Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for January 06, 2016

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    chiphilton  about 9 years ago

    Suppose Kenzie had said she found it impossible to learn by studying film?

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  2. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  about 9 years ago

    I’m having a hard time fathoming how someone who’s into sports can be so unfamiliar with basketball by age 17 that she needs to watch videos to familiarize herself with the basics. How the hell hard is it to demonstrate boxing out?

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    TheBrownStarfish  about 9 years ago

    Mimi, knowing that she’ll have to forfeit the opening game if she lets Menzie continue to practice and concuss her players, does her first real coaching in years. She taps a few keys and keeps Menzie busy until she needs her to pound on the other team.

    Unfortunately it looks likes she’s still using Windows 7 and her laptop is permanently frozen so Menzie learns nothing.

    P4, Coach, what about this video of you and Pedro in the shower? Dammit Menzie, give me that laptop. I told that moron to delete that video. Well, Menzie, it looks like you’ll be the new starting center as long as you never mention this to anyone. Deal?

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  4. 5v65o35x13n83of3pfbaq59a7b680210e10f0
    TheBrownStarfish  about 9 years ago

    Hey Mop Man, I don’t know if you ever read a strip on GoComics called Red Meat, but I’m pretty sure you could have written the latest edition. Or is that you?

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    supplier  about 9 years ago

    The girl must be a British import if she doesn’t know anything about basketball. That plus the fact that she plays Rugby which is non-existent as a sport in this country. I think that she a schemer with an agenda and is setting up Milford for an “enemy within” scenario of some sort.

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    Mr Reality  about 9 years ago

    In all reality , Kenzie your assignment is to fly to Hollywood and terminate Holly Dobbs with extreme prejudice , Boo will accompany you . Good Luck .

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  7. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  about 9 years ago

    Kenzie’s facial features look softer today, like she’s experiencing a personal osmosis. P3- When the assignment is completed, Manley will be showered with praise?

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  8. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  about 9 years ago

    A coach showing videos. Now there’s a cliché that holds true. A lot of coaches at my high school were well known for showing films almost every day in their classes. We were amazed at the amount of WWII films there were in the good old 16mm days.

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    cuttersjock  about 9 years ago

    …did you say showered????

    P3- Kenzie now looking sort of like a young Joan Cusack…

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  10. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 9 years ago

    I doubt the rugby players learned how to play by watching videos. You have to learn by doing, and it helps having someone watch and give pointers. Film is mainly for scouting other teams and watching your own team/self to see what you should be doing different. Yes? And speaking of film, there’s some fascinating video of me creating today’s Mopped Up Thorp. I’ll try to upload it later for novice comic strip hackers to study.

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    twainreader  about 9 years ago

    This episode almost doesn’t need comment. What a soft pitch to hit. Here, young lady, I have some,…videos for you to watch. You’ll what your coach wants from her girls. Tomorrow, I have a “special assignment”.

    Excuse me, Pogoreader needs to go cool down. This is the best GT story ever!!!

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  12. P1010044
    Lukebunkin   about 9 years ago

    Either Mimi is wearing a poorly fitted wig or shes wearing a strange-ass headband!D. Trump

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  13. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 9 years ago

    The best will be in their opener when Mimi talks about them improving their field goal percentage and Menzie does one of these:

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  14. Wmac
    wmac8898  about 9 years ago

    Mimi has a Megan Kelly thing going on in P2.

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  15. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  about 9 years ago

    I can somewhat relate to Ken-Z’s situation since I was a basketball player who played (club) rugby for a season. I do recall having no idea what was going on at times and learning the hard way that I’m somewhat claustrophobic. Can’t remember intentionally hitting other players in the face in either sport.

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  16. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  about 9 years ago

    What happens if Kenzie hits the game winner against bitter rival Valley Tech, her Amazonian mates are singing her praises and she shouts, “Let’s celebrate. Elephant Walk!” For Rugby players, it’s a team bonding exercise.

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    twainreader  about 9 years ago

    @ Ellis and Luke (sounds like the Real McCoys): The hair style is also called a Holly D. All she ever wanted was a part.

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    twainreader  about 9 years ago

    @EllisburkesMacHales Navy

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    twainreader  about 9 years ago

    Barbara Stanwyck in Big ValleyMickey Mouse in the Mickey Mouse Club

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