Dreamer
    Donna White  almost 15 years ago

    Don’t forget you also have a daughter, John. What do you want her life to be like?

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    stevhemker  almost 15 years ago

    Skulker, it’s easy enough for spammers (or any of us) to change an IP address. I was on the anti-Spam side of this fight in a chat community a few years back; block an address, they get a new one, and the address remains blocked – so eventually someone who hasn’t done anything wrong ends up getting a blocked address by “luck of the draw” and you have an angry customer on your hands. I am surprised, though, to see the spam isn’t removed after “about 5 hours”.

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    BuzzDog  almost 15 years ago

    ”Don’t forget you also have a daughter, John. What do you want her life to be like?”

    If John’s anything like my dearly departed father, he hopes his daughter will marry well and not have to work outside of the home.

    In my Dad’s case, all three of his daughters ended up having successful careers!

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    glenbeck  almost 15 years ago

    NOW was also fighting to have stay at home dads. My wife has a Phd. and chooses to stay at home.. but we have talked switching rolls. I know I am on board with that. Its good to know less stigma exist for stay at home dads

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    masnadies  almost 15 years ago

    This is a remarkably positive strip. And yes, see what April will do and even Elizabeth- so, she did succeed, if nothing else in raising 3 kids who carried her ideas out in the world.

    John figured it out when his daughters (and wife, for that matter) showed him what they could do

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  12. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    My sister never had time for a family. She’s a Federal judge . The woman next door wants to get back in the workforce after raising two kids. Lady, you made your decision.

    Some man wants to get ahead but doesn’t want to put in 80-100 weeks. Enjoy your middle class family life.

    Doesn’t my dusty book say something about two masters?

    Ah, you think they should let you re roll the dice?

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    Jaedabee  almost 15 years ago

    Just not equal responsibility.

    Otherwise you’d see women out with signs saying “we want to be federally mandated to sign up for Selective Service also!” :)

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    Seed_drill  almost 15 years ago

    God, this Mary Tyler Moore style femanism (and Ted’s sexism) are as outdated as John’s glasses. I miss the contemporary strips.

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    Wildmustang1262  almost 15 years ago

    I think John better inserts his bare-foot in his own mouth.

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    FunkyMunkey1  almost 15 years ago

    This all started when Ted showed up and opened his mouth. Why is he still allowed at their house? If my husband brought home someone like that, who showed me no respect in my own house, he’d no longer be welcome through the front door!

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  17. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  almost 15 years ago

    “Women aren’t quibbling over who gets the seat on the bus”, says Elly. That remark is most insensitive. For black people, that was a part of a world that was against them in whatever direction they turned.

    I had always thought that the feminine revolution meant that people would be able to choose to live however they wanted as individuals. But it didn’t work out that way.

    I had been very proud to call myself a feminist. Then I discovered that nowadays ‘feminist’ is taken to mean ‘one who hates men’. Whooo! I won’t be using that word any more.

    As a feminist, I thought that each woman (and come to that, each man) should be able to choose what part of their life they would devote to working outside the house, and what part at home. I do believe I was ( / am) very naive. Apparently what people eventually took feminism to mean was that a woman had to have a full time career; otherwise, she should be ashamed of herself. Women who stayed home always admitted it defensively.

    Lewreader thinks that a woman who has had children has no right to try to enter the workforce. The logic of this escapes me. Similarly he thinks that if you do have a job, it’s acceptable to have to work 80 - 100 hours a week. It seems to me he belongs in the dark ages.

    I now close my mouth for a long time. I don’t usually express myself this way, because I think it’s no use.

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  18. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  almost 15 years ago

    rah! rah! sis-boom-bah! LOL! Go girl!

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  19. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 15 years ago

    Anybody notice that John’s comment was “You work at home”, not “you don’t work”. I think that says a lot for him.

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  20. Doubledelight
    banderpal  almost 15 years ago

    Since these strips have started to re-do the storyline from back when Mike and Elizabeth were small, remember that both Ted’s and Elly’s opinions are those of people 30 years ago. At THAT time, “feminist” was not a dirty word. Also, Elly’s “seat on the bus” comment referred to a man’s giving his seat to a woman, not to front/back of the bus racism.

