Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for February 19, 2016

  1. 5v65o35x13n83of3pfbaq59a7b680210e10f0
    TheBrownStarfish  about 9 years ago

    From the way Leisl is dressed, and with Menzie’s arm around her, it would appear that Menzie has yet to decide between Maxwell and Leisl. That little skirt might just make that decision easier. Oh, and why doesn’t Leisl have any books in P1?

    What didn’t you expect until college, getting hit on by men and women?

    Looks like the teacher learned to write at the same school as the bird from Peanuts.

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  2. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  about 9 years ago

    It appears that Kenzie’s books have somehow become melded with her left arm. Perhaps a metaphor for learning as an extension of her very being. Yes, that must be it.

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    Mr Reality  about 9 years ago

    In all reality , P 3 Leslie is rocking the Fit Bits must be some kind of cheap knockoff . Reminds me of the Watch Guy who used to roam Maxwell Street in Chicago with an armful of watches that " just fell off the truck " selling them cheap.

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  4. P1010044
    Lukebunkin   about 9 years ago

    The past 2 weeks reminds me of Donger courting “Big American Girl” in Sixteen Candles. Leisl, be sure not to loan your underwear to a freshman geek
or Dory!

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  5. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  about 9 years ago

    HooDad has kept the Thorpmaniacs daily with Kaz MIA. Lest we forget about our favorite punching bag, Moonpie. Since Holly Dobbs left him high and ahem, dry, we haven’t seen Marty but a couple of times since his date with Johnny Walker. While walking the dog last evening, I couldn’t help but think of Marty while this song played in my head.
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  6. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  about 9 years ago

    Leisl does have her books. Notice the backpack straps.

    What I’m trying to figure is when she hit a growth spurt so that she’s only half a head shorter than someone over 6’ tall.

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  7. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 9 years ago

    All this basketball that we never see is slimming Menzie down, as it appears in P1. Although she is looking rather brutish in P3, so who knows. And speaking of knowing, I know you are about to visit Mopped Up Thorp to check out today’s feature.

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  8. P1010044
    Lukebunkin   about 9 years ago

    Michigan History magazine did a nice job on Goose Lake a year or so ago, if you haven’t seen it, worth the effort.Kick out the jams!

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    chiphilton  about 9 years ago

    “I don’t know what to DO” sounds like a cry of desperation. OK, they met at the Bucket. And I guess they’ve had a date. Everyone is acting like they’re going to be married next week. Help me out here — I went to an all-boys school and we didn’t have this kind of drama. Would two students going on a date be considered this fascinating, and would people act like one date made them a couple?

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    chiphilton  about 9 years ago

    I can add this — when my daughters were in high school they would talk of people who dated for three weeks as “breaking up.”

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    Chief Illiniwek  about 9 years ago

    This story line is boring me to tears. Where is the drama?

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    twainreader  about 9 years ago

    @The Brown Star Fish: She thought she’d have to wait for college to meet a girl with a handlebar mustache. Is Liesl Italian, Greek, or Albanian?

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    kdizzle  about 9 years ago

    RIP Harper Lee – she wrote a book that @BitsyTwill won’t allow me to mention.

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    cuttersjock  about 9 years ago

speaking of Kaz being MIA, how long since we had a good ol’ gratuitous shower reference, Mop? With this story line, what do we have to lose?

    Maybe Kaz has been re-grouting for the last 118 days

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    twainreader  about 9 years ago

    @chiphilton: yes, like that School Bu

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    seniorscrub  about 9 years ago

    Leisl to Menzie in P4 “
..and you don’t really blow

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  17. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  about 9 years ago

    Hey I threw a “TKAM” barb the other day and it got ignored. Am I the new ‘whiz’?

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    twainreader  about 9 years ago

    P-3: :Leisl wears her wrist jewelry to track events. She’s entered in the Bangle Dash

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