Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for October 07, 2015

  1. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometℱ  over 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone, old and young!

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  2. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago

    It’s funny, Mike must have written these strips weeks and weeks in advance, yet over the past few days he’s addressed a lot of issues which have been raised in comments here only recently 

 and addressed those issues rather directly, too.

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  3. Avatar
    22ph  over 9 years ago

    Since Tracy was talking about “rest of the Blackhearts” means that there are several in jail. Only confirmed captured are Doubleup and BB Eyes (recuperating in the hospital.) It looks like Mumbles and the 2 remaining Munros did not vanished permanently. And I want to know what really happened to Venus, who is in limbo right now. I still believe that VENUS LIVES

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  4. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    So, the protection of Diet and the girls took priority over arresting Mr. Bribery? I’m not quite sure how that makes sense, but maybe someone here can explain it to me in detail. She says she went back for Diet and the girls, but did she actually have any choice? I’m not sure.

    I suppose it was the point where she said, in effect, “You go ahead and I’ll deal with Mysta.” Was she trying to protect the three in the closet from Mysta? I’m a little fuzzy on that point.

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  5. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Regarding your comment late yesterday:
 the career guys have pulled some pretty slick schemes and would only be happy to expose an undercover operative 
 even if only suspected of being one.

    Mumbles definitely knows that something fishy is going on, but it’s hard to say how seriously the others take him and how much of what he says that they actually understand. There were a few times towards the end of the raid when various characters were happy to abandon him. We will have to wait and see what happens with the information that he has
 maybe nothing will happen, but maybe a lot. We likely won’t know anything until Mr. Bribery come back after his seemingly successful escape. By Monday, it should be time for a new story, so that will be some time in the future.
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  6. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 9 years ago

    “Look, Tracy, I know it puts my deep cover at risk, but can you at least let Mysta in on the secret? I’d really like not to have to go through THAT again

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  7. Missing large
    Ken in Ohio  over 9 years ago

    So actually, Mysta gummed up a police operation. True, she had no way of knowing that T-Bolt was really an undercover cop, but she (Mysta) shouldn’t have been there in the first place. A civilian jumping into the middle of a SWAT team raid on a well organized criminal operation! And she didn’t just go there on her own – Diet’s employees flew her there in a company helicopter. You would think Tracy would have something to say about that.

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  8. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 9 years ago

    Lee Ebony goes back into deep cover. Tracy arranges a plausible story for her., and rightly excuses her for trying to save the civilians (Diet and the girls) and getting zapped by Mysta in the process. I agree that Mysta needs a bit of a lecture from Tracy

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  9. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 9 years ago

    Mysta secured the roof-top. Lee went back for Diet and the girls. It was Lee’s call to go to the aid of citizens in danger rather than arrest Bribery. Diet is not to blame for being kidnapped. Mysta came to the aid of Honeymoon as soon as she received a telepathic cry for help. While the presence of Honeymoon, Annie and Smith changed Lee’s priorities, it was not Mysta who stopped her from arresting Bribery. Lee had already made her decision to go back when she ran into Mysta.

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  10. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 9 years ago

    So Lee goes back under deep cover, and we wait for the sequel story, which may be several years off (arrgg!).

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  11. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 9 years ago


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  12. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 9 years ago

Doubleup gets away once again, and lee seems to “gloss over” the fact that she alerted blaze rize to “get out of dodge”
or did team tracy forget THAT little tidbit too?

    Like I said the other day
“REST IN PEACE LEE EBONY” ’cuz as long a “T-Bolt” is on the scene Lee wont be around anymore.. and since team tracy has a rather irritating habit of stretching stories out for YEARS im betting it will be a looooong loooong time before Lee is Lee again

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  13. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  over 9 years ago

    Last week the raid was over, Police mingling on the streetNo Handcuffs or stretcher dead, with ‘stiff-toed’, up-turned feet ?When will the MCU ‘shake a leg’ and do their Case review ?If Chief Patton somehow got results ? ‘- ’it was not* for me and you !It leaves all Options Open, they can “bring back” Anyone" . . . A Synchronic Overdrive, for even a MĂ©liĂ©s damaged head, *- despite Apollo’s gun !

