Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 25, 2016
woman: dinner's in the oven, boys. mr. gray and i won't be back until very late. mr. gray: or very early. woman: oh, you!! gunther: i guess it's nice to see them happy together... quill: yeah. at least someone is gunther: uh-oh. you and luann still aren't talking? what's the problem? quill: we aren't talking
JayBluE about 9 years ago
“Well….therein lies the problem, Jimmy……”
Kymberleigh about 9 years ago
If they’re dating, why doesn’t Mrs. Berger use Mr. Gray’s first name?
JayBluE about 9 years ago
“Talk Show”“Arrêter de Parler”“Silence, Sil Vous Plait”“Windows And Walls” (♫)“The Sound Of Silence’ (♫)
“Reticence And Sensibility”“A Hot And Heavy Cold War”“Hit The Mute Button”“Mission Impasse-able”
or“One Good Taciturn Deserves Another”
CR7hater about 9 years ago
“normal” reaction at this point would to call Tiffany for another “biology” session … but nothing is normal in Luanniverse, is it?
luann1212 about 9 years ago
Ah, new arc. Can’t wait to see the comment on this one.
Templo S.U.D. about 9 years ago
Seems like there’s going to be some guy talk about one guy’s girl problems. Good luck, Gunther, on giving Quill some advise.
live2read about 9 years ago
Why is the next day’s strip taking so long to load? I live here in the Central time zone and it used to load about 20-30 minutes after midnight. Now, it’s loading an hour later. What’s up with that?
SF1972 about 9 years ago
Note how Gunther can finally see his mother with Mr. Gray without getting angry.
Good for you, Gunther.
wreck it ralph about 9 years ago
Does MR. Gray even have a first name.
BobCu about 9 years ago
Gunther will fix the problem.
Caldonia about 9 years ago
This is gonna get stupid in a hurry!
Caldonia about 9 years ago
When you walk away during an argument, Quill, you’re saying you don’t want to talk. Remember doing that?
Ida No about 9 years ago
New poll up: Mr. Gray is…
Food style?1) 7 votes – Italian.2) 7 votes – Other3) 3 votes -French.4) 3 votes – Tex-Mex.5) 1 votes – McDonald’s.Other: Surf& turf; Homestyle like Thanksgiving or Christmas, served like a buffet; Weenie World wedding-dogs (2 votes); Bland – to match the chemistry the couple has; Vegan or Vegetarian; Greek; Gormet burgers to please Brad. Green salad to please Toni.
blunebottle about 9 years ago
Serves him right.
notbornyesterday about 9 years ago
I think Mister Grey uses more than “stimulating” conversation to keep such late hours; he is from Vegas after all.
reedkomicks Premium Member about 9 years ago
Gunther can now return the favor when Quill helped him with Rosa. Although I hope things turn out better with Luann.
Flash Gordon about 9 years ago
I want more Gunther and Tiffany.
Ruth Brown about 9 years ago
Did Mr. Gray say something about a favor and February? ruly I cannot remember. Glad Gunther is mellowing about it, but get rid of the plaid shirt buttoned to the neck, please.
Peabody429 about 9 years ago
Mrs. Berger looks really happy, she’s probably getting lots of action.
sarazan7 about 9 years ago
Frankly, with all this angst with Luann and Quill, I’d rather see what’s going on with Mrs.Berger and Mr. Gray. I’m sure it wouldn’t be as tedious.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 9 years ago
Hear THAT, G-Man? Pretty-Boy and Luann “aren’t talking!”
NOW, Is YOUR Chance to DESTROY That POINTLESS “Relationship” ONCE And For ALL!
cynickle about 9 years ago
Luann doesn’t deserve Quill. Her unfounded (to this point) hyper-jealousy is ruining their relationship.
æ² about 9 years ago
I want to see where this one leads, with Gunth in the mix. Might be interesting.
Airman about 9 years ago
Hope Tiffany doesn’t dump Gunther when she sees that Quill is unattached for the moment. Thank goodness I have been extracted from that awful Toni-Brad wedding story line.
Schrodinger's Dog about 9 years ago
Did Mr. Gray’s picture make “The Wall” ?
Luanaphile about 9 years ago
Please comment on the strip, rather than making juvenile attacks on commenters. If you disagree just explain why. Thanks.
