Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 05, 2016
Rat: I hear you went to the Dodgers/Giants game. What was the score? Pig: Giants one. Dodgers two. Rat: How can they both win? Pig: They didn't. I said the Giants had one. Rat: And the Dodgers, too? Pig: Right. Rat: That makes no sense. Did you at least happen to see how many runs the Padres scored in their game? Pig: Four. Rat: For my bet. I have big money on them. Pig: Then I hope that's the number you needed. Rat: What's the number I needed? Pig: I just told you. If you don't believe me, ask my German friend, Hans. Rat: Fine. Do you know how many runs the Padres scored? Hans: Nein. Rat: You said it was four something. Pig: You said it was for something. Rat: Dude, just gimme the right Dodgers/Giants score and I'll buy you your stupid lunch, unless you already had foot at the game. Pig: Ate nothing. Rat: Who had nothing? Pig: Me. Rat: Ahhhhhhhhhh. Pig: I was too upset the Dodgers had won.
BE THIS GUY almost 9 years ago
Abbott and Costello are rolling over in their graves.
water_moon almost 9 years ago
Agreed, they are aggrieved.
Queen of America Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It’s not “Who’s on first” but I liked it anyway.
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
I was expecting the usual Sunday pun. What a surprise.
Bilan almost 9 years ago
Pig’s next line: Give me Ham on five and hold the mayo.
Sherlock Watson almost 9 years ago
Max Starman Jones almost 9 years ago
Reflecting the general pleasure of the commenters so far on an “Abbot and Costello-ish” piece of baseball humor.
Me3000 almost 9 years ago
does every/anyone here know, much like Michael Jackson and his moon walk, Abbot and Castillo hardly created this gag?
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
Rather a nice turn on a typical Abbott and Costello-type routine. Nicely played, Rat and Pig! How long did Cartoon-Boy make you guys rehearse for this show?
juicebruce almost 9 years ago
Satchel and Bucky are doing the same theme over at “Get Fuzzy”
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 9 years ago
“Stay out of the infield!”
lockwood53 almost 9 years ago
Sandfan almost 9 years ago
Very funny and truly evil, Pastis.The abundance of homophones, oxymorons, and incongruities must make English an extremely difficult language to learn.
“I just want to say just a few words about stewardii. They have… (he is interrupted by crowd shreik of laughter)Stewardii is plural for Stewardess. Uh…I think there are many incongruities in the English language as far as plurals are concerned. For example, it seems to me that the plural for Yo-yo should be Yo-yi. How about, one sheriff; several sheriffim. Um…one goof; a group of geef; uh…one Kleenex, several Kleenices; one Blouse, two Blice ……..Two Jackii.” ~Shelley Berman
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago
The great thing about these routines is that they are timeless and don’t need a lot of swearing to be funny.
Chad Cheetah almost 9 years ago
Cameron1988 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
too bad Rat can’t read word balloons
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Very nice.
ekw555 almost 9 years ago
I guess Rat’s smartphone is broken?
Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Thomas R. Williams almost 9 years ago
Stephen is a baaaa-ad boy.
Plods with ...™ almost 9 years ago
Aficionado almost 9 years ago
Bravo, Steph!
ksu71 almost 9 years ago
bsqnbay almost 9 years ago
Well done SP!!!
Dippy almost 9 years ago
Wait… why did Rat ask about the Padres in panel 7?
Rotary12 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
You gotta love Abbot and Costello.
dmattoon Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Difference is: Abbott and Costello were funny when they did it-
chris_o42 almost 9 years ago
That was awesome! If I had a hat, I would take it off in honor of some fantastic wordplay!
A_NY_Outlaw almost 9 years ago
It’s the Pastis version of Who’se on First.
jbmlaw01 almost 9 years ago
Well done.
jackhs almost 9 years ago
Dodgers won by one. That’s the main thing.
I am not a Giants fan.
Alida_L almost 9 years ago
LOL!!!! Classic. sort of like the old Who’s on first.
Ginny Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Any time someone in this era channels Abbott and Costello is a really fine day, maties!
3pibgorn9 almost 9 years ago
Number Three almost 9 years ago
They have internet, right? He could just Google the score, right?xxx
Fibbermcgee Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Don’ forget “you’re 40 an she’s 10” another classic.
funny_jack almost 9 years ago
Very Clever Esteban….. I liked it a bunch….
bookworm0812 almost 9 years ago
A true Abbott and Costello those two.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 9 years ago
This wasn’t funny when Abbot and Costello did it, and it’s not funny now.
sevenfeet0 almost 9 years ago
“I dunno!” “THIRD BASE!!!”
falcon_370f almost 9 years ago
“…I said I don’t give a darn!” “Oh, that’s our Shortstop.”
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 9 years ago
Anytime we get the Dodgers beating the jints is fine with me.
Ugly Duck almost 9 years ago
Great tribute!
chriscc63 almost 9 years ago
Goat (from PBS) over 4 years ago
why does rat ask how many runs the padres scored, they are irrelevent to the giants-dodgers game
DragonNerd about 4 years ago
Dodgers Dodgers Dodgers