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  21. 1937
    billdi Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    and in the story arc pointless stupidity sweepstakes dick tracy has the lead but fbofw is closing fast.

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    Mythreesons  almost 15 years ago

    @ GLENBECK::::If you are the TV pundit, I would be happy if you and your wife did decide to reverse your roles. You stay home and take care of house and children, and let her find a nice lucrative job other than television.

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    sarsfieb  almost 15 years ago

    BuzzDog is right. I noticed my husband changed his mind about women’s rights at work as soon as his daughters entered the work force.

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    lectrice  almost 15 years ago

why are women accepting that the word “feminist” is now a dirty word? One that they won’t touch because they’re not one of THOSE
a man-hater. That really bothers me, especially in a world where every minority is taking back all of their identity-names that has become “dirty”, Black, Deaf, Brown, Gay
etc. Even the really dirty ones, like the N-word.

    Being a feminist never meant hating men, it meant equality
in all areas of life, for both men and women. And yes, I would like to see more women recruited for the military. It would bring more balance to military life.

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    Gretchen's Mom  almost 15 years ago

    Mythreesons: I highly doubt that the “glenbeck” here is the TV pundit because if he is 
 he spelled his own name wrong! The correct spelling is Glenn Beck.

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    CelticBCs  almost 15 years ago

    @ letrice - I don’t think women accept that “feminist” is a dirty word. Somewhere along the line, right-wingers (Rush?) started using “femi-nazi” implying that feminists were obstinant men-haters, so “feminist” took on that bad image.

    I am with you, feminism is about equality. And we still need it, according to statistics: women still don’t make as much money doing the same job as men; when husband & wife both work full time, women still do the bulk of the child care and housework; men still dominate the political and business world. Well, at least there has been some progress since the 70’s!

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    Mythreesons  almost 15 years ago

    GretchensMom: I could only hope!

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  28. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    RINA Sorry you don’t feel you have to sacrifice home and family to get ahead. Did you read “Two Masters” in that dusty book. Have you ever heard of a successful lawyer, doctor, or my sister’s case, Fed judge who did not pay their dues with years of 100 hour weeks? A person leaves the workplace for 4 or 5 years. How in blazes do they think they’ll catch up. Gee, I wonder why I get 75% of my male co-workers pay? Cause they didn’t take an unplanned 5 year vacation. Gee, just because I deserted my boss for years, why won’t he give me a management position? Men leave to serve their country. That is acceptable.. You ever get a letter that starts, “GREETINGS, YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO REPRESENT THEM IN THE SERVICE OF YOUR COUNTRY”. Sorry we deprived you of that. Maybe by the time your daughter is old enough to fight and —

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  29. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I still call myself a “feminist” regardless of the spin that jerks like Limbaugh put on it.

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    lectrice  almost 15 years ago

    Lew, raising a child until they are old enough to go to school is not a “five year vacation”. You should know better than to say something like that.

    Some people want to work 100 hour weeks, others don’t. It’s never divided down gender lines.

    Thanks for backing me up, Celtic, Lindz and Teresa! You’re right, we have come a good ways since the 70s (I wasn’t even born yet) but still have a while to go, judging by some of the comments on here in 2010.

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  31. Hildigunnur a  vox
    hildigunnurr Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Take a look at this website and be thankful to feminists:

    Lew, well it’s absolutely possible to raise kids and be successful in your job too - of course depends on what “successful” means, suppose you won’t go all the way up to CEO status if you aren’t able to put in all those 80 hour weeks but who said that’s the only way to be successful? I’m with lectrice on this one.

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  32. Tad  ab
    pianist38  almost 15 years ago

    Just wash rolled-up socks
 dry them
 tuck them into drawers. Whoever did it 
 will quit. Trust me.

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    lectrice  almost 15 years ago

    Thanks for the website, Hildi!

    I think one of the troubles with people being apathetic about women’s rights now is that they don’t realize what life really was like before women got the rights they have now, that there were so many small and large limitations on women. Like wearing pants or having your own credit card. Those two issues are such an non-issue now that it’s hard to wrap your head around the fact that they were very big issues only 50 years ago.

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