Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 13, 2015
Brad: So what's the deal with this girl Pru? Luann: oh, it's a mess. I didn't go to New York last summer with Quill. And he met Pru and they hit it off, but he says they're just "pals". Luann: So now mom's all worried that I'm in a panic 'cuz Pru's coming to live here. Brad: sounds like dad's the one who should panic.
Argythree over 9 years ago
Why does Brad think that Frank should be in a panic? Frank’s getting a free play to open his theater and a free director who is maybe even gonna pay rent to stay in his house. What’s to panic about?
doverdan over 9 years ago
Yes, I don’t follow the logic here.
doverdan over 9 years ago
argythree said, Why does Brad think that Frank should be in a panic? Frank’s getting a free play to open his theater and a free director who is maybe even gonna pay rent to stay in his house. What’s to panic about? . . . . . -——————————————————-I don’t get this at all..Looks like we will have one whole week but nothing but inane conversation about cleaning a room for PRU. .No action, just random talk.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Boarders Without Borders”“Barking Up The Wrong Tree”“Territories” (♫)“Cats Have Claws”“Mama Don’t Play Dat”“Frank’s Wall”“Don’t Forget Where Your Bread Is Buttered”“Six Red Flags Over Pitts”“Flash In The Panic”“The Pros And Defcons”
“No Blinking On The Stormwatch”or“The Way We Wor-ry” (♫)
keema70 over 9 years ago
Pru is going to pay rent.
Pointspread over 9 years ago
If the room was that bad they should have called Knute.
ShagsCA over 9 years ago
Maybe she’s 5’4" by 4’5"…
peter over 9 years ago
Dad needs to panic because Mom is panicking over it.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Just finish cleaning out the room, Brad. Frank can take of himself—unless Pru turns out to be a seductress with an exclusive taste for older men…. In that case, it’s Nancy’s concern.
Mark McKay Premium Member over 9 years ago
What do girls do to hold on to their guy when they’re panicked about a rival? I agree with Brad. Maybe Mr. deGroot needs to worry a bit.
Nietzsche over 9 years ago
Prediction and Hope:Please, let it not turn out that Pru is unattractive in appearance, so Luann stops worrying about competition, thereby feeding the notion that only looks count. . .
terrieann.schmearer over 9 years ago
Maybe Pru will be Nancy and Franks age and Nancy will be the one to get jealous.
Pappyvtx over 9 years ago
I think Prudence is going to be very “different”.
specinss over 9 years ago
Frank should be use to all of the commotion by now.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
The TWO of YOU are IN a HIGHLY Toxic Area and NOT Wearing Protective Suits or at LEAST Rubber Gloves!
BOTH of YOU Should Friggin’ PANIC!!!
jdsween855 Premium Member over 9 years ago
The assumption being that Pru is young and attractive. Pru maybe a mature woman, and not a cougar. No description is ever given. Assumptions can be fun, though.
bigal666 over 9 years ago
The Chinese symbol for trouble is two women under one roof.
RolloTheGrouch over 9 years ago
Looks like Nancy ducked out of the cleaning job. Nice move!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
I would surmise that Luann (according to what she says in the second panel) thinks the “mess” is the way there’s “perpetual panic” from one person to the other..
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Heh, heh, Maybe Brad’s old room was Frank’s “secret abode”…probably the other reason why he wasn’t so quick to rent it out, sooner..
maverick1usa over 9 years ago
Hmm, I thought Nancy & Frank decided not to charge Prudence for the room since she is providing & directing the play for no charge. Wonder when she will arrive.
Willow Mt Lyon over 9 years ago
It is “three women in the kitchen” as my brother explained when his mother-in-law lived with him and his wife and then his daughter divorced and moved back home.
Willow Mt Lyon over 9 years ago
They don’t even know if Prudence wants to live or stay there.
3pibgorn9 over 9 years ago
I wonder if Pru isn’t in her late 40s or 50s and no threat.
50srefugee over 9 years ago
I, of course, am hoping that Pru turns out to be attracted to Brad.
Toni and Brad both need to see that Brad has got options now that he’s no longer a schlump.
And if Pru starts vamping Brad, Luann won’t worry about Quill.
locake over 9 years ago
Prudence will have to show up soon if they plan to open in time for the holidays. Unless they are talking about 4th of July or Easter. That means this plot will almost certainly have to be continued next week.
KiloWhiskey over 9 years ago
Prudence will show up in a wheel chair…
pagercat over 9 years ago
Pru will be fat and everyone will breathe a sigh of relief. If that happens, I will be done with this strip forever.
doverdan over 9 years ago
By Saturday I predict some little interesting turn in the storyline. .I can’t imagine a whole week devoted to chatting while cleaning a room. .Brad’s punchline comment today has little sense to it.
Willow Mt Lyon over 9 years ago
I predict Pru will be an attractive Black woman about 23 – 25 years old.
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 9 years ago
They plan on renting that room out to strangers anyway. At least Prudence is a friend of their daughter’s boyfriend.
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 9 years ago
2. Quill gave them references that Prudence is good at what she does.3. Luann overreacts too much.
comicboyz over 9 years ago
Pru will arrive and Frank will start casting eyes on her
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Fireworks? But it’s almost the end of the year! Smack dab in the middle of November! In fact, I think- ….ohhhhhh…..
rwenjo over 9 years ago
He’s afraid Luann and Quill will break up and he’ll be stuck with Luann forever.
Argythree over 9 years ago
But Fogarty never paid any attention to her…
notbornyesterday over 9 years ago
lets see, Brad’s been gone now, how many years? and it’s just now that he’s cleaning out his old stinky stuff? and only because his mommy initiated it, and his sister is the one actually doing it? Okay children, how do we spell D..Y..S..F..U..N..C..T..I..O..N..A..L ?
Nandina over 9 years ago
Pru is a cool lesbian, who will be best buds with all of the De Groots, including Brad
RSH over 9 years ago
some here don’t seem to get Brad’s line about Frank. I don’t think it is that obscure.My 1st thought was that It’s Brad’s way of saying that Luann shouldn’t worry, i.e. that the finances and future success of The Fuse’ (for Frank) should be a much bigger concern. Now I’m wondering if what he means is that if Luann loses Quill then Frank and Nancy will have Luann under their roof for a lot longer than they might have planned.
Luanaphile over 9 years ago
I think Greg was in a household with a female hormonal imbalance. This is a good thing – it changed me forever!
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 9 years ago
Thanks Brdshtt!!!! Those Phelps & Fogarty panels WERE ALL GREAT!!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
What could go wrong?
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 9 years ago
Is this where Lu discovers she Bi-curious?She is in college. Isn’t that when she’s supposed to “experiment”?