PackerBronco about 9 years ago
Why do I feel I’m reading the origin story of “Psycho”?
dre7861 about 9 years ago
Really Dude, it’s a frigging comic strip. Get your mind out of the gutter.
3pibgorn9 about 9 years ago
Exactly. They’re not talking. To each other. And listening to each other.
Sheila Hardie about 9 years ago
They’re acting like they are in middle school.
cheap_day_return about 9 years ago
Time to move on, Quill.
Argy.Bargy2 about 9 years ago
-The anger is apparently gone, too
I’m glad that anger is gone. There was nothing positive about it for Gunther.
Pointspread about 9 years ago
Seems like every guy in this strip needs help with his hair, except Mr G who has none. Brads is the worst, but they all need help. Maybe Tiff could start a business doing make overs for these people. They must have money to pay her since most of them don’t work…
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 9 years ago
Imp… the inuendo from Mr. Gray was indeed a bit surprising, but very funny too! I hope your suggestion of Gunther’s mean, grouchy reactions about Mr. Gray having subsided do CONTINUE. However, I still think that they may very easily and quickly flare back up.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 9 years ago
But Imp…. having everyone act like they are in middle school is far, far better (IMO) than the other common comedic potential:The adults act like they are either a) in middle school or b) that they are clueless doofuses and the little kids all act mature beyond their years and are wisen-heimers (Think about Gary Coleman’s character in “Different Strokes” for an 80s example, or the multiple renditions of it in the 90s or today on the Disney Channel). It would be a far, far worse situation if Shannon were to become an all-knowing, adult-talking character as a foil to the doofus adults. So… we must thank our lucky stars this has not occurred! :)
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Yesterday or the day before in the comics section of this strip the all too typical failure to recognize the accomplishments of women and otherwise weight women in an equal way with men came up. The topic was basically how misogyny is so ingrained that its presence is not even realized, and how revelations of that tendency show up in comments upon comic strips which feature females. In this regard, there are parallels in others forms of bias such as racism as well. Last night and today a current example well illustrates this. Sadly, Worsley dies before finishing his cross Antartica endeavor. You know that. It is all over the news.Yesterday there was a different venture, one in which four people SUCCESSFULLY ROWED ACROSS THE PACIFIC. Imagine rowing for the better part of a year, two hours on and two hours off. The four people who have done this for the first time for anyone happen to be female. They also did it to benefit two charities. So far i have not found that amazing feat mentioned in any of the U.S. news groupings on line, and it has not been on the two U.S. Mainstream news stations i have tried.
doverdan about 9 years ago
This strip seems rather busy to me..Don’t know why.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
I think that her use of “Mr. Gray” is a signal that she is keeping the relationship between the two current men in her life formal. Yet, she is clearly happy. There may be fears attached to a possible new committment: might Gunther have qualms if they get serious, might he or she feel that such progress could be unfair to their lost one, etc. Even economic considerations come into play, but in second marriages after widowing it is normal to have premarital agreements to protect the offspring.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
For those who want a bit more on the rowers:
From this i learned that one of the four spots rotated. The other three rowed the full way. There are other interesting pieces of info.
These also had interesting info<>
Jim Kerner about 9 years ago
And the TSA and the body scan.
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Looks like Mrs. Berger and Mr. Gray are going to have a wild and crazy time. I guess Gunther is resigned to that by now. He can, meanwhile, lose himself in hearing Quill’s woes and offering gems of wisdom from his experience….
krys723 about 9 years ago
Gunther…I’m still mad about what you did. Tiffany is the better choice!!
drewpamon about 9 years ago
Am I the only one for whom Mr. Grey reminds me of Mr. Morton from schoolhouse rock.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Thanks, JPuzzleWhiz! That is a big improvement. Hopefully, other news sources will take note.
SactoSylvia about 9 years ago
Let the convergence begin!
Argythree about 9 years ago
Ruff Ruff about 9 years ago
1. I’ll bet Mr. Gray will call on Frank to use the joint for a wedding.2. I’m anticipating Aaron Hill to come back and sweep Luann up. There have been hints about Quill, as likable as he is cast..Kinda seems like Greg is slowly angling toward hooking everyone up before he turns it in.