For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for November 29, 2015

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    Argythree  over 9 years ago

    Chocolate is not good for most dogs…

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    Wren Fahel  over 9 years ago

    If you don’t like the habit, don’t give in to it. In our house, begging gets an automatic “NO”, so the girls don’t do it.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    From the most mature creature in his environment.

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    Grutzi  over 9 years ago

    While I was at work, our dog took a giant paper mache Easter Egg full of German chocolates (a gift) and devoured them all. She lived so I didn’t worry when our dog sitter said that she had a piece of chocolate. However, I’ve always been careful since then until yesterday when I had some ham on a plate for lunch and the cat ate it. There’s not going to be repeats.Fool me once….

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  5. Hekko
    hekko Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Sorry about your dog. :(

    There may not have been enough chocolate in the cookies to harm Farley. I know a dog who once cleared a box of chocolates we left on the table. I was concerned, but the owners weren’t and didn’t do a thing – and the dog still lives.

    It’s the ratio of cocoa to the dog’s weight that is a deciding factor. So the darker the chocolate and the smaller the dog, the worse the effect.

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  6. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Actually, we can learn a few things from our dogs, like how to always show gladness when your spouse comes home after a tough day at the office, how to offer sympathy & support when you’re down, and how to cheerfully take the blame for something which you yourself, or one of the kids did!

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Honestly, who doesn’t know?

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    Michael Beeson Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Please don’t let Farley die again. I haven’t recovered yet from the trauma of his first death!

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    summerdog86  over 9 years ago

    This chocolate and dog thing….they need to eat a lot of regular chocolate to have any ill effects. I know of a small, light weight Min Pin dog that ate 2 kids entire Easter baskets full of chocolate, and they never batted an eye. Now, Baker’s Chocolate is a danger if eaten in small amounts. Look it up. It is always a good idea to keep chocolate away from dogs, just to be on the safe side. It is also a good idea to keep it away from me! ; )

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    kab2rb  over 9 years ago

    The best is absolute no chocolate of any light or dark for any size dog. My daughter is a stricter on her dogs only dog food. The dog and cat vet and dog trainers state Cheerios is fine and attention getter for the dogs.

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    summerdog86  over 9 years ago

    You missed some…. ; )

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    Chansonreve  over 9 years ago

    The family dog once got the chocolate birthday cake off the table and ate the entire thing. She didn’t even have an upset stomach.

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  13. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 9 years ago

    There is no spoiler in Kris Bennett’s comment. If you take the time to consider that Lynn keeps this strip going in real time, Farley will eventually be old enough to be an anachronism. Add that to the fact that he was not around in the “end years” strips, and it is logical to conclude that Farley will die sometime. The spoiler would have been if Kris had given the exact circumstances.As for 3 fighting fish’s list, he has a vivid imagination.

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    rekam  over 9 years ago

    Why spoil it for those who didn’t see this before?

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    rroush Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Our first Old English Sheepdog ate an entire Hershey bar, wrapper and all, no problem.

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    BrookFan  over 9 years ago

    Lock your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car and see which one is happy to see you when you let them out.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    comicsssfanAvoid anything with the word “Chocolatey” anywhere on the package. It has no chocolate and is probably coal tar flavoring instead.

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  18. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 9 years ago

    You know, after all these years, she is really starting to annoy me. These past few days with her makes me see it. As I said, after all these years.

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    Meowmocha  over 9 years ago

    Michael learned from the best. Dogs are masters at begging.“No one ever feeds me, I’m so hungry!”This, of course, is five minutes after being given a generous helping of kibble. The human food is better.

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