Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 21, 2016
Lupin: Peep toads are out! Elvis: We go now live to Tommy! Tommy: Elvis, peep toads are nature's car alarm! (Peep, Peep, Peep) Tommy: They set each other off for hours and their beauty is deafening. (Peep, Peep, Peep) Puck: On warm nights when the peep toads are out, I like to press my nose to the screen and contemplate the majesty of nature. Puck: Sigh. (Peep, Peep, Peep, Peep) (Peep, Peep) Beatrix: Cocoa run! Elvis: How do you keep getting outside?! Beatrix: A lady never tells! Beatrix: Cocoa? Trevor: Oh, ah-no. Thank you. Dogs can't eat chocolate. Beatrix: Is that like a dog-religion thing? Beatrix: Oh. My. Cat. Don't answer that! You do not owe me an explanation! Beatrix: Tea? Trevor: I'd like that. Thank you. Lupin: I guess peep toads are alright, but I prefer these Christmas light bugs. Lupin: Makes you wonder where they're going. Puck: Yeah. Toads: Peep, Peep, Peep, Peep
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 8 years ago
There must be hundreds outside our house, You can hear them all over the neighborhood! Personally, I wish they would stop!
lopaka over 8 years ago
Bass, fiddle and tambourine. Excellent night serenade
Randallw over 8 years ago
That last panel puts me in mind of this song
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 8 years ago
Last spring, dozens collected on my porch during a rain storm. I brought three into my home and put them in a tropical terrarium. Fed them crickets, wax worms, meal worms, moths collected from around the porch lights. They settled in contentedly and chirped away whenever I turned off the lights. I loved it, found the sounds soothing and sleep inducing. Let them go in late summer to give them time to settle down for the winter. They were probably better nourished than their fend-for-themselves fellow amphibians in the neighborhood.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 8 years ago
That woodland shindig reminds me of a song from my childhood that starts off like this….
Frog went a courtin’ and he did ride, uh-huh Frog went a courtin’ and he did ride, uh-huh Frog went a courtin’ and he did ride With a sword and a pistol by his side, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
He rode right up to Miss Mousie’s door, uh-huhHe rode right up to Miss Mousie’s door, uh-huhHe rode right up to Miss Mousie’s doorGave three loud raps, and a very big roar, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.He said, "Miss Mouse, will you marry me? uh-huhHe said, "Miss Mouse, will you marry me? uh-huhHe said, "Miss Mouse, will you marry me?And oh so happy we will be, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.Solitha Premium Member over 8 years ago
This made me laugh by the 2nd panel. True story: In my days as an emergency dispatcher, I had a woman call in for police because she thought there was an alarm going off in the area.
Responding officers identified the source as many loud, happy frogs celebrating the recent rain.
Ayshela over 8 years ago
Blushing Bea is adorable.
Rocky Premium Member over 8 years ago
This is one of the most pleasant, uplifting, yet funny comics that I follow.
She Mc over 8 years ago
Lovey! thanks x
up2trixx over 8 years ago
Peepers (we don’t call them peep toads here, we call them spring peepers) are one of my favourite sounds in the world. They start just about as soon as the ice is out of the ponds and that means spring has finally arrived. They go right into June, and they can be deafening, but it’s a good kind of deafening. One of the best nights of the year is that first night it’s warm enough to open the windows at night and let their sound in.
Bfrpa over 8 years ago
momma-tink over 8 years ago
Poor Elvis, Bea puts his protection mode into overdrive :)
Wichita1.0 over 8 years ago
We used to have frogs in the lot behind our house. Then they put in condos…
prrdh over 8 years ago
Isn’t there supposed to be a cow jumping over the moon?
prrdh over 8 years ago
A batrachian Woodstock!
scaeva Premium Member over 8 years ago
Re: Cats, dogs, chocolate, and caffeine (including tea).
All bad for the critturs. However—
Never let reality get in the way of a good story.
dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago
That last panel:“Son of a gun, We’ll have good funOn the bayou!”
poppet bear over 8 years ago
Despite all the housing construction in our area we still have lots of frogs peeping away on spring nights. It was my boy’s first experience of peeps this year, they had their noses pressed into the window screen trying to figure out where the noise was coming from☺
dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago
Georgia, you got me again. Bea’s exchange with the dog. I have often observed animal etiquette and marveled at it. The best example, which I get to observe often and it makes me smile every time, is this: we are surrounded by five fenced-in yards, all with multiple dogs. On one side we have a newly-arrived youngster with springs in his legs, a yard to protect and a point to make with EVERYONE. When he sees our two out he LEAPS about the yard giving one and all whatfor. Until they stop to do their business, at which point he promptly sits down quietly until they finish, whereupon he resumes. It is hysterical! On the other side is a delightful dog with whom they politely swap piddle messages on the fence. That also makes me smile. I LOVE your celebration of the beauties, or, as Puck so beautifully put it, the majesty of nature.
CeeJay over 8 years ago
Peep toads? The first thing that came to my mind was a marshmellow treat shaped like a toad.
Rick Daly over 8 years ago
Where’s the banjo???? :-)
Its_Called_College over 8 years ago
This strip is so cute :) It makes my soul happy
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
This is the best strip ever!
tracybsmith over 8 years ago
WaffleMonster42 over 8 years ago
Baba mouse can play the vilon?
pam Miner over 8 years ago
I love the mice girls. When will the boy mice come to visit them? We need boat-loads of little pinkies.
Dr_PigglesWorth over 7 years ago
Cats really shouldn’t have chocolate either
BillJackson1 about 7 years ago
All the strips are excellent, but this one is my favorite. It’s magic.
BenjaminSilversten over 4 years ago
Not only can cats not have chocolate, but they wouldn’t want it, as they can’t taste sweetness.
Aspen_Bell over 2 years ago
In my day [creak] asking why someone doesn’t want chocolate or bread or whatever was a way of being polite and showing concern about the person’s health. These things change over the years and different cultures have different standards about it (as shown in the 1946 Anna and the King of Siam ).