For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 21, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago

    so much for Annie relaxing

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    Asharah  about 9 years ago

    Didn’t they have answering machines in those days?

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    KenTheCoffinDweller  about 9 years ago

    When I was young we had a neighbor who used to do that. Moms would look out in the yard and see the neighbor’s kids playing out there all alone. When asked who they were playing with the answer would be “nobody, Mommy said to go play at your house for awhile”.

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    eelee  about 9 years ago

    Lynn’s Comment*Another example of: "If it didn’t happen, it should have.

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    Oceanic  about 9 years ago

    You couldn’t hardly keep us kids indoors when we were young. I lit out at daylight with a little something to eat in my hand to go exploring, climb a tree and read a paperback book, go riding, play in creeks, and catch bugs and tiny critters. In winter we’d go sledding until we were blue with cold, come in to warm up and get new pants/mittens on, and out we went again!

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    Alphaomega  about 9 years ago

    Annie should have waited a bit, before jumping in the tub, to let the kids get settled in at Ellie’s.A responsible mother will alway’s answer the phone when her kids are farmed out somewhere.

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    Alphaomega  about 9 years ago

    Annie should have waited a bit, before jumping in the tub, to let the kids get settled in at Ellie’s.A responsible mother will alway’s answer the phone when her kids are farmed out somewhere.

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    summerdog86  about 9 years ago

    Actually, Annie should have called Ellie and asked nicely if the kids could come over, because she needed a break. Just for an hour….

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    wherehaveallthetalentedartistsgone  about 9 years ago

    Trouble is when these days are over you miss them terribly.

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    USN1977  about 9 years ago

    Since when did Elly open a daycare center? Sounds a lot like those kids were dumped at the doorstep without notice and Elly was expected to watch them for free.

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    loner34  about 9 years ago

    Like Oceanic said…Ahhh! Who knew we were going to be one of the last free-range-kid generations. I’m glad I got to experience it, too.

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    lightenup Premium Member about 9 years ago

    That was inconsiderate of Anne. Unless I have arranged it myself with another parent, I am available, no matter what. That’s rude to tell my kids to go to another house while I go take a bath/take a nap/go shopping, etc.

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