    Early ‘word’ had it - lives “ended”, but on Monday Patton used this cue “
Black Hearts gold recovered, we’ve *arrested - his crew"*Just about as ambiguous and helpful as - “Are Virgins tested too” ?It seems the tale had ended, but they’d take you rose by rose to Bribery’s nose, just like a Honey BeeA time for “martial arts”, no’ ‘wait’ for Ebony Lee, but ‘outcomes’ ? Who lives(?), Who died(?).They’ll decide, *you might wait a year to see 

    This tale relies so much on “Flash Bulbs” to BLIND you, on twisted results they never do explain . . .Not unlike South Carolina, people fearing water, lightening and finding floating cars that seemingly swim through rainYou get to wonder if it’s placing “mysteries”, that somehow trips them up?Then what comes reminding’ it’s Fearless Fosdick, a BIG hole in the gut !

    It’s not raining in my Dick Tracy, and ther’s a ‘Smoky Stover’ “whiff” 
Mr. Kleen, as done before, is still there, to do his usual tricksNo way 
 will Gold Theft charges, on Black Hearts people “stick” !We often disagree, but on ‘this’, Neil might might light the wick

    Top secret ! Need I remind, no one knew Mr.B had secretly acquired the GoldNear end, MĂ©liĂ©s ‘over-heard’, and in-house spy Lee Ebony, eventually Bribery told !Recall those early B-B Eyes “unproductive” tries, those team run-a-ways . . .Doubleup, Blaze - April (14, 28 & 29) and back again, on 1st of May ?"What was CLEAR. Not a “whisper” on arrival of the Gold ? Made one wonder, why the bother, for all that ‘reflex’ shooting?Just unnecessary new charges. For lawyer Kleen - to be later be out there refuting 

    April 14th, 2015

    April 26th, 2015

    April 29th, 2015

    May 1st, 2015

    Those are the foolish guys, in Dick Tracy if you know the WAY - crime can really pay !No need to hide, no need to Pray . . .If you steal something, the trick as always, move to sell it Quick !The Chief Detective’s remains on a slow ‘learning curve’, so use that little “Flick” !

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  14. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 9 years ago

    I would bet the farm that Mike reads our comments. I say so because his wrap-ups almost go point-by-point to answer the loose-end-comments. In my opinion (face it; I’m an unimportant nobody- per MPH’s own words), Mike knows us pretty well and has gotten good at second-guessing the critical questions. He’s gotten so good at it, it looks like he is in a chat room, and not months ahead.

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  15. Missing large
    abdullahbaba999  over 9 years ago

    Good Morning and Welcome to You All

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  16. Kantuck icon124x84
    kantuck-nadie  over 9 years ago

    @MarionA pleasure to hear your here. At times I thought I was the only one. Being a Linux geek as well, I understand being in the minority of fandoms. (giggles) I go to LUGs (linux users groups) and the ‘boys’ there nearly drop their teeth seeing me walk in, not to mention when I start helping them

    I honestly cannot quite remember what attracted me to Dick Tracy although my uncle is the one starting me in it. Although it’s all blurred together, I think 88 Keys was my first villain crush. I was like that young teen girl at the time. Handsome, a musician which touched my own desires since I am quite the musicaphile. very suave and sophisticated.

    I think Lizz was the one that truly cemented it for me. She showed us that we could be beautiful and powerful. I haven’t read the origin story yet, (the IDW books I believe is coming up to her soon) but I’ve seen her several times in reprints and Gould really knew how to draw a beautiful woman, especially during the 70s. Hey, please continue to gush over the Moon Maid, — in the 70s she was an incredible delight to these eyes, those reprints came at the right time for me. :). Her very last set of strips in “Big Boy’s Open Contract” 6/17/78 – 12/30/78 was equal to Mysta of today. Even though her last strips spelled her demise.

    Finally do not consider yourself not equal to others here. We’re all unique in our own way (I tend to prove that) but you show remarkable intelligence, grace, and above all compassion and enjoyment. That is what all of us show here. the gentlemen of the group has been that since I’ve been here, and since I have been on the net for quite awhile, I can say that some places are a festering sore, that needs lanced. This is one of the few places I frequate because of the people. The only other places I’ve seen such is a couple of MUCKs. Even 2nd Life has quite a bit of ‘children’ if you understand my drift and I barely go there.

    So welcome, Marion, sister! But I get first crack at Dick Tracy (giggles)

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  17. Kantuck icon124x84
    kantuck-nadie  over 9 years ago

    @fhofmannblushes I see my cherokee idols taught me well then.

    @marionI’ve updated my profile to add my email address, and also my web site as well. Feel free to always write.

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  18. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 9 years ago

    Well, now we know why Lee didn’t put the collar on Bribery while she had the chance. And no Tracy won’t say anything to Mysta because that would increase the risk of blowing Lee’s cover, which is already pretty high.

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